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How to setup Coil

This document describes step-by-step instructions for installing Coil to Kubernetes. All the instructions should be done under the v2/ directory.

The YAML manifests of Coil can be generated using kustomize. You can tweak optional parameters by editing kustomization.yaml file.

Install kustomize

Follow the instructions:

kustomize 4.1.3 is verified to work for Coil.

Generate TLS certificate

Coil runs an admission webhook server, and it needs a self-signed certificate. Run make certs under v2/ directory to generate the certificate.

$ make certs

This should generate the following PEM files:

$ ls config/default/*.pem
config/default/cert.pem  config/default/key.pem

Edit kustomization.yaml

kustomization.yaml under v2/ directory contains some commented option settings. Uncomment if you want to enable them.

If all the nodes are connected in a flat L2 network, enabling coil-router is recommended.

$ vi kustomization.yaml

Edit netconf.json

netconf.json under v2/ directory is just an example CNI network configuration (actually, the example is a network configuration list).

You may edit the file to, say, add Cilium for network policies or to tune MTU. Note that coil must be the first in the plugin list.

vi netconf.json

These documents help you to edit the configuration.

The following example adds tuning and bandwidth plugins.

  "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
  "name": "k8s-pod-network",
  "plugins": [
      "type": "coil",
      "socket": "/run/coild.sock"
      "type": "tuning",
      "mtu": 1400
      "type": "bandwidth",
      "capabilities": {
        "bandwidth": true
      "type": "portmap",
      "capabilities": {
        "portMappings": true

Compile and apply the manifest

Now you can compile the manifest with kustomize and apply it to your cluster.

$ kustomize build . > coil.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f coil.yaml

Define the default address pool

There should be the default address pool for Pods. Create a YAML manifest like this and apply it.

kind: AddressPool
  name: default
  blockSizeBits: 5
  - ipv4:
  • blockSizeBits: 5 means that blocks of 32 (= 2^5) addresses will be carved out.
  • subnets: a list of IP subnets in this pool.

IPv6 pool

To define an IPv6 address pool, change the spec as follows:

  blockSizeBits: 8
  - ipv6: fd02::/96

IPv4/v6 dual stack pool

To define an IPv4/v6 dual stack pool, change the spec as follows:

  blockSizeBits: 5
  - ipv4:
    ipv6: fd02::/112

Note that IPv4 and IPv6 subnet must be the same size. In the above example, their sizes are 16 bits.

(Option) Configure BIRD

If your nodes are not connected each other within a flat L2 network, or if you did not enable coil-router in kustomization.yaml, you need to configure some routing software to advertise routes.

Coil exports routing information in an unused kernel routing table. By default, the routing table ID is 119.

Routing software should import routes from the table. Following is a configuration snippet for BIRD.

# export4 is a table to be used for routing protocol such as BGP
ipv4 table export4;

# Import Coil routes into export4
protocol kernel 'coil' {
    kernel table 119;  # the routing table coild exports routes.
    scan time 1;
    ipv4 {
        table export4;
        import all;
        export none;

# Import routes from external routers into master4, the main table for IPv4 routes
protocol pipe {
    table master4;
    peer table export4;
    import filter {
        if proto = "coil" then reject;
    export none;

# Reflect routes in master4 into the Linux kernel
protocol kernel {
    ipv4 {
        export all;

# This is merely an example of using BGP to exchange routes between external routers
protocol bgp {
    local as __ASN__;
    neighbor __PEER_ADDRESS__ as __PEER_ASN__;

    ipv4 {
        table export4;
        import all;
        export all;
        next hop self;

Note on CRI runtime compatibility

coild needs to see the network namespace (netns) files on the host.

Such files are usually created under /proc. coild shares the PID namespace to see netns files under /proc, so if your CRI runtime passes file path under /proc to CNI plugins, there is no problem.

Some CRI runtimes are known to bind mount netns files under /var/run/netns. The default manifest of coild mounts that host directory, so if your CRI runtime passes file path under /var/run/netns, there is also no problem.

Otherwise, coild might not work with your CRI runtime. In such cases, you need to edit config/pod/coild.yaml to mount the right host directory.