diff --git a/site/content/en/docs/enterprise/social-accounts-configuration.md b/site/content/en/docs/enterprise/social-accounts-configuration.md
index 32b0a4aa39b9..0a521ef9a905 100644
--- a/site/content/en/docs/enterprise/social-accounts-configuration.md
+++ b/site/content/en/docs/enterprise/social-accounts-configuration.md
@@ -106,60 +106,71 @@ There are 2 basic steps to enable GitHub account authentication.
> but don't forget to add required permissions.
In the **Permission** > **Account permissions** > **Email addresses** must be set to **read-only**.
-## Enable Authentication with Amazon Cognito
-To enable authentication with Amazon Cognito for your CVAT instance, you need to complete two main steps:
-1. **Create and configure an [Amazon Cognito user pool](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/cognito-user-identity-pools.html)**.
- Follow these detailed steps to set up the user pool:
- - Create a user pool. For example, you might use settings like those shown in the image below:
- ![](/images/cognito_pool_1.png)
- - Configure a new app on the step `Integrate your app`:
- - Select the `Confidential client` type, as CVAT securely stores
- client secrets on the server side.
- (_Note_: the `Public client` type is also supported.)
- - Enter a name for your app client.
- - Choose the `Generate a client secret` option.
- ![](/images/cognito_pool_2.png)
- - Once your pool is configured, go to the `App integration` tab
- on the pool details page and then to the `Domain` section.
- Create either a custom domain or Cognito domain (e.g., `https://cvat.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com`).
- Copy this domain as you'll need it later when configuring the `auth_config.yml` file for CVAT.
- - Scroll down to the `App client list` section, find the app you created, and open its settings.
- Edit the `Hosted UI` settings:
- - `Allowed callback URLs`: add a callback URL (`:///api/auth/social/amazon-cognito/login/callback/`)
- - `Identity providers`: select `Cognito user pool`
- - `OAuth 2.0 grant types`: select `Authorization code grant`
- - `OpenID Connect scopes`: select the following scopes: `OpenID`, `Profile`, `Email`
- ![](/images/cognito_pool_3.png)
-2. **Configure social authentication in CVAT**:
- - Create the `auth_config.yml` file in CVAT with the following content:
- ```yaml
- ---
- social_account:
- enabled: true
- amazon_cognito:
- client_id:
- client_secret:
- domain: or
- https://.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com
- ```
- The client_id and client_secret can be found on the app details page,
- while the domain value can be found on the pool details page.
- - Set the required environment variables:
- ```bash
- export AUTH_CONFIG_PATH=""
- export CVAT_HOST=""
- # schema: http|https, CVAT_PORT is optional
- export CVAT_BASE_URL="://${CVAT_HOST}:"
- ```
+## Enable authentication with Amazon Cognito
+To enable authentication with Amazon Cognito for your CVAT instance, follow these steps:
+1. Create an **[Amazon Cognito pool](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/cognito-user-identity-pools.html)**
+ (*Optional*)
+1. Set up a new app client
+1. Configure social authentication in CVAT
+Now, let’s dive deeper into how to accomplish these steps.
+### Amazon Cognito pool creation
+This step is optional and should only be performed if a `user pool` has not already been created.
+To create a user pool, follow these instructions:
+1. Go to the [Amazon console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/console/home)
+1. Locate `Cognito` in the list of services
+1. Click `Create user pool`
+1. Fill in the required fields
+### App client creation
+To create a new `app client`, follow these steps:
+1. Go to the details page of the created user pool
+1. Find the `App clients` item in the menu on the left
+1. Click `Create app client`
+1. Fill out the form as shown bellow:
+ ![](/images/cognito_pool_1.png)
+ - `Application type`: `Traditional web application`
+ - `Application name`: Specify a desired name, or leave the autogenerated one
+ - `Return URL` (*optional*): Specify CVAT redirect URL.
+ (`:///api/auth/social/amazon-cognito/login/callback/`).
+ This setting can also be updated or specified later after the app client is created.
+1. Navigate to the `Login pages` tab of the created app client
+1. Check the parameters in the `Managed login pages configuration` section and edit them if needed:
+ ![](/images/cognito_pool_2.png)
+ - `Allowed callback URLs`: Must be set to CVAT redirect URL
+ - `Identity providers`: Must be specified
+ - `OAuth grant types`: The `Authorization code grant` must be selected
+ - `OpenID Connect scopes`: `OpenID`, `Profile`, `Email` scopes must be selected
+### Setting up social authentication in CVAT
+To configure social authentication in CVAT, create a configuration file
+(`auth_config.yml`) with the following content:
+ ```yaml
+ ---
+ social_account:
+ enabled: true
+ amazon_cognito:
+ client_id:
+ client_secret:
+ domain: or
+ https://.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com
+ ```
+To find `client_id` and `client_secret` values, navigate to the created app client page
+and check `App client information` section. To find `domain`, find `Domain` item in the list on the left.
+Once configuration file is updated, several environment variables must be exported before running CVAT:
+ ```bash
+ export AUTH_CONFIG_PATH=""
+ export CVAT_HOST=""
+ # cvat_port is optional
+ export CVAT_BASE_URL="://${CVAT_HOST}:"
+ ```
Start the CVAT enterprise instance as usual.
That's it! On the CVAT login page, you should now see the option `Continue with Amazon Cognito`.
diff --git a/site/content/en/images/cognito_pool_1.png b/site/content/en/images/cognito_pool_1.png
index fd08c25983db..7cfc8ac03521 100644
Binary files a/site/content/en/images/cognito_pool_1.png and b/site/content/en/images/cognito_pool_1.png differ
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index df6f1e0db940..5e1a1b47dfe6 100644
Binary files a/site/content/en/images/cognito_pool_2.png and b/site/content/en/images/cognito_pool_2.png differ
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Binary files a/site/content/en/images/cognito_pool_3.png and /dev/null differ