All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add , refactor fetching (110300a)
- add a couple of modals (86ac996)
- add additional roles: Bridgebuilding, Rainmaking, Videomaking (ae18b82)
- add api route for fetching data (5cfa859)
- add cards (29fe89e)
- add confirmation modal to reset/cancel actions (f3a2631)
- add dashboard link and icons to profile menu (f661dca)
- add faq section (64811fe)
- add footer (22c8ba2)
- add guests (96ea0e4)
- add guild box types and refactor player box types (4a8a6f1)
- add location (25c824e)
- add megamenu demo link (c8b1b04)
- add polygon and xdai chains when pulling DAO membership (0b3b254)
- add polygon and xdai chains when pulling DAO membership (b2d53b0)
- add pronouns input to edit form (d164de0)
- add role selector to create quest form (a74c059)
- add roles to /quests cards (ff5f5b8)
- add WTF is XP section, fix descriptions (29561d8)
- added link in profile to grid layout (8bd80db)
- added opensea api key to gcp-deploy (f3eb221)
- allow multiple embedded links (843ebfd)
- better error handling in opensea hook (3c7c590)
- better loading states (da68a8b)
- can edit roles from profile page (aba2e51)
- can edit roles from profile page (e82952b)
- default layout button (05fabc0)
- determine timezone based on user (ab0119e)
- direct user to dashboard on MetaLink click (b7a1296)
- display roles on /quest/id card (dbeffb1)
- dynamic resizing of grid items (5ab027b)
- embedded url profile section (fe03537)
- fetch rss data from -> conver to json (2f158e2)
- fetching metagame rss feed (41e83d2)
- filter by roles (59afe6f)
- get calendar data into the app (e7e4cd1)
- google data api imported (835819a)
- iframes for invest section items (3a9d8e3)
- iframes for the all possible learn section items (b49d0ee)
- implement opening of events in iframe (278dc93)
- implement the rest of modals (b7c38ae)
- install date-fns (87498f6)
- install standard version (c1115ab)
- install swr and fetch data with it (5e7f6bb)
- landing ( Improved file structure for landing page and tidied improrts (a222977)
- latest read section added (6e5fabe)
- lazy loading added for watch section of latest content (e6e3ce7)
- least surprise in failures (04a4ca5)
- least surprise in failures (1063e24)
- make list items into links (08198ec)
- make whole card clickable (7bf049e)
- moved to react-grid-layout on player/[username] (901e1cb)
- new file added for shared components (4a5f7f8)
- open modal on clicking learn more (870d79c)
- organise the pages structure (fbbc1da)
- persisting profile layout changes in hasura (19f3b7f)
- persisting profile layout changes in hasura (b00fc2a)
- player profile in react-grid-layout (f0d7ad6)
- podcast player + title + description (b3a99c3)
- profile layout edit + section add/remove (c76839f)
- remove old hacky calendar, use default google iframe calendar (fb6ebf4)
- remove old seeds pages, set up new page (006087b)
- save roles to backend (9859116)
- Seed section pulling in data from CoinGecko (f6fe5aa)
- set default cover image for guild (afb54fb)
- set real calendar data + slight refactor (aedb9c9)
- set up dashboard page (690bad1)
- set up tabs components (616a865)
- show DAOs in a modal and match NFT gallery styling (62376d0)
- show reset to default button only when changed (84c707c)
- sort filter added for leaderboard (16de20f)
- support for editing roles on quests (2d9669a)
- temporary profile editor with beginning sections (c7fadef)
- wip: mobile seeds page (3facb7b)
- working on profile editing form for primary modal (06b360b)
- working on profile editing form for primary modal (c295171)
- add field to update quest (239f000)
- add field to update quest (b590cb7)
- add loaders to the remaining possible iframes (c01f8fd)
- add migration for new roles & isBasic -> basic (6635363)
- added 404 page if player not found (9c8615b)
- added padding on top (cf8338c)
- after rebase (d54838f)
- alec's corrections (16ee324)
- alec's corrections pt. 1 (1021cf2)
- availabilty input bug fixed (90c9963)
- better meta tags for pages (5684b8a)
- bug when clicking the only selected value in filter (d152e19)
- bugs in EmbedUrl + SetupRoles (0c9bec1)
- bugs in EmbedUrl + SetupRoles (3047a5f)
- bugs in sort/filter ui (507f1bf)
- capitalisation and disabling button when no user (ff8929b)
- catch opensea errors + disable player achievements section (63579d8)
- change the metagame logo navigation to /dashboard (685fc91)
- clean up username page (54222f3)
- create clients once (8cfd347)
- create clients once (3dda8aa)
- dao memberships without title are also displayed (bd453ba)
- delete the pages which won't load iframes (f044dff)
- deselect all options should search for all roles (4ed66b9)
- disable adding same embedded url in onAddBox (b91538f)
- display message only when loading is complete (af4ca2f)
- displayed HTML hex strings as emojis (8175050)
- don't redirect to /dashboard yet (755a273)
- embedded url text gap (b8ab03b)
- eslint & fetching layout from user on login (981d3a9)
- even more lint (f323729)
- even more lint (a3aa2d4)
- exclude ./tests from linting (40de5fb)
- fade animation in profile sections (df9899b)
- fixed default player profile layout (c0eacb6)
- fixed default player profile layout (0a0cb89)
- fixed high level layouting (d9dff14)
- fixed high level layouting (bb67c95)
- heights not updating when adding new box (f04b02f)
- hide quests demo app link (e7d9dc7)
- ignore "object is of type unknown" lint message (17ce45e)
- inputs bugs on editprofile form (cb84da4)
- intersection observer bug (37e047b)
- landing page ui issues (1c92f63)
- lint (5f2a44b)
- lint error (3791611)
- lint error (f441179)
- lint error (873379a)
- load component on client (f79f6d0)
- login issues (ac5f3fe)
- me page (8ec8e33)
- megamenu padding issues (fd9b039)
- minor bugs in ui (4e0ea9b)
- minor ui bugs (4f70351)
- missing roles (5b61955)
- mistakes were made (fc4e30f)
- more lint (6f7915e)
- move discord-bot RUNTIME_ENV to the last stage (4f1e475)
- moved opensea to api & fixed env var (c36c675)
- navaigating between profiles and edit button (bdabf65)
- order of steps (3063828)
- pin nock version (47d4a01)
- position of menu in relation to the triangle (6003009)
- prefetching personalityInfo on profile page (32a6405)
- prevent rendering loop (4b0d196)
- rebasing/merging problem (3013f55)
- reduced profile padding top (8dcfd16)
- remove jstz, get timezone with Intl (4f7d0ef)
- remove nextjs-cors package (5fef811)
- removed verify on brightId button (52372f9)
- removing unnecessary dropdown options (cc41fb7)
- replace next/image with BoxedNextImage (a7ab1ea)
- revert formatting changes (42aba14)
- revert the @graphql-tools/schema -> graphql-tools (3189399)
- reverted un-intended changes (648d595)
- review changes (a39c0c4)
- s-s rendered page is trying to access an unavailable component (f01abfc)
- set a default DAO title (62d37b0)
- set a default DAO title (6c20a59)
- set up redirects (dd56741)
- setting intial state using useState (f4fda80)
- Setup Header Images (70950eb)
- sort out unknown types (5ff716c)
- strip html from description (9a6fd74)
- style roles buttons (9f47e72)
- temporarily disabled BrightId (9c8cb63)
- temporarily disabled BrightId (61dbec5)
- triangular menu icon position and width (a3a3081)
- typo (499d031)
- update schema (4840b7d)
- Updated bot help text (df35d33)
- updated interface for video (4a07840)
- use console.warn (76e4205)
- use req object (79dc6f9)
- useEffect (6562835)
- useEffect dependency (5c6e886)
- add , refactor fetching (110300a)
- add guests (96ea0e4)
- add location (25c824e)
- add polygon and xdai chains when pulling DAO membership (0b3b254)
- add polygon and xdai chains when pulling DAO membership (b2d53b0)
- add pronouns input to edit form (d164de0)
- determine timezone based on user (ab0119e)
- direct user to dashboard on MetaLink click (b7a1296)
- fetch rss data from -> conver to json (2f158e2)
- get calendar data into the app (e7e4cd1)
- install date-fns (87498f6)
- install swr and fetch data with it (5e7f6bb)
- least surprise in failures (04a4ca5)
- least surprise in failures (1063e24)
- make list items into links (08198ec)
- new file added for shared components (4a5f7f8)
- podcast player + title + description (b3a99c3)
- remove old hacky calendar, use default google iframe calendar (fb6ebf4)
- Seed section pulling in data from CoinGecko (f6fe5aa)
- set real calendar data + slight refactor (aedb9c9)
- set up dashboard page (690bad1)
- set up tabs components (616a865)
- show DAOs in a modal and match NFT gallery styling (62376d0)
- temporary profile editor with beginning sections (c7fadef)
- working on profile editing form for primary modal (06b360b)
- working on profile editing form for primary modal (c295171)
- availabilty input bug fixed (90c9963)
- capitalisation and disabling button when no user (ff8929b)
- create clients once (8cfd347)
- create clients once (3dda8aa)
- dao memberships without title are also displayed (bd453ba)
- don't redirect to /dashboard yet (755a273)
- exclude ./tests from linting (40de5fb)
- ignore "object is of type unknown" lint message (17ce45e)
- inputs bugs on editprofile form (cb84da4)
- lint error (3791611)
- lint error (f441179)
- lint error (873379a)
- load component on client (f79f6d0)
- mistakes were made (fc4e30f)
- navaigating between profiles and edit button (bdabf65)
- order of steps (3063828)
- pin nock version (47d4a01)
- rebasing/merging problem (3013f55)
- remove jstz, get timezone with Intl (4f7d0ef)
- replace next/image with BoxedNextImage (a7ab1ea)
- revert formatting changes (42aba14)
- set a default DAO title (62d37b0)
- set a default DAO title (6c20a59)
- setting intial state using useState (f4fda80)
- Setup Header Images (70950eb)
- sort out unknown types (5ff716c)
- strip html from description (9a6fd74)
- style roles buttons (9f47e72)
- use console.warn (76e4205)