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Crossplane CLI


Here's the one-liner to install latest released version:

curl -sL | bash

You can install a specific release with the following command:

curl -sL"${RELEASE}"/ | RELEASE=${RELEASE} bash

Installing from source

If you have the source repository checked out, installing is simple as long as you have golang installed:

make build
make install


If you followed the installation process above, you can remove everything with:

rm /usr/local/bin/kubectl-crossplane*


To release a new version of crossplane-cli, follow the instructions in .goreleaser.yml.


Package commands

kubectl crossplane package init 'myname/mysubname'
kubectl crossplane package build
kubectl crossplane package publish
kubectl crossplane package install 'myname/mysubname'
kubectl crossplane package generate-install 'myname/mysubname' | kubectl apply --namespace mynamespace -f -
kubectl crossplane package list
kubectl crossplane package uninstall 'myname-mysubname'

Registry commands

kubectl crossplane registry login ''

Pack command

The pack command wraps Kubernetes manifests in a KubernetesApplication so that they can easily be deployed to remote clusters.


# Wrap helm chart output in KubernetesApplication
helm template crossplane -n crossplane-system crossplane/crossplane-alpha | kubectl crossplane pack -

# Wrap manifests in file in KubernetesApplication
kubectl crossplane pack -f ./deployment/mycoolconfig.yaml

Trace command

Trace command aims to ease debugging and troubleshooting process by providing a holistic view for a particular object. It finds the relevant objects for a given one and provides detailed information.

kubectl crossplane trace TYPE[.GROUP] NAME [-n| --namespace NAMESPACE]


# Trace a KubernetesApplication
kubectl crossplane trace KubernetesApplication wordpress-app-83f04457-0b1b-4532-9691-f55cf6c0da6e -n app-project1-dev

# Trace a MySQLInstance
kubectl crossplane trace MySQLInstance wordpress-mysql-83f04457-0b1b-4532-9691-f55cf6c0da6e -n app-project1-dev

# Graph output, which can be visualized with graphviz as follows.
kubectl crossplane trace KubernetesApplication wordpress-app-83f04457-0b1b-4532-9691-f55cf6c0da6e -n app-project1-dev -o dot | dot -Tpng > /tmp/output.png

For more information, see the trace command documentation.

Quick Start: Packages

This guide will show you the basics for using the Packages CLI to create and develop a package with a basic controller that responds to a certain type of object.

This guide uses kubebuilder version 2, but other approaches can be used too.

Excluding installing prerequisites, it'll take about 5 minutes!

Install prerequisites

The workflow for working with a package assumes that you have a few things installed:

make and bash are probably already installed if you're using a Unix-like environment or MacOS.

Installing Kubebuilder

Instructions to install kubebuilder come from the kubebuilder quick start, but are reproduced here for convenience.

os=$(go env GOOS)
arch=$(go env GOARCH)

# download kubebuilder and extract it to tmp
curl -sL${os}/${arch} | tar -xz -C /tmp/

# move to a long-term location and put it on your path
# (you'll need to set the KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS env var if you put it somewhere else)
sudo mv /tmp/kubebuilder_2.0.0_${os}_${arch} /usr/local/kubebuilder
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/kubebuilder/bin

Install CLI

Installing the kubectl plugins is pretty simple.

Copy the plugins to somewhere on your PATH. If you have /usr/local/bin on your PATH, you can do it like this:

RELEASE=master && curl -sL"${RELEASE}"/ | RELEASE=${RELEASE} bash

Init project folder

First you'll need a folder to work with. Initializing it probably looks something like the following:

mkdir helloworld
cd helloworld
git init

Init Kubebuilder project

Once the project is initialized, we'll set it up as a kubebuilder project.

Create a kubebuilder v2 project

If your project is within the GOPATH, you can do:

GO111MODULE=on kubebuilder init --domain

If your project is not within the GOPATH, you need to do an extra step first. See the kubebuilder quick start guide for more details.

The instructions in this guide will use GO111MODULE=on in front of all of the kubebuilder commands, but it could also be set once at the beginning with export GO111MODULE=on, or set in other ways.

Create an API

Next, create an API using kubebuilder:

yes y | GO111MODULE=on kubebuilder create api --group samples --version v1alpha1 --kind HelloWorld

Initialize the package project

Once the project is initialized as a kubebuilder project and the plugins are installed, we can initialize the project as a package project using the crossplane package init command.

From within the project directory:

kubectl crossplane package init --cluster 'crossplane-examples/hello-world'

Set up the Hello World

Now we'll add some custom functionality to our controller.

Add a "Hello World" log line to the kubebuilder controller, which should be in the controllers/ directory:

	// your logic here
	r.Log.V(0).Info("Hello World!", "instance", req.NamespacedName)

Build kubebuilder stuff

First, we'll want to build the binaries and yamls in the regular way.

GO111MODULE=on make manager manifests

Validate the package locally

During development, we'll often be building and testing our package locally. The local validation section shows us how we would do that.

These local scenarios will attempt to run a local Docker registry in your Kubernetes cluster to help with publishing your Package image for local testing scenarios. This local validation flow has been tested and verified with the following software:

  • Docker Desktop with Kubernetes v1.15.5 enabled
  • Crossplane v0.7.0 installed into Docker Desktop's Kubernetes cluster

Build package and publish locally

Once the (kubebuilder) project is built in the normal way, we want to bundle it all into a package and publish the image locally:

kubectl crossplane package build local-build

Install package locally

When the package is built, the next step is to install it into our Crossplane:

kubectl crossplane package install --cluster 'crossplane-examples/hello-world' 'crossplane-examples-hello-world' localhost:5000

This can also be done using the sample local package install that the init command generates, but it's a good habit to use the install command.

Create an object for the package to manage

Once the package is installed into our Crossplane, we can use one of the sample objects to create an object that the package will respond to.

kubectl apply -f config/samples/*.yaml

Check the package's output

Once the object has been created, we expect the controller to do something in response! In our case, we expect it to log a message.

We can check whether the controller is running and logging messages using a kubectl get to identify the pod running the controller, followed by a kubectl logs to read the logs of that pod:

$ kubectl get pods -A | grep hello-world | grep -v Completed
default             crossplane-examples-hello-world-65d5c59976-vzppd   1/1     Running     0          91s
$ kubectl logs crossplane-examples-hello-world-65d5c59976-vzppd | grep 'Hello World'
2019-08-28T23:37:51.795Z	INFO	controllers.HelloWorld	Hello World!	{"instance": "default/helloworld-sample"}

That's it! We've finished writing, building, and locally validating a package!

Remove the package

When we're done with the package and want to remove it and all its resources, we can uninstall it by name:

kubectl crossplane package uninstall --cluster 'crossplane-examples-hello-world'

How to build for external publishing

After we finish developing a package locally, we may want to publish it to an external registry. This section shows the commands to do that.

Build package

To build the package, we use the build subcommand once the binaries and generated yamls have been built:

kubectl crossplane package build

Run publish

Once the package is built, we can use the publish subcommand to publish it to the registry:

# You may need to log into dockerhub or the docker registry that the
# image is being pushed to. If that's the case, run:
# $ docker login
kubectl crossplane package publish


Installing the package can be done with a sample which was generated for us by the init that we ran earlier, but it's a little easier to use the install command:

kubectl crossplane package install --cluster 'crossplane-examples/hello-world'


Installing the package can be done with some sample yaml which was generated for us by the init that we ran earlier, but it's a little easier to use the uninstall command:

kubectl crossplane package uninstall --cluster 'crossplane-examples-hello-world'

Note that uninstall uses the package's name (which has no / characters), while the install uses the image name (which uses /).


Use a different image name when building and testing a package locally

PACKAGE_IMG=myprefix/myothername kubectl crossplane package build
PACKAGE_IMG=myprefix/myothername kubectl crossplane package publish

Build locally with an overridden install.yaml

We can specify a different build target to run:

kubectl crossplane package build local-build

See the config/package/overrides directory for details about where the overrides live. See the package.Makefile for details about how local-build works.

Setup RBAC

We can setup extra permissions to grant access to the resources which are not part of our package. This can be done by specifying the permissions in the package definition YAML..

# Human readable title of application.
title: Sample Wordpress App
# RBAC Roles will be generated permitting this package to use all verbs on all
# resources in the groups listed below.
permissionScope: Namespaced
- crd: ""
- crd: ""
- crd: ""

For a detailed example, see here.