The goals of this phase are to complete the work, and present (different aspects of) your finished project.
- Live presentation (time and location TBD)
- The following deliverables are to be submitted to your team repo:
Your presentation should include the following items (in any order you see fit):
- Product (3-5 minutes)
- Introduce your product.
- Highlight the feature(s) that make it unique (i.e. features that were not in the original handout).
- Short live demo.
- Process (3-5 minutes)
- Introduce the team - Each member should say 2-3 sentences about their individual contribution to the team.
- Mention some of the highlights of your process(es).
For example: Using GitHub, communicating, scheduling, any standards/conventions you have developed. - Tell us about difficulties you faced, working together as a team (i.e. identify some of the team's decisions that, in hindsight, caused the team to be inefficient).
- Tell us about standards/conventions/techniques that worked well for your team (i.e. identify some of the team's decisions that, in hindsight, helped the team work efficiently).
- Software Architecture (3-5 minutes)
- Run us through the way your software is built - What are its main components? What are their responsibilities? How do they interact with one another?
- Tell us about the technologies and tools that you used.
- Mention interesting technical challenges you faced, and/or interesting software techniques that you used.
Other instructions:
- Suggestion: Prepare the presentation in two steps:
- Decide what content you want to present.
- Decide how to organize the content to create a presentation with a natural flow.
- The total time of the presentation (including questions) is at most 15 minutes.
- The time limit is strict.
- During your presentation, we might ask you a question or two. Make sure you leave some time for that.
That is, you should be able to present all of the content in 12 minutes.
- It is up to you to decide which team member(s) get to present.
A short report telling us the highlights of your product.
- Max' 500 words.
- The goals of this report are:
- Inform potential users of the major product decisions you made:
- Which features (that weren't a part of the original handout) did you choose to focus on?
- How do you expect a typical user to use your product? (i.e. run us through a quick scenario or two).
- Give your TA and/or instructor some context, before they see your live presentation.
- Inform potential users of the major product decisions you made:
A reflection on the software development processes your team ended up using.
- Max' 500 words.
- Tell us about tools/techniques/conventions that worked well for your team. Explain why.
- Tell us about tools/techniques/conventions that didn't work well for your team. Explain why.
- If you had to continue working as a team, and design your process, what would your process look like?
In other words, describe an ideal process for your team, based on your experience working together.
A report describing the architecture of your program.
- Max' 500 words.
- We want to know what are the major components of your system, and how they interact with one another.
- Feel free to use diagrams.
- Choose one or two of the most significant architecture decisions you've made, and tell us:
- What was the reasoning behind these decisions?
- Do you still think these were good decisions?
For this part, each member should write a very short report that answers the following items:
- What is your most significant individual contribution?
- Tell us about a new technical concept/issue that you learned while working on the project.
- What is your main strength(s) as a team member?
- What is your main weakness(es) as a team member? (i.e. Where do you think you can/should improve?)
Please keep it short - You should answer each item in 1-3 sentences.
Although these are individual reports, we ask you to submit all the reports in a single file to the team repo.
Please follow this template.
- Team Mark (80%)
- Live presentation (20%)
- Phase4/ (20%)
- Phase4/ (20%)
- Phase4/ (20%)
- Individual Mark (20%)
- Based on (the content and presentation of) your report in
- Based on (the content and presentation of) your report in