- getAllSymbols : Model -> ComponentId List
- getTargetedSymbol: Model -> XYPos -> ComponentId Option
- getSymbolsInTargetArea: Model -> BBox -> ComponentId List
- getTargetedPort: Model -> XYPos -> PortId Option
- getPortsOfSymbol: Model -> ComponentId -> PortId list
- portsInRange: Model -> XYPos -> (range : float) -> PortId list
- getHostId: Model -> PortId -> ComponentId
- portPos: Model -> PortId -> XYPos
- symbolBBox: Model -> ComponentId -> BBox
- symbolType: Model -> ComponentId -> ComponentType
- getTargetedWire: Model -> XYPos -> ConnectionId Option
- getErrors: Model -> Error list
- AddWire of PortId * PortId
- DeleteWire of ConnectionId
- SetSelected of ConnectionId
- UnselectAll
- StartDrag of ConnectionId * XYPos
- Dragging of ConnectionId * XYPos
- EndDrag
- ToggleLabels
- AddSymbol of ComponentType * XYPos
- DeleteSymbols of ComponentId list
- StartDraging of ComponentId list * XYPos
- Dragging of ComponentId list * XYPos
- EndDragging
- SetSelected of ComponentId list
- HighlightPorts of PortId list
- UnhighlightPorts