From 4283de42cd16df4b85a35422ab3a17257102a737 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oliver Wolff <>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Updated documentation
.../portal-authentication-api/README.adoc | 4 +
.../portal-authentication-mock/README.adoc | 4 +
.../portal-authentication-oauth/README.adoc | 3 +-
.../portal-authentication-token/README.adoc | 4 +
modules/core/portal-common-cdi/README.adoc | 4 +
modules/core/portal-configuration/README.adoc | 5 +
.../portal-configuration/doc/ | 243 ++++--------------
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modules/core/portal-core/doc/ | 26 ++
.../portal-metrics-api/README.adoc | 4 +
.../portal-metrics-api/doc/ | 9 -
.../portal-mp-rest-client/README.adoc | 4 +
13 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 247 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 modules/core/portal-core/doc/
create mode 100644 modules/core/portal-core/doc/
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index 57a2862..e7e2fae 100644
--- a/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-api/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-api/README.adoc
@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ public class DepartmentEnricher implements PortalUserEnricher {
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Best Practices
=== Security Guidelines
diff --git a/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-mock/README.adoc b/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-mock/README.adoc
index 45555e0..3f3e38c 100644
--- a/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-mock/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-mock/README.adoc
@@ -140,6 +140,10 @@ void shouldProvideCustomUserInfo() {
* Document test scenarios
* Use meaningful user configurations
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Related Modules
* link:../portal-authentication-api/[portal-authentication-api] - Core authentication API
diff --git a/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-oauth/README.adoc b/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-oauth/README.adoc
index 23ad43c..3fce49e 100644
--- a/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-oauth/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-oauth/README.adoc
@@ -89,4 +89,5 @@ link:[p
* link:src/main/java/de/cuioss/portal/authentication/oauth/[API Documentation]
* link:src/main/java/de/cuioss/portal/authentication/oauth/impl/[Implementation Details]
-*[OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout Specification]
\ No newline at end of file
+*[OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout Specification]
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
\ No newline at end of file
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index 8aae634..63f3769 100644
--- a/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-token/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/authentication/portal-authentication-token/README.adoc
@@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ The module supports three token types, each with specific functionality:
* link:src/main/java/de/cuioss/portal/authentication/token/[ParsedIdToken]: OpenID Connect ID token for user identity
* link:src/main/java/de/cuioss/portal/authentication/token/[ParsedRefreshToken]: OAuth2 refresh token
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Security Considerations
* All token validation is performed using cryptographic signatures
diff --git a/modules/core/portal-common-cdi/README.adoc b/modules/core/portal-common-cdi/README.adoc
index ab877ee..1c39785 100644
--- a/modules/core/portal-common-cdi/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/core/portal-common-cdi/README.adoc
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ Priority-based component ordering utilities.
=== link:src/main/java/de/cuioss/portal/common/stage[stage]
Project stage management and environment configuration.
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Best Practices
=== CDI Usage
diff --git a/modules/core/portal-configuration/README.adoc b/modules/core/portal-configuration/README.adoc
index 8b77b3e..4c0ff0f 100644
--- a/modules/core/portal-configuration/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/core/portal-configuration/README.adoc
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
# Proxy Configuration (Optional)
Usage in code:
@@ -160,6 +161,10 @@ Configuration Notes:
* Proxy configuration is optional and requires both host and port to be set
* Use `failOnInvalidConfiguration = false` to handle missing or invalid configuration gracefully
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Best Practices
=== Key Naming
diff --git a/modules/core/portal-configuration/doc/ b/modules/core/portal-configuration/doc/
index 558e572..963c6ad 100644
--- a/modules/core/portal-configuration/doc/
+++ b/modules/core/portal-configuration/doc/
@@ -1,191 +1,52 @@
-# Portal Configuration Module Log Messages
-## Message Categories
-- INFO (001-099): Informational messages about normal operation
-- WARN (100-199): Warning messages about potential issues
-- ERROR (200-299): Error messages about operational failures
-- FATAL (300-399): Critical system failures
-## INFO Messages (001-099)
-### Project Stage Messages
-- **001**: Running in Production-Mode
- - Logged when the system is running in production mode
- - Level: INFO
-### System Configuration Messages
-- **003**: JVM Configuration:\n%s
- - Logged when displaying system JVM configuration
- - Parameters: Configuration properties as string
- - Level: INFO
-- **004**: Environment Configuration:\n%s
- - Logged when displaying environment configuration
- - Parameters: Environment variables as string
- - Level: INFO
-- **005**: Portal Configuration:\n%s
- - Logged when displaying portal configuration
- - Parameters: Portal properties as string
- - Level: INFO
-### File System Messages
-- **020**: Watching for file changes at path: %s
- - Logged when file watching is initialized for a path
- - Parameters: Absolute path being watched
- - Level: INFO
-## WARN Messages (100-199)
-### Authentication Messages
-- **100**: Unable to determine AuthenticationType for connection='%s' and properties, returning AuthenticationType.NONE
- - Logged when authentication type cannot be determined
- - Parameters: Connection name
- - Level: WARN
-### Project Stage Messages
-- **101**: Project stage 'development' detected. Set the property 'portal.stage' to 'production' for productive usage.
- - Logged when development mode is detected
- - Level: WARN
-- **110**: Project stage 'test' detected. Set the property 'portal.stage' to 'production' for productive usage.
- - Logged when test mode is detected
- - Level: WARN
-### Configuration Messages
-- **102**: Invalid configuration found for .type, actual '%s', expected one of '%s', defaulting to 'ConnectionType.UNDEFINED'
- - Logged when invalid connection type is configured
- - Parameters: Actual type, Expected types
- - Level: WARN
-- **120**: Invalid configuration found for Locale: %s
- - Logged when invalid locale configuration is found
- - Parameters: Invalid locale string
- - Level: WARN
-### File System Messages
-- **130**: Invalid element found, watchKey='%s', ignoring
- - Logged when invalid watch key is encountered
- - Parameters: Watch key
- - Level: WARN
-- **140**: Path '%s' %s, therefore it can not be watched
- - Logged when path cannot be watched
- - Parameters: Path, Reason
- - Level: WARN
-- **141**: Unable to read metadata for file %s
- - Logged when file metadata cannot be read
- - Parameters: File path
- - Level: WARN
-- **142**: Directory %s could not be read
- - Logged when directory cannot be read
- - Parameters: Directory path
- - Level: WARN
-### Connection Messages
-- **150**: Unable to construct ConnectionMetadata, due to %s
- - Logged when connection metadata construction fails
- - Parameters: Error message
- - Level: WARN
-### Missing Configuration Messages
-- **160**: Configuration setting for baseName is missing.
- - Logged when base name configuration is missing
- - Level: WARN
-- **161**: Missing configuration for %s detected.
- - Logged when required configuration is missing
- - Parameters: Configuration key
- - Level: WARN
-- **170**: Configuration for basic authentication is incomplete. Missing: %s
- - Logged when basic auth configuration is incomplete
- - Parameters: Missing fields
- - Level: WARN
-- **171**: Configuration for token based authentication is incomplete. Missing: %s
- - Logged when token auth configuration is incomplete
- - Parameters: Missing fields
- - Level: WARN
-## ERROR Messages (200-299)
-### Configuration Errors
-- **200**: Invalid content for '%s%s', expected a number but was '%s'
- - Logged when number configuration is invalid
- - Parameters: Config prefix, Key, Invalid value
- - Level: ERROR
-- **210**: Invalid content for '%s%s', expected one of %s but was '%s'
- - Logged when time unit configuration is invalid
- - Parameters: Config prefix, Key, Valid values, Invalid value
- - Level: ERROR
-- **212**: Could not convert input value '%s' to enum of type: %s. Reason: %s
- - Logged when enum conversion fails
- - Parameters: Input value, Enum class, Error reason
- - Level: ERROR
-- **220**: Invalid content for '%s%s', expected a boolean but was '%s'
- - Logged when boolean configuration is invalid
- - Parameters: Config prefix, Key, Invalid value
- - Level: ERROR
-- **230**: Invalid content for '%s', expected a number but was '%s'
- - Logged when number value is invalid
- - Parameters: Key, Invalid value
- - Level: ERROR
-### File System Errors
-- **240**: Unable to access File-system for detecting changes, due to '%s', use the configuration property '%s' to disable this feature
- - Logged when file system access fails
- - Parameters: Error message, Configuration property
- - Level: ERROR
-- **241**: Error while polling / accessing the file-system
- - Logged when file system polling fails
- - Level: ERROR
-- **242**: Handling fileChangedEvent failed for file %s
- - Logged when file change event handling fails
- - Parameters: File path
- - Level: ERROR
-### Connection Errors
-- **250**: Connection error for %s: %s
- - Logged when general connection error occurs
- - Parameters: Connection name, Error message
- - Level: ERROR
-- **251**: Connection timeout for %s: %s
- - Logged when connection timeout occurs
- - Parameters: Connection name, Error message
- - Level: ERROR
-- **252**: Connection refused for %s: %s
- - Logged when connection is refused
- - Parameters: Connection name, Error message
- - Level: ERROR
-- **260**: Missing connection metadata for %s
- - Logged when connection metadata is missing
- - Parameters: Connection name
- - Level: ERROR
-- **261**: Invalid connection metadata for %s
- - Logged when connection metadata is invalid
- - Parameters: Connection name
- - Level: ERROR
-- **270**: Unable to schedule given Path for tracking for changes, due to '%s'
- - Logged when path scheduling fails
- - Parameters: Error message
- - Level: ERROR
-- **280**: Unable to create SSLContext for connection '%s', due to '%s', defaulting to default ssl configuration
- - Logged when SSL context creation fails
- - Parameters: Connection ID, Error message
- - Level: ERROR
+# Log Messages for Portal Configuration Module
+All messages follow the format: PortalConfig-[identifier]: [message]
+## INFO Level (001-099)
+| ID | Component | Message | Parameters | Description |
+| PortalConfig-001 | STAGE | Running in Production-Mode | None | Indicates that the system is running in production mode |
+| PortalConfig-003 | CONFIG | JVM Configuration:\n%s | 1. JVM configuration string | Displays the current JVM configuration settings |
+| PortalConfig-004 | CONFIG | Environment Configuration:\n%s | 1. Environment configuration string | Displays the current environment configuration |
+| PortalConfig-005 | CONFIG | Portal Configuration:\n%s | 1. Portal configuration string | Displays the current portal configuration |
+| PortalConfig-020 | FILE | Watching for file changes at path: %s | 1. File path | Indicates that file watching has been initialized for the specified path |
+## WARN Level (100-199)
+| ID | Component | Message | Parameters | Description |
+| PortalConfig-100 | AUTH | Unable to determine AuthenticationType for connection='%s' and properties, returning AuthenticationType.NONE | 1. Connection name | Authentication type could not be determined for the connection |
+| PortalConfig-101 | STAGE | Project stage 'development' detected. Set the property 'portal.stage' to 'production' for productive usage | None | Warns that the system is running in development mode |
+| PortalConfig-102 | CONFIG | Invalid configuration found for .type, actual '%s', expected one of '%s', defaulting to 'ConnectionType.UNDEFINED' | 1. Actual type
2. Expected types | Invalid connection type configuration detected |
+| PortalConfig-110 | STAGE | Project stage 'test' detected. Set the property 'portal.stage' to 'production' for productive usage | None | Warns that the system is running in test mode |
+| PortalConfig-120 | CONFIG | Invalid configuration found for Locale: %s | 1. Invalid locale | Invalid locale configuration detected |
+| PortalConfig-130 | FILE | Invalid element found, watchKey='%s', ignoring | 1. Watch key | Invalid watch key encountered during file monitoring |
+| PortalConfig-140 | FILE | Path '%s' %s, therefore it can not be watched | 1. Path
2. Reason | Path cannot be monitored for changes |
+| PortalConfig-141 | FILE | Unable to read metadata for file %s | 1. File path | File metadata could not be read |
+| PortalConfig-142 | FILE | Directory %s could not be read | 1. Directory path | Directory contents could not be read |
+| PortalConfig-150 | CONN | Unable to construct ConnectionMetadata, due to %s | 1. Error reason | Connection metadata construction failed |
+| PortalConfig-160 | CONFIG | Configuration setting for baseName is missing | None | Required base name configuration is missing |
+| PortalConfig-161 | CONFIG | Missing configuration for %s detected | 1. Configuration key | Required configuration value is missing |
+| PortalConfig-170 | AUTH | Configuration for basic authentication is incomplete. Missing: %s | 1. Missing fields | Basic authentication configuration is incomplete |
+| PortalConfig-171 | AUTH | Configuration for token based authentication is incomplete. Missing: %s | 1. Missing fields | Token authentication configuration is incomplete |
+## ERROR Level (200-299)
+| ID | Component | Message | Parameters | Description |
+| PortalConfig-200 | CONFIG | Invalid content for '%s%s', expected a number but was '%s' | 1. Config prefix
2. Config key
3. Invalid value | Number configuration value is invalid |
+| PortalConfig-210 | CONFIG | Invalid content for '%s%s', expected one of %s but was '%s' | 1. Config prefix
2. Config key
3. Valid options
4. Invalid value | Time unit configuration value is invalid |
+| PortalConfig-212 | CONFIG | Could not convert input value '%s' to enum of type: %s. Reason: %s | 1. Input value
2. Enum type
3. Error reason | Enum conversion failed |
+| PortalConfig-220 | CONFIG | Invalid content for '%s%s', expected a boolean but was '%s' | 1. Config prefix
2. Config key
3. Invalid value | Boolean configuration value is invalid |
+| PortalConfig-230 | CONFIG | Invalid content for '%s', expected a number but was '%s' | 1. Config key
2. Invalid value | Number value is invalid |
+| PortalConfig-240 | FILE | Unable to access File-system for detecting changes, due to '%s', use the configuration property '%s' to disable this feature | 1. Error reason
2. Config property | File system access failed |
+| PortalConfig-241 | FILE | Error while polling / accessing the file-system | None | File system polling failed |
+| PortalConfig-242 | FILE | Handling fileChangedEvent failed for file %s | 1. File path | File change event handling failed |
+| PortalConfig-250 | CONN | Connection error for %s: %s | 1. Connection name
2. Error message | General connection error occurred |
+| PortalConfig-251 | CONN | Connection timeout for %s: %s | 1. Connection name
2. Error message | Connection timeout occurred |
+| PortalConfig-252 | CONN | Connection refused for %s: %s | 1. Connection name
2. Error message | Connection was refused |
+| PortalConfig-260 | CONN | Missing connection metadata for %s | 1. Connection name | Connection metadata is missing |
+| PortalConfig-261 | CONN | Invalid connection metadata for %s | 1. Connection name | Connection metadata is invalid |
+| PortalConfig-270 | FILE | Unable to schedule given Path for tracking for changes, due to '%s' | 1. Error reason | Path scheduling for change tracking failed |
+| PortalConfig-280 | SSL | Unable to create SSLContext for connection '%s', due to '%s', defaulting to default ssl configuration | 1. Connection name
2. Error reason | SSL context creation failed |
diff --git a/modules/core/portal-core/README.adoc b/modules/core/portal-core/README.adoc
index 706b5e9..11c4167 100644
--- a/modules/core/portal-core/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/core/portal-core/README.adoc
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ Core components and infrastructure for building enterprise portal applications.
* Resource cleanup
* Startup/shutdown coordination
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Detailed Component Documentation
=== ServletLifecycleListener
@@ -107,7 +111,6 @@ public void storeUserPreference(String key, String value) {
== Best Practices
=== Security
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deleted file mode 100644
index d40de3b..0000000
--- a/modules/core/portal-core/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Log Messages for Portal Core Module
-All messages follow the format: PortalCore-[identifier]: [message]
-## INFO Level (001-099)
-| ID | Component | Message | Description |
-| PortalCore-001 | LIFECYCLE | Initializing Context for %s | Indicates the start of context initialization for a given path |
-| PortalCore-002 | LIFECYCLE | Shutting down '%s' | Indicates the start of context shutdown for a given path |
-## WARN Level (100-199)
-| ID | Component | Message | Description |
-| PortalCore-100 | SERVLET | User not logged in for protected resource | Request failed due to missing user authentication |
-| PortalCore-101 | SERVLET | User should provide the roles %s | Request failed due to insufficient user permissions |
-| PortalCore-110 | LIFECYCLE | Error while destroying '%s' for '%s': %s | Error occurred during component destruction |
-## ERROR Level (200-299)
-| ID | Component | Message | Description |
-| PortalCore-201 | SERVLET | Could not process Request, due to %s | Indicates a request processing error with details about the cause |
-## DEBUG Level (500-599)
-| ID | Component | Message | Description |
-| PortalCore-500 | SERVLET | Disabled by configuration | Request processing skipped due to configuration settings |
-| PortalCore-510 | LIFECYCLE | ServletLifecycleListener called for '%s', initializing with order: %s | Details about initialization order for ServletLifecycleListener |
-| PortalCore-511 | LIFECYCLE | Initializing '%s' for '%s' | Component initialization in progress |
-| PortalCore-512 | LIFECYCLE | Initialize successfully called for all elements for '%s' | All components initialized successfully |
-| PortalCore-513 | LIFECYCLE | Executing applicationDestroyListener for '%s' | Starting application destroy process |
-| PortalCore-514 | LIFECYCLE | ServletLifecycleListener called for '%s', finalizing with order: %s | Details about finalization order for ServletLifecycleListener |
-| PortalCore-515 | LIFECYCLE | Destroying '%s' for '%s' | Component destruction in progress |
-| PortalCore-516 | LIFECYCLE | Finalize successfully called for all elements for '%s' | All components finalized successfully |
-| PortalCore-520 | SERVLET | Resolved hostname: %s | Successfully resolved external hostname |
-## TRACE Level (600-699)
-| ID | Component | Message | Description |
-| PortalCore-600 | SERVLET | Checking call preconditions | Starting precondition checks for request processing |
-| PortalCore-601 | SERVLET | All preconditions are ok, generating payload | Preconditions passed, proceeding with payload generation |
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..738af57
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Log Messages for Portal Core Module
+All messages follow the format: PortalCore-[identifier]: [message]
+## INFO Level (001-009)
+| ID | Component | Message | Parameters | Description |
+| PortalCore-001 | LIFECYCLE | Initializing Context for %s | 1. Context path | Context initialization started |
+| PortalCore-002 | LIFECYCLE | Shutting down '%s' | 1. Context name | Context shutdown initiated |
+## WARN Level (100-119)
+| ID | Component | Message | Parameters | Description |
+| PortalCore-100 | SERVLET | Could not process Request, because the user must be logged in for this request | None | Authentication required |
+| PortalCore-101 | SERVLET | Could not process Request, because of the condition '%s' is not met for user '%s' | 1. Condition
2. User | User lacks required condition |
+| PortalCore-102 | SERVLET | Could not process Request, because the user must be logged in for this request | None | Authentication required |
+| PortalCore-103 | SERVLET | Could not process Request, because of the condition '[%s]' is not met for user '%s' | 1. Roles
2. User | User lacks required roles |
+| PortalCore-110 | LIFECYCLE | Error during servlet context destroy | None | Context destruction failed |
+## ERROR Level (200-209)
+| ID | Component | Message | Parameters | Description |
+| PortalCore-200 | SERVLET | Could not process Request, due to %s | 1. Error details | Request processing failed |
diff --git a/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/README.adoc b/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/README.adoc
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--- a/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/README.adoc
@@ -136,6 +136,10 @@ portal.cache.user.timeunit=MINUTES
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Best Practices
=== Metric Naming
diff --git a/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/doc/ b/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/doc/
index d2f5b9c..f22a003 100644
--- a/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/doc/
+++ b/modules/micro-profile/portal-metrics-api/doc/
@@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
# Portal Metrics Module Log Messages
-## Overview
-This document describes the log messages used in the Portal Metrics module. All messages are defined as LogRecords and follow the DSL-Style Nested Constants Pattern.
-## Message Categories
-* **INFO (001-099)**: General metrics operations
-* **WARN (100-199)**: Warning conditions
-* **ERROR (200-299)**: Error conditions
## Log Messages
### INFO Level (001-099)
diff --git a/modules/micro-profile/portal-mp-rest-client/README.adoc b/modules/micro-profile/portal-mp-rest-client/README.adoc
index 0b79bb6..c2d00df 100644
--- a/modules/micro-profile/portal-mp-rest-client/README.adoc
+++ b/modules/micro-profile/portal-mp-rest-client/README.adoc
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ Module providing a builder-based approach for creating and configuring MicroProf
* Error tracking and reporting
* See link:doc/[Log Messages Documentation]
+== Documentation
+* link:doc/[Log Messages]
== Usage Examples
=== Basic REST Client