Everyone is welcome to contribute to this specification.
Any simple editorial contribution can simply be done with a GitHub Pull Request. You can even do an inline edit of the file on GitHub.
- the spec uses ReSpec
- the spec is tidied using HTML5 Tidy. For instructions on running HTML5 tidy, see below.
- put comments in front of sections, for better readability with syntax coloring editors
Please make sure you have HTML5 tidy installed, instead of the the one that ships with *nix systems. You can comfirm this by running:
tidy5 --version #HTML Tidy for Mac OS X version 4.9.XX ...
Once you have confirmed (make sure you have committed your changes before running tidy, as the changes are destructive ... in a good way:)):
tidy5 -config tidyconfig.txt -o index.html index.html