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Creating Spotify OAuth App

Daniel Martins edited this page Apr 20, 2016 · 3 revisions

For Spotify.el to be able to access and modify your playlists and other data, you first need to create an Oauth2 application that will be used by Spotify.el to interact with the Spotify API.

To do that, first to Create an Application and give your application a name and a description:

Creating a Spotify App 1/2

At this point, the client ID and the client secret is already available, so set those values to spotify-oauth2-client-id and spotify-oauth2-client-secret, respectively:

(setq spotify-oauth2-client-secret "<spotify-app-client-secret>")
(setq spotify-oauth2-client-id "<spotify-app-client-id>")

Then, scroll down a little bit, type http://localhost:8591/ as the Redirect URI for the application, and click Add:

Creating a Spotify App 2/2

Finally, scroll to the end of the page and hit Save.

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