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Mark Croxton edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 30 revisions

Do cache

Global fragments: rendered partials, such as navigational elements, footers, sidebars and other reusable, globally visible page elements (scope="site").

Addressable pages: the unique output of individual pages in your site, where the URI alone is sufficient to generate all possible interaction states ("URI addressability").

Don't cache

Non-global fragments: Partials that generate output that is specific to the URI or user.

Non-addressable pages: where the URI of a page alone is not sufficient to determine it's interaction state. E.g. forms that POST data, shopping carts, 404 pages.

Dynamic content: which is dependent on a user session, form action or search. E.g. Search results, logged-in member data, contact forms.

Cache planning

Build for URI addressability: as far as possible plan your site so that all interaction states are represented by a unique URI.

Stay DRY: separate out commonly used global page fragments into snippets, Low Variables or Stash embeds. Cache structured data, not marked-up data, so you can re-use the data with different markups.

Group like items: use context and/or bundles to create groups of related cached items, so that they can be targetted for cache-breaking.

Use layers: use fragment-caching inside page-caching to allow for progressive cache rebuilds and avoid 'stampedes'.

Common pitfalls, and how to avoid them

Domain aliases - Cached domain-specific absolute URLs can lead to serious complications like broken AJAX requests due to cross-domain restrictions. Ideally you should only allow access to your website via a single known domain. If you can't be sure of this, try to eliminate absolute URLs entirely from your templates.

Non-strict URLs - It's very important to ensure that your templates return a 404 if additional segments are added to the URL or an entry doesn't exist. URL variants can bloat your cache.

Fragment caching

  {!-- save a list of 5 latest jobs for an hour --}
     {exp:channel:entries channel="jobs" limit="5"}			

  {!-- Make the above a snippet or low variable and re-use --}

Page caching

With {exp:stash:cache}

  {!-- templates/default_site/blog/index.html --}
  {exp:stash:cache bundle="blog"}


     {!-- capture channel data for a single entry --}  
     {exp:channel:entries channel="blog" limit="1"}       
     {!-- this will be escaped --}   
        Hi, {screen_name}   

Or with {stash:embed}

  {!-- templates/default_site/blog/index.html --}

  {!-- stash_templates/viewmodels/base_vm.html --}

  {!-- capture channel data for a single entry --}  
  {exp:channel:entries channel="blog" limit="1"}       
  {!-- this will be escaped --}   
     Hi, {screen_name}   
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