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Serenity is my goal of having a vanilla Requiem experience in Skyrim Special Edition. The aim is to provide the feeling of requiem with the stability of Skyrim Special Edition as well as a slew of bug fixes, graphical improvements and Legacy of the Dragonborn integration. This is an ongoing project and changes will definitely be made along the way but the aim is to not stray away from the core Requiem experience.



These steps are only needed if you install this Modlist for the first time. If you update the Modlist, jump straight to Updating.

Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package

I doubt you need to do this since you likely already have this installed. The package is required for MO2 and you can download it from Microsoft. Download the x64 version under "Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019". Direct link if you can't find it.

Steam Config

Disable the Steam Overlay

The Steam Overlay can cause issues with ENB and is recommended to be turned off.

Open the Properties window (right click the game in your Library->Properties), navigate to the General tab and un-tick the Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game checkbox.

Change Steams Update Behavior

SSE is still being updated by Bethesda (they only add Creation Club content). Whenever the game updates, the entire modding community goes silent for the next one or two weeks because some mods need to be updated to the latest game runtime version.

To ensure that Steam does not automatically updates the game for you, head over to the Properties window, navigate to the Updates tab and change Automatic updates to Only update this game when I launch it. You should also disable the Steam Cloud while you're at it.

Set the Game language to English

Just do it. This entire Modlist is in English and 99% of all mods you will find are also in English. I highly recommend playing the game in English and I will not give support to people with a non-English game.

Open the Steam Properties window, navigate to the Language tab and select English from the dropdown menu.

Clean Skyrim

I highly recommend uninstalling the game through Steam, deleting the game folder and reinstalling it. You should also clean up the Skyrim Special Edition folder in Documents/My Games/ by deleting the contents in it.

Start Skyrim

After you have done everything above and got a clean SSE installation ready, start the Launcher and and let it do the initial graphics check. Do not worry about this part as the installation will replace this graphics settings. Start the game and exit once you're in the main menu.

Using Wabbajack


Grab the latest release of Wabbajack from here and place the Wabbajack.exe file in a working folder. This folder must not be in a common folders like your Desktop, Downloads or Program Files folder. It's best to create a Wabbajack folder near the root level of your drive like C:/Wabbajack.

Downloading and Installing

The download and installation process can take a very long time depending on your system specs. Wabbajack will calculate the amount of threads it will use at the start of the installation. To have the highest amount of threads and thus the fastest speed, it is advised to have the working folder on an SSD.

  1. Open Wabbajack
  2. Click on Browse Modlists, and download Serenity from the gallery.
  3. Once the download is done set the Installation folder to somewhere that is not affected by UAC (Please do not put it in Documents, Program Files, Desktop. Put it somewhere easy like C:/Modlists/Serenity). The downloads path should automatically fill in the installation path.
  4. Click the Go/Begin button
  5. Wait for Wabbajack to finish
  6. If you run into any issues see the next section. If the installation is successful, proceed to Post-Installation.
Problems with Wabbajack

There are a lot of different scenarios where Wabbajack will produce an error. I recommend re-running Wabbajack before posting anything. Wabbajack will continue where it left off so you loose no progress.

Could not download x:

If a mod updated and the old files got deleted, it is impossible to download them. In this case just wait till I update the Modlist.

x is not a whitelisted download:

This can happen when I update the modlist. Check if a new update is available and wait if there is none.

Wabbajack could not find my game folder:

Wabbajack will not work with a pirated version of the game. If you own the game on Steam, go back to the Pre-Installation step.

Windows is reporting that a virus has been detected:

Windows 10 has started to auto quarantine the usvfs_proxy_x86.exe file from the latest version of Mod Organizer 2 saying a threat was detected . This is a known false postive confirmed by the MO2 Devs. You can fix this by adding an exemption for MO2 Folder to your Antivirus. Example for windows defender can be found here.


Copy Game Folder Files

Copy the all of the files from the Installation Folder/Game Folder Files directory into your game folder.


Serenity comes with Ljoss ENB included.

If you want a different ENB. You can choose from a wide variety of ENBs on the Nexus that support Cathedral Weathers. To replace the ENB installed. Delete the enbcache folder, enbseries folder, enbseries.ini and replace those with the new ENB. You don't have to delete the enblocal.ini as that contains tweaks that don't affect how it looks but rather things like screenshot formats, vsync settings.

A few other ENB suggestions are:

Note: Please check that vsync is set to disable in enblocal.ini otherwise you will either be stuck compiling shaders or a black screen, or the menu with no options.

Noteworthy Mods


Requiem is a project with the goal of turning Skyrim into a better roleplaying experience by making game more immersive, semi-realistic and coherent, with the tend to find a compromiss between old school mechanics and more modern approaches.

Requiem is the core mod behind Serenity. It overhauls the entire game with regards to Races, Combat, Standing Stones, Dragons, Perks, Difficulty and much much more. Requiem offers an unleveled world in where everything is static and doesn't level with the player.

Quest and Encounter Mods

Serenity comes with a wide variety of new quest and encounters. A few are listed below.

Legacy of the Dragonborn is a very large mod that shapes the way how you play the game. The museum is a very robust house mod with the ability to display almost every item in the game and also has an extensive mod support which is utilised to some extent in Serenity. Serenity also comes with a Requiem display room for it thanks to pamposzek.

Missives adds a large number of localized radiant quests found at Missive Boards of varying difficulty and with varying rewards. Missives has been extended to Solstheim as well as Wyrmstooth.

Vigilant adds a whole new set of quests, enemies, equipment to the game revolving around the Vigilants of Stendar and Daedra. It has also been patched to work well with Requiem. For a good time you want to be atleast level 30 before attempting this.

Wyrmstooth adds a new world and a series of quests involving killing a dragon for a bounty. It's a very well done quest mod.

Expanded Cities Towns and Villages

Serenity uses the full suite of JK's Skyrim along with all of the interior patches for it.

NPC Retextures

I have to give credits to Darkladylexy from the popular Lexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn Special Edition guide for her extremely well done choices of NPC mods. It is a combination of a lot of NPC mods with carefully picking which npc comes from which mod itself. For an overview of every single NPC that is retextured. Please see this section on her guide

The NPC retextures are largely in this order except a select few NPCs

  1. WICO - Windsong Immersive Character Overhaul
  2. Followers Hirelings and Housecarls
  3. Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim
  4. The Ordinary Women
  5. Pandorable's NPCs
  6. Kalilies NPCs
  7. Fresh Faces
  8. Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard
  9. Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn
  10. Bijin Warmaidens
  11. Bijin Wives
  12. Bijin NPCs
  13. Seranaholic
  14. Valerica
  15. eeekie's Enhanced NPCs
  16. RS Children Overhaul
  17. Cuyima Interesting NPCs
  18. High Poly Inigo
  19. Legacy of the Dragonborn NPC Overhaul

For an overview of every single NPC that is retextured. Please see this section on her guide.


Inigo is a fully voiced khajiit adventuring companion with over 7000 lines of unique dialogue - much of it about you. He'll level alongside you and avoid most traps. If you're sneaking he won't chatter and he'll whisper if you talk to him. He can run out of arrows. He's highly skilled in archery, one-handed, and sneak.

Lucien is a fully voiced Imperial follower with around 3000 lines of immersive, lore-friendly dialogue. Though he arrives in Skyrim as a cowardly scholar, he'll gradually gain strength and confidence by your side until he grows into a hero in his own right.

Audio and Weather

Audio Overhaul Skyrim and Immersive Sounds Compendium offer an amazing base for skyrim's ambiance and foley.

New Equippables

Cloaks of Skyrim provides cloaks to various NPCs. For the purpose of balance and not to be overpowered with Requiem, the regular cloaks cannot be enchanted and the pre-enchanted cloaks have been toned down a level or two.

Heavy Armory adds around 100 new weapons into the game that is evenly distributed to all the enemies and NPCs.

Requiem - OUT-Fitted is a fantastic mod by jap2112 that incorporates nearly a dozen mods to fit into the world of Requiem. Serenity is using all but one of the suite which covers:

  1. Common Clothes and Armors
  2. Guard Armor Replacer
  3. New Legion
  4. Expanded Skyrim Weaponry
  5. Blackened Steel Armor and Weapons
  6. Unplayable Faction Armor
  7. NordwarUA's Race Armor Expansion
  8. Nordic Wanderer
  9. Black Mage Armor
  10. Triss Armor Retextured
  11. Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor
  12. Sithis Armour- Special Edition- Mastercraft Version

Serenity Plus

Starting with the 2.4.0 version of Serenity, I've included a second profile called Serenity Plus, this includes some overhauls on top of requiem that I will not be including into Serenity as it modifies how base Requiem work. The aim of Serenity has always been to lure newer requiem players so they can understand the mechanics. Serenity Plus however things I add to my requiem experience to make it either harder or more fresh. This will flesh out more in the coming updates.

For now Serenity Plus contains these additions on top of Serenity

  • Requiem - Craftable Items
  • Requiem - Destruction Spell Pack
  • Requiem - Enchantment Tweaks
  • Requiem - Enemy Regeneration Tweak
  • Requiem - Illusion Redone
  • Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings
  • Requiem - Minor Arcana SSE
  • Requiem - Unarmed Combat Enhancer
  • The Actual Vampiric Thirst for SSE

How to start up Serenity

Head over to the installation folder and locate an executable named ModOrganizer.exe and launch it. Once its launched there will be a dropdown box on the top right and a big run button next to it. Ensure it is set to SKSE by selecting it in the dropdown box and then hitting the run button.


If this Modlist receives an update please check the Changelog before doing anything. Always backup your saves or start a new game after updating.

Wabbajack will delete all files that are not part of the Modlist when updating!

This means that any additional mods you have installed on top of the Modlist will be deleted. Your downloads folder will not be touched!

Updating is like installing. You only have to make sure that you select the same path and tick the overwrite existing Modlist button.

Creating your Character

Upon entering the game you will be greeted with a notification from the Relic Notifications Mod. Hit OK and wait for another pop-up from it, usually takes about a minute. Once it's done you can proceed with creating your character. Once you've named your character wait for all the messages in the top left to fade away then open your inventory and close it. This will start up Requiem. Once Requiem has finished its installation you may proceed with the next section. While creating your character you may receive a pop up asking you if you want to scan now or later from Relic Notifications. Hit scan now to proceed.

In-Game MCM Options

All the required MCM options have been automated for you. Enjoy the game or tweak the following to your liking:

  • iHud
  • AllGUD
  • SkyUI
  • Lucien (If you set a nickname that's supported he can call you by that name)
  • Requiem (If you want to enable fast travel. The mod Fast Travel Costs is installed to make it balanced)
  • XP32 Skeleton Styles

Other Post Installation FAQ

Ultrawide Options

If you have an ultrawide monitor (21:9), the UI will be off. You will want to reinstall Dear Diary with the widescreen option. Pick any options on the FOMOD you want but ensure Extended UI, More Informative Console and Morehud is ticked. You will also want to install the SkyHud - High Resolution Widescreen Fix from here.

Tweaking the Game Settings

I highly recommend using BethINI which is included in this Modlist (can be found in MO2/tools/BethINI). I recommend tweaking the Detail section for more FPS:

  • Shadow Resolution: Very big one. A good balance is 2048 which is the borderline between high FPS drainage and garbage looking shadows.
  • Ambient Occlusion: Highly recommended to turn either this or your ENB version off. Do not have the game AO and an ENB AO turned on at the same time.
  • Remove Shadows: If you really struggle, use this. This will disable all Shadows (not recommended)

Zoomed in Display

This can be caused by Window's Display Scaling feature. This usually is set to above 100% when using very large (32 inch++) sized monitors and TVs. There are two solutions to this

  • Set the display scaling back to 100% in the Screen Resolution Settings for Windows
  • Edit the mod SSE Display Tweaks.
    • Under [Render]
      • Set Fullscreen to True
      • Set Borderless to False

Removing the Modlist

You can just remove the MO2 folder and be done with it. SKSE and ENB files will still be in your game folder so I recommend using ENB and ReShade Manager if you want to remove the ENB.

Credits and Thanks

  • YOU for actually reading the readme. Thanks a ton!!
  • lilmoefow - for the requiem patches over on the requiem discord
  • erri120 & jdsmith2816 - Repository template
  • Halgari and everyone the WJ Team - Wabbajack is awesome and so are you


While I'm always available on the Wabbajack Discord, I would advise checking the Issues (open and closed ones) on GitHub first if you have any problems. The same goes for Enhancements or Feature/Mod Requests. DO NOT DM ME ON DISCORD. I WILL NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR YOU IN DMS AND I WILL BLOCK YOU.


See Contributing.


See Changelog.