This document is a place to lay out design decisions and problems that still need to be sorted or redesigned in the project.
- Daemon should run on the Pi, which the remote station can connect to, as is the case now.
Data should be able to be transferred from the pi to the base station over a TCP socket, which should handle all types of disconnect gracefully and accept quick reconnects.- Data stored locally at maximum rate
, sent over socket at reduced rate. - Utilise threading to avoid blocking in read and write operations.
- Can thread the I2C read and writes as each sensor will be on a separate bus.
- Control signals need to be accepted asynchronously so an abort is not held up by unresponsive I/O.
- Control from multiple remote terminals for redundancy/ease of data aquisition.
- [~] Send full-resolution data over remote link after firing. ([~] with rsync)
Run daemon on Pi -
Rewrite remote link system (as above) feat/socketnot necessary -
Write handler for I2C I/O
Write handler for HX711 read
Write handler for GPIO control of relay bank
Write data storage handler
Write data transmission handler
This transmission should really be UDP as speed is prioritised over individual packet integrity.
Multiple remote connection support