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Releases: danielaparker/jsoncons

Release 0.99

27 Apr 18:53
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  • Fixes to deprecated json parse functions (deprecated, but still supposed to work)
  • The Visual C++ specific implementation for reading floating point numbers should have freed a _locale_t object, fixed
  • Added json_type_traits specialization to support assignment from non-const strings
  • When parsing fractional numbers in text, floating point number precision is retained, and made available to serialization to preserve round-trip. The default output precision has been changed from 15 to 16.
  • Added json std::initializer_list constructor for constructing arrays
  • The deprecated json member constants null, an_object, and an_array have been removed
  • Microsoft VC++ versions earlier than 2013 are no longer supported


25 Feb 00:33
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Includes fixes contributed by massimomorara for g++ "4.9.2"


25 Jan 15:08
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Fixes an issue with object key comparisons introduced in 0.98.3.


New features

Supports Stefan Goessner's JsonPath. See example below and documentation.
json member function find added
json member function count added
json array range accessor elements() added, which supports range-based for loops over json arrays, and replaces begin_elements and end_elements
json object range accessor members() added, which supports range-based for loops over json objects, and replaces begin_members and end_members
New version of json add member function that takes a parameter array_iterator
json member function shrink_to_fit added
API Changes

The json internal representation of signed and unsigned integers has been changed from long long and unsigned long long to int64_t and uint64_t. This should not impact you unless you've implemented your own json_input_handler or json_output_handler, in which case you'll need to change your json_input_handler function signatures

void do_longlong_value(long long value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override
void do_ulonglong_integer_value(unsigned long long value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override


void do_integer_value(int64_t value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override
void do_uinteger_value(uint64_t value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override
and your json_output_handler function signatures from

void do_longlong_value(long long value) override
void do_ulonglong_integer_value(unsigned long long value) override

void do_integer_value(int64_t value) override
void do_uinteger_value(uint64_t value) override
output_format drops support for floatfield property
Non-beaking API Changes

remove_range has been deprecated, use erase(array_iterator first, array_iterator last) instead
remove has been deprecated, use erase(const std::string& name ) instead
json::parse_string has been renamed to json::parse, parse_string is deprecated but still works
json member functionis_emptyhas been renamed toempty,is_empty` is deprecated but still works. Rationale: consistency with C++ containers
json member functions begin_elements and end_elements have been deprecated, instead use elements().begin() and elements.end()
json member functions begin_members and end_members have been deprecated, instead use members().begin() and members.end()
json member function has_member has been deprecated, instead use count. Rationale: consistency with C++ containers
json member function remove_member has been deprecated, instead use remove. Rationale: only member function left with _element or _member suffix
json_parse_exception renamed to parse_exception, json_parse_exception typedef to parse_exception
json::parse(std::istream& is) renamed to json::parse_stream. json::parse(std::istream is) is deprecated but still works.


20 Dec 21:47
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Fixes an issue with json variant operator=


json constructor is now templated, so constructors now accept extended types
Following RFC7159, json_parser now accepts any JSON value, removing the constraint that it be an object or array.
The member json_type_traits member functions is, as, and assign have been changed to static functions. if you have implemented your own type specializations, you will also have to change your is, as and assign functions to be static.
Removed json deprecated functions custom_data, set_custom_data, add_custom_data
json_reader member function max_depth has been renamed to max_nesting_depth, the former name is still supported.
json member function resize_array has been renamed to resize, the former name is still supported.
jsoncons supports alternative ways for constructing null, object, and array values.


json a = jsoncons::null_type(); // Using type constructor
json b = json::null_type(); // Using alias
json c(json::null); // From static data member prototype

json a(); // Default is empty object
json b = json::object(); // Using type constructor
json c(json::an_object); // From static data member prototype

json a = json::array(); // Using type constructor
json b = json::make_array(); // Using factory method
json c(json::an_array); // From static data member prototype
Since C++ has possible order issues with static data members, the jsoncons examples and documentation have been changed to consistently use the other ways, and json::null, json::an_object and json::an_array have been, while still usable, deprecated.

Release 0.98.1

08 Nov 04:25
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  • Enhances parser for CSV files that outputs JSON, see example below.
  • Adds get_result member function to json_deserializer, which returns the json value v stored in a json_deserializer as std::move(v). The root() member function has been deprecated but is still supported.
  • Adds is_valid member function to json_deserializer
  • Enhances json::any class, adds type checks when casting back to original value
  • Fixes some warning messages

Release 0.98

12 Oct 11:18
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Bug fixes:

  • Fixes the noexcept specification (required for Visual Studio 2015 and later.) Fix
    contributed by Rupert Steel.
  • Fixes bug with proxy operator== when comparing object member values,
    such as in val["field"] == json("abc")


  • Refines error codes and improves error messages
  • Renames json_reader method read to read_next, reflecting the fact that it supports reading a sequence of JSON texts from a stream. The
    former name is deprecated but still works.
  • Adds json_reader method check_done that throws if there are unconsumed non-whitespace characters after one or more calls to read_next.
  • Adds getter and setter max_depth methods to allow setting the maximum JSON parse tree depth if desired, by default
    it is arbitrarily large (limited by heap memory.)
  • Modifies json static methods parse_string, parse_file, and parse_stream behaviour to throw if there are unconsumed non-whitespace characters after reading one JSON text.

Changes to extensions:

  • Changes the top level namespace for the extensions from jsoncons_ext to jsoncons, e.g. jsoncons_ext::csv::csv_reader becomes jsoncons::csv::csv_reader
  • Modifies csv_reader and csv_serializer so that the constructors are passed parameters in a csv_parameters object rather than a json object.
  • Supports user defined header names for columns in CSV files

Release 0.97.2

21 Jul 04:26
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  • Incorporates test suite files from into test suite

  • The jsoncons parser accepts all of the JSON_checker files that its supposed to accept.

  • Failures to reject incorrect exponential notation (e.g. [0e+-1]) have been fixed.

  • The jsoncons parser now rejects all of the JSON_checker files that its supposed to reject except ones with stuff after the end of the document, e.g.

    ["Extra close"]]

    (Currently the jsoncons parser stops after reading a complete JSON text, and supports reading a sequence of JSON texts.)

  • Incorporates a fix to operator== on json objects, contributed by Alex Merry

Release 0.97.1

04 Mar 03:31
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  • "Transforming JSON with filters" example fixed
  • Added a class-specific in-place new to the json class that is implemented in terms of the global version (required to create json objects with placement new operator.)
  • Reorganized header files, removing unnecessary includes.
  • Incorporates validation contributed by Alex Merry for ensuring that there is an object or array on parse head.
  • Incorporates fix contributed by Milan Burda for “Switch case is in protected scope” clang build error

Release 0.97

09 Feb 05:06
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0.97 Release (replaces 0.96)

  • Reversion of 0.96 change:

The virtual methods do_float_value, do_integer_value, and do_unsigned_value of json_input_handler and json_outputhandler have been restored to do_double_value, do_longlong_value and do_ulonglong_value, and their typedefed parameter types float_type, integer_type, and unsigned_type have been restored to double, long long, and unsigned long long.

The rationale for this reversion is that the change doesn't really help to make the software more flexible, and that it's better to leave out the typedefs. There will be future enhancements to support greater numeric precision, but these will not affect the current method signatures.

  • Fix for "unused variable" warning message

Retains these features from 0.96:

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed error_handler to parse_error_handler.
  • Renamed namespace json_parser_error to json_parser_errc
  • Renamed value_adapter to json_type_traits, if you have implemented your own type specializations,
    you will have to rename value_adapter also.
  • Only json arrays now support operator[](size_t) to loop over values, this is no longer supported for json objects. Use a json object iterator instead.

General changes

  • json member function begin_object now returns a bidirectional iterator rather than a random access iterator.
  • Static singleton instance methods have been added to default_parse_error_handler
    and empty_json_input_handler.
  • Added to the json class overloaded static methods parse, parse_string
    and parse_file that take a parse_error_handler as a parameter.
  • Added methods last_char() and eof() to parsing_context.
  • Enhancements to json parsing and json parse event error notification.
  • Added to json_input_handler and json_output_handler a non virtual method value that takes a null terminated string.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue with column number reported by json_reader
  • Where &s[0] and s.length() were passed to methods, &s[0] has been replaced with s.c_str().
    While this shouldn't be an issue on most implementations, VS throws an exception in debug mode when the string has length zero.
  • Fixes two issues in 0.95 reported by Alex Merry that caused errors with GCC: a superfluous typename has been removed in csv_serializer.hpp, and a JSONCONS_NOEXCEPT specifier has been added to the json_parser_category_impl name method.
  • Fixed a number of typename issues in the 0.96 candidate identifed by Ignatov Serguei.
  • Fixes issues with testsuite cmake and scons reported by Alex Merry and Ignatov Serguei

Release 0.95.3

25 Jan 15:07
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  • Removed "typename" keyword in csv_serializer.hpp at line 62.
  • Added JSONCONS_NOEXCEPT in json_reader.hpp at line 51 (when implementing std::error_category).
  • Fixes to testsuite CMake cmake and scons