- Bugfix in gwrappy.drive.DriveUtility.upload_file()
- Bugfix in gwrappy.dataproc.DataprocUtility.delete_cluster()
- Breaking Changes:
- gwrappy.dataproc.DataprocUtility takes project_id in its constructor rather than a method parameter.
- gwrappy.dataproc.DataprocUtility operation/job methods return Response objects when wait_finish=True
- pandas dependency removed from requirements.txt as its functionality is limited to specific functions and largely unnecessary otherwise.
- Added gwrappy.dataproc for Google Dataproc
- Minor Changes
- gwrappy.storage.GcsUtility.update_object() added
- Added ability to set object Acl on upload with gwrappy.storage.GcsUtility.upload_object()
- Python 3 compatibility
- Most API functions were already compatible, most changes were done for the utilities functions.
- Minor Bugfixes/Changes
- BigqueryUtility().poll_resp_list() now doesn't break once an exception is encountered. The respective Error object is returned and job checking is uninterrupted.
- Fixed int columns being interpreted as float for pandas 0.19.0 when querying to dataframe.
- Minor Bugfixes:
- bigquery.utils.read_sql properly checks kwargs.
- BigqueryUtility queries with return_type='dataframe' uses inferred dtypes for integer columns to stop pandas from breaking if column contains NaN.
- Added gwrappy.compute for Google Compute Engine.
- Minor Bugfixes:
- drive.DriveUtility.list_files(): Removed fields, added orderBy and filter_exp.
- bigquery.utils.JobResponse: time_taken in __repr__ for some job types fixed.
- Added more utilities
- utils.month_range: Chunk dates into months.
- utils.simple_mail: Send basic emails for alerts or testing. Note: For greater security and flexibility, do still use the gmail functionality within this package.
- utils.StringLogger: Simply wrapper for logging with a string handler and convenience functions for retrieving logs as a string.
- Added dateutil as a dependency
- list methods now return a generator for memory efficiency
- BigQuery:
- list_jobs takes 2 new args projection and earliest_date
- Documentation updates
- gwrappy.errors no longer imports service specific error objects. To access JobError, import it from gwrappy.bigquery.errors
- simple date range generator function added to gwrappy.utils
- BigQuery:
- JobResponse now only sets time_taken if data is available.
- Fixed bug that raised KeyError when wait_finish=False, since endTime was unavailable in the API response.
- poll_resp_list returns JobReponse objects. Also propagates 'description' attribute if available.
- Bug Fixes
- Documentation updates
- Completed docstrings and amendments to documentation
- Added list_to_html under gwrappy.gmail.utils
- Added tabulate as a dependency
- New and improved version of https://github.com/danielpoonwj/gcloud_custom_utilities
- First release on PyPI.