= (node) => {
const { data } = node;
+ const resourceId = data.environment.resource.id;
+ const environmentId = data.environment.id;
+ const latestActiveReleasesQ =
+ api.resource.activeReleases.byResourceAndEnvironmentId.useQuery(
+ { resourceId, environmentId },
+ { refetchInterval: 5_000 },
+ );
+ const latestActiveReleases = latestActiveReleasesQ.data ?? [];
+ const isInProgress = latestActiveReleases.some(
+ (r) => r.releaseJobTrigger.job.status === JobStatus.InProgress,
+ );
+ const isPending = latestActiveReleases.some(
+ (r) => r.releaseJobTrigger.job.status === JobStatus.Pending,
+ );
+ const isCompleted = latestActiveReleases.every(
+ (r) => r.releaseJobTrigger.job.status === JobStatus.Completed,
+ );
return (
- Environment
+ {data.label}
+ {latestActiveReleasesQ.isLoading &&
+ _.range(3).map((i) => (
+ ))}
+ {!latestActiveReleasesQ.isLoading &&
+ data.environment.deployments.map((deployment) => {
+ const latestActiveRelease = latestActiveReleases.find(
+ (r) =>
+ r.releaseJobTrigger.release.deploymentId === deployment.id,
+ );
+ return (
+ );
+ })}
diff --git a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ProviderNode.tsx b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ProviderNode.tsx
index e4184c786..90f1fe4d2 100644
--- a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ProviderNode.tsx
+++ b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ProviderNode.tsx
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export const ProviderNode: React.FC
= (node) => {
"h-2 w-2 rounded-full border border-green-500 bg-neutral-800",
data.google != null && "border-red-500 bg-red-800",
- position={Position.Top}
+ position={Position.Left}
= (node) => {
"h-2 w-2 rounded-full border border-green-500 bg-neutral-800",
data.google != null && "border-red-500 bg-red-800",
- style={{
- bottom: "0",
- left: "50%",
- transform: "translate(-50%, 50%)",
- }}
- position={Position.Bottom}
+ position={Position.Right}
diff --git a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ResourceNode.tsx b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ResourceNode.tsx
index 492252b0d..7f525939c 100644
--- a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ResourceNode.tsx
+++ b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/ResourceNode.tsx
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ResourceNode: React.FC = (node) => {
isTerraform && "border-purple-500/70",
isSharedCluster && "border-blue-500/70",
- position={Position.Top}
+ position={Position.Left}
= (node) => {
isTerraform && "border-purple-500/70",
isSharedCluster && "border-blue-500/70",
- position={Position.Bottom}
+ position={Position.Right}
diff --git a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/SystemNode.tsx b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/SystemNode.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 84ad12c5c..000000000
--- a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/(targets)/targets/[targetId]/visualize/nodes/SystemNode.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import type { NodeProps } from "reactflow";
-import { IconCategory } from "@tabler/icons-react";
-import { Handle, Position } from "reactflow";
-import colors from "tailwindcss/colors";
-export const SystemNode: React.FC = (node) => {
- const { data } = node;
- return (
- <>
- System
- >
- );
diff --git a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/DeploymentContent.tsx b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/DeploymentContent.tsx
index 54e3d54c8..3a25f81a4 100644
--- a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/DeploymentContent.tsx
+++ b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/DeploymentContent.tsx
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import { api } from "~/trpc/react";
export const DeploymentsContent: React.FC<{ targetId: string }> = ({
}) => {
- const deployments = api.deployment.byTargetId.useQuery(targetId);
- const targetValues = api.deployment.variable.byTargetId.useQuery(targetId);
+ const resourceId = targetId;
+ const deployments = api.deployment.byTargetId.useQuery(resourceId);
+ const targetValues = api.deployment.variable.byTargetId.useQuery(resourceId);
if (!deployments.data || deployments.data.length === 0) {
return (
@@ -38,13 +39,13 @@ export const DeploymentsContent: React.FC<{ targetId: string }> = ({
- {deployment.releaseJobTrigger.release?.version ??
+ {deployment.releaseJobTrigger?.release.version ??
"No deployments"}
diff --git a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/VariablesContent.tsx b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/VariablesContent.tsx
index 597439073..419df7293 100644
--- a/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/VariablesContent.tsx
+++ b/apps/webservice/src/app/[workspaceSlug]/(app)/_components/target-drawer/VariablesContent.tsx
@@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ export const VariableContent: React.FC<{
targetId: string;
targetVariables: SCHEMA.ResourceVariable[];
}> = ({ targetId, targetVariables }) => {
- const deployments = api.deployment.byTargetId.useQuery(targetId);
- const variables = api.deployment.variable.byTargetId.useQuery(targetId);
+ const resourceId = targetId;
+ const deployments = api.deployment.byTargetId.useQuery(resourceId);
+ const variables = api.deployment.variable.byTargetId.useQuery(resourceId);
return (
}>(async (ctx) => {
- try {
- const { body, db } = ctx;
- const resource = await db
- .select()
- .from(SCHEMA.resource)
- .where(
- and(
- eq(SCHEMA.resource.identifier, body.resourceIdentifier),
- eq(SCHEMA.resource.workspaceId, body.workspaceId),
- isNull(SCHEMA.resource.deletedAt),
- ),
- )
- .then(takeFirstOrNull);
- if (!resource)
- return Response.json({ error: "Resource not found" }, { status: 404 });
- const deployment = await db
- .select()
- .from(SCHEMA.deployment)
- .innerJoin(
- SCHEMA.system,
- eq(SCHEMA.deployment.systemId, SCHEMA.system.id),
- )
- .where(
- and(
- eq(SCHEMA.deployment.id, body.deploymentId),
- eq(SCHEMA.system.workspaceId, body.workspaceId),
- ),
- )
- .then(takeFirstOrNull);
- if (!deployment)
- return Response.json(
- { error: "Deployment not found" },
- { status: 404 },
- );
- await db
- .insert(SCHEMA.deploymentResourceRelationship)
- .values(body)
- .returning();
- return Response.json(body);
- } catch (error) {
- if (error instanceof Error && error.message.includes("duplicate key"))
- return Response.json(
- { error: "Resource already associated with a deployment" },
- { status: 400 },
- );
- return Response.json(
- { error: "Failed to create relationship" },
- { status: 500 },
- );
- }
- });
diff --git a/packages/api/src/router/deployment.ts b/packages/api/src/router/deployment.ts
index dc7e18292..8132bb7fc 100644
--- a/packages/api/src/router/deployment.ts
+++ b/packages/api/src/router/deployment.ts
@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ const latestActiveReleaseSubQuery = (db: Tx) =>
name: release.name,
config: release.config,
environmentId: releaseJobTrigger.environmentId,
+ resourceId: releaseJobTrigger.resourceId,
rank: sql`ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ${release.deploymentId}, ${releaseJobTrigger.environmentId} ORDER BY ${release.createdAt} DESC)`.as(
@@ -657,10 +658,10 @@ export const deploymentRouter = createTRPCRouter({
.leftJoin(job, eq(releaseJobTrigger.jobId, job.id))
eq(resource.id, input),
+ eq(environment.id, env.environment.id),
inArray(job.status, [
@@ -670,17 +671,21 @@ export const deploymentRouter = createTRPCRouter({
.orderBy(deployment.id, releaseJobTrigger.createdAt)
+ .limit(500)
.then((r) =>
r.map((row) => ({
environment: row.environment,
system: row.system,
- releaseJobTrigger: {
- ...row.release_job_trigger,
- job: row.job,
- release: row.release,
- resourceId: row.resource.id,
- },
+ releaseJobTrigger:
+ row.release_job_trigger != null
+ ? {
+ ...row.release_job_trigger,
+ job: row.job!,
+ release: row.release!,
+ resourceId: row.resource.id,
+ }
+ : null,
diff --git a/packages/api/src/router/resources.ts b/packages/api/src/router/resources.ts
index 9f51424f6..5bbd8797d 100644
--- a/packages/api/src/router/resources.ts
+++ b/packages/api/src/router/resources.ts
@@ -359,6 +359,95 @@ export const resourceRouter = createTRPCRouter({
+ activeReleases: createTRPCRouter({
+ byResourceAndEnvironmentId: protectedProcedure
+ .input(
+ z.object({
+ resourceId: z.string().uuid(),
+ environmentId: z.string().uuid(),
+ }),
+ )
+ .meta({
+ authorizationCheck: ({ canUser, input }) =>
+ canUser
+ .perform(Permission.ResourceGet)
+ .on({ type: "resource", id: input.resourceId }),
+ })
+ .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
+ const { resourceId, environmentId } = input;
+ const rankSubquery = ctx.db
+ .select({
+ rank: sql`ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ${schema.release.deploymentId} ORDER BY ${schema.release.createdAt} DESC)`.as(
+ "rank",
+ ),
+ rankReleaseId: schema.release.id,
+ rankDeploymentId: schema.release.deploymentId,
+ })
+ .from(schema.release)
+ .as("rank_subquery");
+ return ctx.db
+ .select()
+ .from(schema.deployment)
+ .innerJoin(
+ schema.system,
+ eq(schema.system.id, schema.deployment.systemId),
+ )
+ .innerJoin(
+ schema.environment,
+ eq(schema.environment.systemId, schema.system.id),
+ )
+ .innerJoin(
+ schema.release,
+ eq(schema.release.deploymentId, schema.deployment.id),
+ )
+ .innerJoin(
+ rankSubquery,
+ and(
+ eq(rankSubquery.rankDeploymentId, schema.release.deploymentId),
+ eq(rankSubquery.rankReleaseId, schema.release.id),
+ ),
+ )
+ .innerJoin(
+ schema.releaseJobTrigger,
+ and(
+ eq(schema.releaseJobTrigger.releaseId, schema.release.id),
+ eq(schema.releaseJobTrigger.environmentId, schema.environment.id),
+ ),
+ )
+ .innerJoin(
+ schema.resource,
+ eq(schema.resource.id, schema.releaseJobTrigger.resourceId),
+ )
+ .innerJoin(
+ schema.job,
+ eq(schema.releaseJobTrigger.jobId, schema.job.id),
+ )
+ .where(
+ and(
+ eq(schema.resource.id, resourceId),
+ eq(schema.environment.id, environmentId),
+ isNull(schema.resource.deletedAt),
+ eq(rankSubquery.rank, 1),
+ ),
+ )
+ .orderBy(schema.deployment.id, schema.releaseJobTrigger.createdAt)
+ .then((r) =>
+ r.map((row) => ({
+ ...row.deployment,
+ environment: row.environment,
+ system: row.system,
+ releaseJobTrigger: {
+ ...row.release_job_trigger,
+ job: row.job,
+ release: row.release,
+ resourceId: row.resource.id,
+ },
+ })),
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
relationships: protectedProcedure
authorizationCheck: ({ canUser, input }) =>
@@ -390,7 +479,11 @@ export const resourceRouter = createTRPCRouter({
.filter((e) => isPresent(e.resourceFilter))
.map((e) =>
- environmentHasResource(ctx.db, resource.id, e.resourceFilter!),
+ environmentHasResource(
+ ctx.db,
+ resource.id,
+ e.resourceFilter!,
+ ).then((t) => (t ? { ...e, resource } : null)),
.thru((promises) => Promise.all(promises))
diff --git a/packages/db/drizzle/0042_absent_cerebro.sql b/packages/db/drizzle/0042_absent_cerebro.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a84f8cfc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db/drizzle/0042_absent_cerebro.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "job_resource_relationship" (
+ "id" uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() NOT NULL,
+ "job_id" uuid NOT NULL,
+ "resource_identifier" text NOT NULL
+--> statement-breakpoint
+DROP TABLE "deployment_resource_relationship";--> statement-breakpoint
+ ALTER TABLE "job_resource_relationship" ADD CONSTRAINT "job_resource_relationship_job_id_job_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("job_id") REFERENCES "public"."job"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action;
+ WHEN duplicate_object THEN null;
+END $$;
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "job_resource_relationship_job_id_resource_identifier_index" ON "job_resource_relationship" USING btree ("job_id","resource_identifier");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/db/drizzle/meta/0042_snapshot.json b/packages/db/drizzle/meta/0042_snapshot.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7430535f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db/drizzle/meta/0042_snapshot.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4328 @@
+ "id": "07566894-1001-4173-a3ce-f46e5b2b625e",
+ "prevId": "b49d6d8e-a24d-443d-973b-162c71b7d5e5",
+ "version": "7",
+ "dialect": "postgresql",
+ "tables": {
+ "public.account": {
+ "name": "account",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "userId": {
+ "name": "userId",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "name": "type",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "provider": {
+ "name": "provider",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "providerAccountId": {
+ "name": "providerAccountId",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "refresh_token": {
+ "name": "refresh_token",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "access_token": {
+ "name": "access_token",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "expires_at": {
+ "name": "expires_at",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "token_type": {
+ "name": "token_type",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "scope": {
+ "name": "scope",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "id_token": {
+ "name": "id_token",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "session_state": {
+ "name": "session_state",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "account_userId_user_id_fk": {
+ "name": "account_userId_user_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "account",
+ "tableTo": "user",
+ "columnsFrom": ["userId"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "cascade",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {
+ "account_provider_providerAccountId_pk": {
+ "name": "account_provider_providerAccountId_pk",
+ "columns": ["provider", "providerAccountId"]
+ }
+ },
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.session": {
+ "name": "session",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "sessionToken": {
+ "name": "sessionToken",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "userId": {
+ "name": "userId",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "expires": {
+ "name": "expires",
+ "type": "timestamp with time zone",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "session_userId_user_id_fk": {
+ "name": "session_userId_user_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "session",
+ "tableTo": "user",
+ "columnsFrom": ["userId"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "cascade",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.user": {
+ "name": "user",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "email": {
+ "name": "email",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "emailVerified": {
+ "name": "emailVerified",
+ "type": "timestamp with time zone",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "image": {
+ "name": "image",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "active_workspace_id": {
+ "name": "active_workspace_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false,
+ "default": "null"
+ },
+ "password_hash": {
+ "name": "password_hash",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false,
+ "default": "null"
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "user_active_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk": {
+ "name": "user_active_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "user",
+ "tableTo": "workspace",
+ "columnsFrom": ["active_workspace_id"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "set null",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.user_api_key": {
+ "name": "user_api_key",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "user_id": {
+ "name": "user_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "varchar(255)",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "key_preview": {
+ "name": "key_preview",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "key_hash": {
+ "name": "key_hash",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "key_prefix": {
+ "name": "key_prefix",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "expires_at": {
+ "name": "expires_at",
+ "type": "timestamp with time zone",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {
+ "user_api_key_key_prefix_key_hash_index": {
+ "name": "user_api_key_key_prefix_key_hash_index",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "expression": "key_prefix",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ },
+ {
+ "expression": "key_hash",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ }
+ ],
+ "isUnique": true,
+ "concurrently": false,
+ "method": "btree",
+ "with": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "user_api_key_user_id_user_id_fk": {
+ "name": "user_api_key_user_id_user_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "user_api_key",
+ "tableTo": "user",
+ "columnsFrom": ["user_id"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "cascade",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.dashboard": {
+ "name": "dashboard",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "name": "description",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "workspace_id": {
+ "name": "workspace_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "created_at": {
+ "name": "created_at",
+ "type": "timestamp with time zone",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "now()"
+ },
+ "updated_at": {
+ "name": "updated_at",
+ "type": "timestamp with time zone",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "dashboard_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk": {
+ "name": "dashboard_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "dashboard",
+ "tableTo": "workspace",
+ "columnsFrom": ["workspace_id"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "cascade",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.dashboard_widget": {
+ "name": "dashboard_widget",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "dashboard_id": {
+ "name": "dashboard_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "widget": {
+ "name": "widget",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "config": {
+ "name": "config",
+ "type": "jsonb",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "'{}'::jsonb"
+ },
+ "x": {
+ "name": "x",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "y": {
+ "name": "y",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "w": {
+ "name": "w",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "h": {
+ "name": "h",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "dashboard_widget_dashboard_id_dashboard_id_fk": {
+ "name": "dashboard_widget_dashboard_id_dashboard_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "dashboard_widget",
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+ },
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+ "name": "entity_role",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "role_id": {
+ "name": "role_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "entity_type": {
+ "name": "entity_type",
+ "type": "entity_type",
+ "typeSchema": "public",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "entity_id": {
+ "name": "entity_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "scope_id": {
+ "name": "scope_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "scope_type": {
+ "name": "scope_type",
+ "type": "scope_type",
+ "typeSchema": "public",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {
+ "entity_role_role_id_entity_type_entity_id_scope_id_scope_type_index": {
+ "name": "entity_role_role_id_entity_type_entity_id_scope_id_scope_type_index",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "expression": "role_id",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ },
+ {
+ "expression": "entity_type",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ },
+ {
+ "expression": "entity_id",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ },
+ {
+ "expression": "scope_id",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ },
+ {
+ "expression": "scope_type",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ }
+ ],
+ "isUnique": true,
+ "concurrently": false,
+ "method": "btree",
+ "with": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "entity_role_role_id_role_id_fk": {
+ "name": "entity_role_role_id_role_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "entity_role",
+ "tableTo": "role",
+ "columnsFrom": ["role_id"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "cascade",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.role": {
+ "name": "role",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "name": "description",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
+ "workspace_id": {
+ "name": "workspace_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "role_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk": {
+ "name": "role_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "role",
+ "tableTo": "workspace",
+ "columnsFrom": ["workspace_id"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "cascade",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.role_permission": {
+ "name": "role_permission",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "role_id": {
+ "name": "role_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "permission": {
+ "name": "permission",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {
+ "role_permission_role_id_permission_index": {
+ "name": "role_permission_role_id_permission_index",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "expression": "role_id",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ },
+ {
+ "expression": "permission",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ }
+ ],
+ "isUnique": true,
+ "concurrently": false,
+ "method": "btree",
+ "with": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "role_permission_role_id_role_id_fk": {
+ "name": "role_permission_role_id_role_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "role_permission",
+ "tableTo": "role",
+ "columnsFrom": ["role_id"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "cascade",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "public.job_agent": {
+ "name": "job_agent",
+ "schema": "",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "gen_random_uuid()"
+ },
+ "workspace_id": {
+ "name": "workspace_id",
+ "type": "uuid",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "name": "type",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
+ "config": {
+ "name": "config",
+ "type": "json",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": "'{}'"
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {
+ "job_agent_workspace_id_name_index": {
+ "name": "job_agent_workspace_id_name_index",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "expression": "workspace_id",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ },
+ {
+ "expression": "name",
+ "isExpression": false,
+ "asc": true,
+ "nulls": "last"
+ }
+ ],
+ "isUnique": true,
+ "concurrently": false,
+ "method": "btree",
+ "with": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "job_agent_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk": {
+ "name": "job_agent_workspace_id_workspace_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "job_agent",
+ "tableTo": "workspace",
+ "columnsFrom": ["workspace_id"],
+ "columnsTo": ["id"],
+ "onDelete": "no action",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "enums": {
+ "public.environment_policy_approval_requirement": {
+ "name": "environment_policy_approval_requirement",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["manual", "automatic"]
+ },
+ "public.approval_status_type": {
+ "name": "approval_status_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["pending", "approved", "rejected"]
+ },
+ "public.concurrency_type": {
+ "name": "concurrency_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["all", "some"]
+ },
+ "public.environment_policy_deployment_success_type": {
+ "name": "environment_policy_deployment_success_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["all", "some", "optional"]
+ },
+ "public.recurrence_type": {
+ "name": "recurrence_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly"]
+ },
+ "public.release_sequencing_type": {
+ "name": "release_sequencing_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["wait", "cancel"]
+ },
+ "public.resource_relationship_type": {
+ "name": "resource_relationship_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["associated_with", "depends_on"]
+ },
+ "public.release_job_trigger_type": {
+ "name": "release_job_trigger_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": [
+ "new_release",
+ "new_resource",
+ "resource_changed",
+ "api",
+ "redeploy",
+ "force_deploy",
+ "new_environment",
+ "variable_changed"
+ ]
+ },
+ "public.job_reason": {
+ "name": "job_reason",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": [
+ "policy_passing",
+ "policy_override",
+ "env_policy_override",
+ "config_policy_override"
+ ]
+ },
+ "public.job_status": {
+ "name": "job_status",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": [
+ "completed",
+ "cancelled",
+ "skipped",
+ "in_progress",
+ "action_required",
+ "pending",
+ "failure",
+ "invalid_job_agent",
+ "invalid_integration",
+ "external_run_not_found"
+ ]
+ },
+ "public.entity_type": {
+ "name": "entity_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": ["user", "team"]
+ },
+ "public.scope_type": {
+ "name": "scope_type",
+ "schema": "public",
+ "values": [
+ "release",
+ "releaseChannel",
+ "resource",
+ "resourceProvider",
+ "resourceMetadataGroup",
+ "workspace",
+ "environment",
+ "environmentPolicy",
+ "deploymentVariable",
+ "variableSet",
+ "system",
+ "deployment",
+ "job",
+ "jobAgent",
+ "runbook",
+ "resourceView"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schemas": {},
+ "sequences": {},
+ "_meta": {
+ "columns": {},
+ "schemas": {},
+ "tables": {}
+ }
diff --git a/packages/db/drizzle/meta/_journal.json b/packages/db/drizzle/meta/_journal.json
index 1fad0254c..350222db0 100644
--- a/packages/db/drizzle/meta/_journal.json
+++ b/packages/db/drizzle/meta/_journal.json
@@ -295,6 +295,13 @@
"when": 1732139824120,
"tag": "0041_smooth_tarantula",
"breakpoints": true
+ },
+ {
+ "idx": 42,
+ "version": "7",
+ "when": 1732497310450,
+ "tag": "0042_absent_cerebro",
+ "breakpoints": true
diff --git a/packages/db/src/schema/resource.ts b/packages/db/src/schema/resource.ts
index 7c5fb1164..67fdfd583 100644
--- a/packages/db/src/schema/resource.ts
+++ b/packages/db/src/schema/resource.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import type { InferInsertModel, InferSelectModel, SQL } from "drizzle-orm";
import { exists, like, not, notExists, or, relations, sql } from "drizzle-orm";
import {
- foreignKey,
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ import {
} from "@ctrlplane/validators/resources";
import type { Tx } from "../common.js";
-import { deployment } from "./deployment.js";
+import { job } from "./job.js";
import { resourceProvider } from "./resource-provider.js";
import { workspace } from "./workspace.js";
@@ -273,24 +272,17 @@ export type ResourceRelationship = InferSelectModel<
typeof resourceRelationship
-export const deploymentResourceRelationship = pgTable(
- "deployment_resource_relationship",
+export const jobResourceRelationship = pgTable(
+ "job_resource_relationship",
id: uuid("id").primaryKey().defaultRandom(),
- workspaceId: uuid("workspace_id").notNull(),
- deploymentId: uuid("deployment_id")
- .references(() => deployment.id, { onDelete: "cascade" })
+ jobId: uuid("job_id")
+ .references(() => job.id, { onDelete: "cascade" })
resourceIdentifier: text("resource_identifier").notNull(),
(t) => ({
- // Must use composite foreign key (workspace_id, identifier) instead of simple FK to identifier, as identifiers
- // are only unique per workspace. Simple FK would fail with "no unique constraint" error
- resourceFk: foreignKey({
- columns: [t.resourceIdentifier, t.workspaceId],
- foreignColumns: [resource.identifier, resource.workspaceId],
- }).onDelete("cascade"),
- uniq: uniqueIndex().on(t.workspaceId, t.resourceIdentifier),
+ uniq: uniqueIndex().on(t.jobId, t.resourceIdentifier),
diff --git a/packages/job-dispatch/src/resource/delete.ts b/packages/job-dispatch/src/resource/delete.ts
index 7ec4fa4c3..1311d869a 100644
--- a/packages/job-dispatch/src/resource/delete.ts
+++ b/packages/job-dispatch/src/resource/delete.ts
@@ -3,33 +3,19 @@ import type { Resource } from "@ctrlplane/db/schema";
import _ from "lodash";
import { eq, inArray, or } from "@ctrlplane/db";
-import {
- deploymentResourceRelationship,
- resource,
- resourceRelationship,
-} from "@ctrlplane/db/schema";
+import { resource, resourceRelationship } from "@ctrlplane/db/schema";
import { getEventsForResourceDeleted, handleEvent } from "../events/index.js";
const deleteObjectsAssociatedWithResource = (tx: Tx, resource: Resource) =>
- Promise.all([
- tx
- .delete(resourceRelationship)
- .where(
- or(
- eq(resourceRelationship.sourceId, resource.id),
- eq(resourceRelationship.targetId, resource.id),
- ),
- ),
- tx
- .delete(deploymentResourceRelationship)
- .where(
- eq(
- deploymentResourceRelationship.resourceIdentifier,
- resource.identifier,
- ),
+ tx
+ .delete(resourceRelationship)
+ .where(
+ or(
+ eq(resourceRelationship.sourceId, resource.id),
+ eq(resourceRelationship.targetId, resource.id),
- ]);
+ );
* Delete resources from the database.