This exercise shows how to register and deploy a model using the az ml
CLI. I'd recommend to run these commands in the Jupyter or JupyterLab's Terminal. When using your own laptop, make sure you have the CLI extension for Azure Machine Learning installed.
Let's first set the default workspace and resource group for the folder we are in. This will also include subfolders and later allows us to not always having to specify the workspace and resource group in each call.
cd azure-machine-learning-mlops-workshop/
az ml folder attach -g <your resource group> -w <your workspace name>
cd cli-deployment/
Let's first register the model using the CLI:
az ml model register --name credit-model --model-path model.pkl
The model should now show up in the Studio UI under Models
Now, we can deploy our model to Azure. We'll start with deployment to Azure Container Instances (ACI):
az ml model deploy -n credit-model-aci -m credit-model:1 --inference-config-file config/inference-config.yml --deploy-config-file config/deployment-config-aci-qa.yml --overwrite
refers to the deployment name-m
refers to the registered model and its version--inference-config-file
defines the runtime environment for our model--deploy-config-file
defines on what infrastructure the deployment should happen
We can test the ACI endpoint using the following request (make sure to replace the URL with your container's URL). You can find the same code also in test_webservice.ipynb
import requests
url = ''
test_data = {
'data': [{
"Age": 20,
"Sex": "male",
"Job": 0,
"Housing": "own",
"Saving accounts": "little",
"Checking account": "little",
"Credit amount": 100,
"Duration": 48,
"Purpose": "radio/TV"
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response =, json=test_data, headers=headers)
print("Prediction (good, bad):", response.text)
Before we can deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we first need to create a small cluster (we use DevTest
for a single node cluster):
az ml computetarget create aks --name aks-cluster --cluster-purpose DevTest
Now, we can deploy to it - only difference is that we use a differnet deployment config and are required to specify to which cluster we want to deploy:
az ml model deploy -n credit-model-aks -m credit-model:1 --compute-target aks-cluster --inference-config-file config/inference-config.yml --deploy-config-file config/deployment-config-aks-prod.yml --overwrite
defines the target AKS cluster where we want to deploy too- Rest of the parameters are the same as for ACI
Finally, we can retrieve the API key through the CLI or reveal it in the Studio UI:
az ml endpoint realtime get-keys -n credit-model-aks
We can test the AKS endpoint with the sample code in test_webservice.ipynb
We can remove the model deployments via:
az ml service delete --name credit-model-aci
az ml service delete --name credit-model-aks
And our AKS cluster via:
az ml computetarget delete -n aks-cluster
❓ Question: How does AML know which script and what conda dependencies it should deploy?
✅ See solution!
This is defined in config/inference-config.yml
, which points towards our scoring script
and our conda.yml
condaFile: config/conda.yml
❓ Question: How can we configure the deployment itself?
✅ See solution!
This is defined in config/deployment-config-aci-qa.yml
and config/deployment-config-aks-prod.yml
. The file slightly differ, but a few sections are the same:
cpu: 1
memoryInGB: 0.5
# Only one can be True
authEnabled: True
tokenAuthEnabled: False
appInsightsEnabled: True
sslEnabled: False
The config for AKS is more granular, as it allows for auto-scaling and replication of the running container(s). Full details for the AKS config can be found here. Full details for the config of ACI can be found here.
Use the provided code here to build a Azure DevOps pipeline, that deploys the model to ACI using the CLI. You can query a models latest version using LATEST_VERSION=`az ml model list -n $(model-name) --query '[0].version'`
, which will automatically assign the version number to a variable called $LATEST_VERSION
. The pipeline should do something like this:
✅ See YAML pipeline solution!
In Azure DevOps, goto Pipelines and create a new pipeline. Select Azure Repos Git
and select your project's repo. Then select Start pipeline and replace its code with the following pipeline code (alternatively, you can just point to the pipeline under cli-deployment/solution/deploy_model.yml
# Disabled for the sake of this workshop
- none
vmImage: 'ubuntu-20.04'
resourcegroup: 'aml-mlops-workshop' # replace with your resource group (same as you've used for the Service Connection)
workspace: 'aml-mlops-workshop' # replace with your workspace name (same as you've used for the Service Connection)
model-name: 'credit-model'
# Azure Resource Manager connection created during pipeline creation
aml_service_connection: 'aml_workspace'
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: 'Install the az ml CLI'
azureSubscription: '$(aml_service_connection)'
scriptLocation: inlineScript
scriptType: bash
inlineScript: |
az extension add -n azure-cli-ml
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: 'Attach folder to AML workspace (authenticate)'
azureSubscription: '$(aml_service_connection)'
scriptLocation: inlineScript
scriptType: bash
inlineScript: |
az ml folder attach -w $(workspace) -g $(resourcegroup)
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: 'Deploy model to ACI'
azureSubscription: '$(aml_service_connection)'
scriptLocation: inlineScript
scriptType: bash
workingDirectory: cli-deployment/
inlineScript: |
LATEST_VERSION=`az ml model list -n $(model-name) --query '[0].version'`
az ml model deploy -n credit-model-aci -m $(model-name):$LATEST_VERSION \
--inference-config-file config/inference-config.yml \
--deploy-config-file config/deployment-config-aci-qa.yml \
Lastly, run it and check if your model was deployed successfully.