The Owner can:
- deposit money into the wallet
- withdraw any amount of money from the wallet
- send money to any account on the network from the wallet, including self
- set allowances for the other users of the wallet
A user can:
- withdraw money from the wallet, which is limited by the allowance set for that user by the owner of the wallet
- send money to any account on the network from the wallet, including self
- Metamask extension for the web browser
- An account on Goerli Test Network
- For users only - some allowance provided by the owner of the wallet to withdraw money from the wallet
- This page is intended to be used by any user of the wallet.
- This section is for withdrawing money from the wallet and sending it to any account on the network, including yourself.
- If you're not a user of the wallet, then your allowance will be 0. So any transaction related to withdrawal will fail.
- If you want to use the wallet, some allowance is needed to be set which can only be done by the owner of the wallet.
- If you try to withdraw more than your allowance, that transaction will fail.
- If you try to withdraw more than the wallet balance, that transaction will fail.
- This page is intended only for the owner of the wallet.
- If the selected account (on Metamask) is not the account of the owner, then transactions will fail.
- This section is for updating the allowance for any new or existing user, and for checking the current allowance left for a user.
- This section is for depositing money into the wallet.
- This section is for withdrawing money from the wallet and sending it to any account on the network, including the owner themselves.
- Any user can also use this section, but the rules will be applied as per the allowance set for that user by the owner.
- The maximum amount that the owner can withdraw is only limited by the balance of the wallet.