Added notifications for new messages in inactive tabs. Fixed new messages showing up incorrectly.
In Character messages without a scene attached will now show on the IC tab when toggled
You can now automatically send In Character and Out of Character chat messages to Discord. There is one global module setting for OOC messages. IC messages can be per-scene via a Scene setting - if this is not found, it will fallback to a global IC webhook if configured in the Module Settings.
Tabbed Chat now also properly integrates with
Thanks to David Zvekic:
- Now works properly with Vance's Resizable Sidebar.
- Flush now only deletes the messages from the active TAB, leaving the messages on other tabs clean.
Thanks to mclemente:
- Polyglot messages should now correctly show / hide
Other changes:
- Chat messages can now be changed to be global instead of per-scene
- Users can now use a setting to autonavigate to a new tab when a message comes in
- Swapping off then back on to the Chat tab should now correctly highlight the active tab
- Whispers can now be treated as In Character instead of OOC