This repository serves as a curated reference for the domain of forecast reconciliation. It aims to contain an extensive collection of academic papers, articles, software tools, and educational resources. Ideal for researchers, analysts, and practitioners seeking to improve the consistency and precision of forecasting methodologies.
We wish to express our deep appreciation to the authors of the paper "Forecast reconciliation: A review" - George Athanasopoulos, Rob J Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes, and Anastasios Panagiotelis - for providing their BibTeX file, which served as the cornerstone of this repository. Their paper serves as an invaluable resource with its comprehensive and insightful analysis of the forecast reconciliation field, providing a thorough overview of the existing literature and highlighting key advancements and research trends.
The remains of the README is organised as follow. ...TODO...
- Cross-sectional framework
- Temporal framework
- Cross-temporal framework
- Probabilistic Reconciliation
- Software
- Thesis
- Chapter 11 Forecasting Hierarchical and grouped time series by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos, Forecasting: Principles and Practice, 3rd edition (2021). [url]
- Notation for forecast reconciliation by Rob J Hyndman (2022). [url]
- Editorial: Innovations in Hierarchical Forecasting by Athanasopoulos, George, Rob J. Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes, and Anastasios Panagiotelis, International Journal of Forecasting (2024). [doi]
- Forecast reconciliation: A review by Athanasopoulos, George, Rob J. Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes, and Anastasios Panagiotelis, International Journal of Forecasting (2024). [doi]
Hierarchical forecasts for Australian domestic tourism by George Athanasopoulos, Roman A Ahmed, Rob J Hyndman, International Journal of Forecasting (2009). [doi]
Optimal forecast reconciliation for hierarchical and grouped time series through trace minimization by Shanika L. Wickramasuriya, George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman, Journal of the American Statistical Association (2019). [doi]
Machine learning applications in time series hierarchical forecasting by Mahdi Abolghasemi, Rob J Hyndman, Garth Tarr, Christoph Bergmeir (2019). [arXiv]
Hierarchical forecasting by George Athanasopoulos, Puwasala Gamakumara, Anastasios Panagiotelis, Rob J Hyndman, Mohamed Affan, Macroeconomic Forecasting in the Era of Big Data (2020). [doi]
Optimal non-negative forecast reconciliation by Shanika L. Wickramasuriya, Berwin A. Turlach, Rob J. Hyndman, Statistics and Computing (2020). [doi]
Forecast reconciliation: A geometric view with new insights on bias correction by Anastasios Panagiotelis, George Athanasopoulos, Puwasala Gamakumara, Rob J. Hyndman, International Journal of Forecasting (2021). [doi]
Fast forecast reconciliation using linear models by Mahsa Ashouri, Rob J. Hyndman, Galit Shmueli, Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics (2022). [doi]
Forecast combination-based forecast reconciliation: Insights and extensions by Tommaso Di Fonzo, Daniele Girolimetto, International Journal of Forecasting (2022). [doi] [arXiv]
Multivariate Online Linear Regression for Hierarchical Forecasting. by Hihat, Massil, Guillaume Garrigos, Adeline Fermanian, and Simon Bussy (2024). [arXiv]
Optimal Forecast Reconciliation with Time Series Selection. by Wang, Xiaoqian, Rob J. Hyndman, and Shanika L. Wickramasuriya (2024). [url]
Machine learning applications in hierarchical time series forecasting: Investigating the impact of promotions by Mahdi Abolghasemi, Garth Tarr, Christoph Bergmeir, International Journal of Forecasting (2022).
Model selection in reconciling hierarchical time series by Mahdi Abolghasemi, Rob J Hyndman, Evangelos Spiliotis, Christoph Bergmeir, Machine Learning (2022). [doi]
Hierarchical Time Series Forecast in Electrical Grids by Vȧnia Almeida, Rita Ribeiro, Joȧo Gama, Information Science and Applications (ICISA) (2016). [doi]
The Effect of Aggregation on Prediction in the Autoregressive model by Takeshi Amemiya, Roland Y. Wu, Journal of the American Statistical Association (1972). [doi]
Hierarchical forecasting with a top-down alignment of independent level forecasts by Matthias Anderer, Feng Li, International Journal of Forecasting (2022). [doi]
On the evaluation of hierarchical forecasts by G. Athanasopoulos, N. Kourentzes, International Journal of Forecasting (2023).
Using quadratic programming to optimally adjust hierarchical load forecasting by Y Zhang, J Wang, T Zhao, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2018). [doi]
Optimal reconciliation with immutable forecasts by Bohan Zhang, Yanfei Kang, Anastasios Panagiotelis, Feng Li, European Journal of Operational Research (2023). [doi]
The impact of aggregation level on forecasting performance by Giulio Zotteri, Matteo Kalchschmidt, Federico Caniato, International Journal of Production Economics (2005). [doi]
A model for selecting the appropriate level of aggregation in forecasting processes by Giulio Zotteri, Matteo Kalchschmidt, International Journal of Production Economics (2007). [doi]
Hierarchical Transfer Learning with Applications to Electricity Load Forecasting. by Antoniadis, Anestis, Solenne Gaucher, and Yannig Goude, International Journal of Forecasting (2023). [doi]
Optimal Hierarchical EWMA Forecasting. by Sbrana, Giacomo, and Matteo Pelagatti, International Journal of Forecasting (2023). [doi]
Hierarchical Forecasting for Aggregated Curves with an Application to Day-Ahead Electricity Price Auctions. by Ghelasi, Paul, and Florian Ziel International Journal of Forecasting (2022). [doi]
Hierarchical Mortality Forecasting with EVT Tails: An Application to Solvency Capital Requirement., by Li, Han, and Hua Chen, International Journal of Forecasting (2022). [doi]
Forecasting Australian Fertility by Age, Region, and Birthplace. by Yang, Yang, Han Lin Shang, and James Raymer, International Journal of Forecasting (2022). [doi]
Regularization in hierarchical time series forecasting with application to electricity smart meter data by Souhaib Ben Taieb, Jiafan Yu, Mateus Neves Barreto, Ram Rajagopal, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2017 (2017). [url]
Regularized regression for hierarchical forecasting without unbiasedness conditions by Souhaib Ben Taieb, Bonsoo Koo, Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (2019). [doi]
Forecasting hierarchical time series with a regularized embedding space by Jeffrey L. Gleason, MileTS '20: 6th KDD Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series 2020 (2020). [url]
Properties of point forecast reconciliation approaches by Shanika L Wickramasuriya (2021). [arXiv]
Forecast UPC-level FMCG demand, Part II: Hierarchical reconciliation by Dazhi Yang, Gary S.W. Goh, Siwei Jiang, Allan N. Zhang, Orkan Akcan, Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2015). [doi]
Forecast UPC-level FMCG demand, Part III: Grouped reconciliation by Dazhi Yang, Gary S.W. Goh, Siwei Jiang, Allan N. Zhang, Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2016). [doi]
Reconciling solar forecasts: Geographical hierarchy by Dazhi Yang, Hao Quan, Vahid R. Disfani, Licheng Liu, Solar Energy (2017). [doi]
Multi-task learning method for hierarchical time series forecasting by Maoxin Yang, Qinghua Hu, Yun Wang, Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning -- ICANN 2019: Text and Time Series (2019). [doi]
Hierarchical estimation as a basis for hierarchical forecasting by L W G Strijbosch, R M J Heuts, J J A Moors, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (2008). [doi]
Fully reconciled GDP forecasts from income and expenditure sides by Luisa Bisaglia, Tommaso Di Fonzo, Daniele Girolimetto, Book of Short Papers SIS 2020 (2020).
Forecasting Swiss exports using Bayesian forecast reconciliation by Florian Eckert, Rob J. Hyndman, Anastasios Panagiotelis, European Journal of Operational Research (2021). [doi]
Reconciliation of wind power forecasts in spatial hierarchies by Mads E Hansen, Nystrup Peter, Jan K M\oller, Madsen Henrik, Wind Energy (2023).
Variational Bayesian inference for forecasting hierarchical time series by Mijung Park, Marcel Nassar, International Conference on Machine Learning, Workshop on divergence methods for probabilistic inference (2014). [url]
Distributed Reconciliation in Day-Ahead Wind Power Forecasting by Li Bai, Pierre Pinson, Energies (2019). [doi]
Distributions of forecasting errors of forecast combinations: implications for inventory management by Devon K Barrow, Nikolaos Kourentzes, International Journal of Production Economics (2016).
Online hierarchical forecasting for power consumption data by Margaux Brégėre, Malo Huard, International Journal of Forecasting (2022). [doi]
A trainable reconciliation method for hierarchical time-series by Davide Burba, Trista Chen (2021). [arXiv]
Multi-horizon inflation forecasts using disaggregated data by Carlos Capistr\a'an, Christian Constandse, Manuel Ramos-Francia, Economic Modelling (2010). [doi]
A bottom-up Bayesian extension for long term electricity consumption forecasting by F L C da Silva, F L Cyrino Oliveira, R C Souza, Energy (2019). [doi] [url]
Top-down or bottom-up: aggregate versus disaggregate extrapolations by B J Dangerfield, J S Morris, International Journal of Forecasting (1992). [doi]
Forecasting of cohort fertility under a hierarchical Bayesian approach by Joanne Ellison, Erengul Dodd, Jonathan J Forster, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, (2020). [doi]
Sample-Based Forecasting Exploiting Hierarchical Time Series by Ulrike Fischer, Frank Rosenthal, Wolfgang Lehner, Proceedings of the 16th International Database Engineering Applications Sysmposium (2012). [doi]
Hierarchical forecasting: issues and use guidelines by Gene Fliedner, Industrial Management & Data Systems (2001). [doi]
Understanding forecast reconciliation by Ross Hollyman, Fotios Petropoulos, Michael E. Tipping, European Journal of Operational Research (2021). [doi]
Optimally reconciling forecasts in a hierarchy by R J Hyndman, George Athanasopoulos, Foresight: International Journal of Applied Forecasting (2014). [url]
Optimal combination forecasts for hierarchical time series by Rob J. Hyndman, Roman A. Ahmed, George Athanasopoulos, Han Lin Shang, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2011). [doi]
Fast computation of reconciled forecasts for hierarchical and grouped time series by Rob J. Hyndman, Alan J. Lee, Earo Wang, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2016). [doi]
A simple view of top-down vs bottom-up forecasting by L Lapide, Journal of Business Forecasting Methods and Systems (1998).
A forecast reconciliation approach to cause-of-death mortality modeling by Han Li, Hong Li, Yang Lu, Anastasios Panagiotelis, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (2019).
Forecasting unemployment in Brazil: A robust reconciliation approach using hierarchical data by Maurício Franca Lila, Erick Meira, Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (2022). [doi]
Analyzing mortality bond indexes via hierarchical forecast reconciliation by Han Li, Qihe Tang, ASTIN Bulletin (2019). [doi]
Top-down strategies based on adaptive fuzzy rule-based systems for daily time series forecasting by Ivette Luna, Rosangela Ballini, International Journal of Forecasting (2011). [doi]
A machine learning approach for forecasting hierarchical time series by Paolo Mancuso, Veronica Piccialli, Antonio M. Sudoso, Expert Systems with Applications (2021). [doi]
Forecasting hierarchical time series in supply chains: an empirical investigation by Dejan Mircetic, Bahman Rostami-Tabar, Svetlana Nikolicic, Marinko Maslaric, International Journal of Production Research (2022). [doi]
Hierarchical demand forecasting benchmark for the distribution grid by Lorenzo Nespoli, Vasco Medici, Kristijan Lopatichki, Fabrizio Sossan, Electric Power Systems Research (2020). [doi]
Top-down versus bottom-up forecasting strategies by Albert B Schwarzkopf, Richard J Tersine, John S Morris, International Journal of Production Research (1988). [doi]
Reconciling Forecasts of Infant Mortality Rates at National and Sub-National Levels: Grouped Time-Series Methods by Han Lin Shang, Population Resarch Policy Review (2016). [arXiv]
Game-theoretically optimal reconciliation of contemporaneous hierarchical time series forecasts by Tim van Erven, Jairo Cugliari, Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimension (2015). [url]
Top-down or bottom-up forecasting? by Peter Wanke, Eduardo Saliby, Pesquisa Operacional (2007).
- Forecasting with temporal hierarchies by George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes, Fotios Petropoulos, European Journal of Operational Research (2017). [doi]
- Reconciling solar forecasts: Temporal hierarchy by Dazhi Yang, Hao Quan, Vahid R. Disfani, Carlos D. Rodríguez-Gallegos, Solar Energy (2017). [doi]
- Heat load forecasting using adaptive temporal hierarchies by Hj\orleifur G. Bergsteinsson, Jan Kloppenborg M\oller, Peter Nystrup, 'Olafur Pétur Pálsson, Daniela Guericke, Henrik Madsen, Applied Energy (2021). [doi]
- Temporal hierarchies with autocorrelation for load forecasting by Peter Nystrup, Erik Lindstr\om, Pierre Pinson, Henrik Madsen, European Journal of Operational Research (2020). [doi]
- Dimensionality reduction in forecasting with temporal hierarchies by Peter Nystrup, Erik Lindstr\om, Jan K. M\oller, Henrik Madsen, International Journal of Forecasting (2021). [doi]
- Likelihood-Based Inference in Temporal Hierarchies. by Møller, Jan Kloppenborg, Peter Nystrup, and Henrik Madsen, International Journal of Forecasting (2023). [doi]
- Reconciling Temporal Hierarchies of Wind Power Production with Forecast-Dependent Variance Structures by Sørensen, Mikkel L., Jan K. Møller, and Henrik Madsen, European Mathematical Society Magazine (2023). [doi]
- Optimal Forecast Reconciliation with Uncertainty Quantification. by Møller, Jan Kloppenborg, Peter Nystrup, Poul G. Hjorth, and Henrik Madsen (2024). [arXiv]
- On the performance of overlapping and non-overlapping temporal demand aggregation approaches by John E Boylan, M Zied Babai, International Journal of Production Economics (2016).
- Some consequences of temporal aggregation and systematic sampling for ARMAand ARMAX models by K.R.W. Brewer, Journal of Econometrics (1973). [doi]
- Forecast reconciliation in the temporal hierarchy: Special case of intermittent demand with obsolescence by Kamal Sanguri, Sabyasachi Patra, Sushil Punia, Expert Systems with Applications (2023) [[doi]]](
- Improving the forecasting performance of temporal hierarchies by Evangelos Spiliotis, Fotios Petropoulos, Vassilios Assimakopoulos, PLoS ONE (2019). [doi]
- Hierarchical forecast reconciliation with machine learning by Evangelos Spiliotis, Mahdi Abolghasemi, Rob J Hyndman, Fotios Petropoulos, Vassilios Assimakopoulos, Applied Soft Computing (2021).
- Optimal Reconciliation of Hierarchical Wind Energy Forecasts Utilizing Temporal Correlation. by Navneet Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, and Prerna Jain, Energy Conversion and Management (2024). [doi]
- Temporal Hierarchical Reconciliation for Consistent Water Resources Forecasting Across Multiple Timescales: An Application to Precipitation Forecasting by M S Jahangir, J Quilty, Water resources research (2022). [doi] [url]
- Forecasting with deep temporal hierarchies by Filotas Theodosiou, Nikolaos Kourentzes, Available at SSRN 3918315 (2021).
- Cross-temporal forecast reconciliation: Optimal combination method and heuristic alternatives by Tommaso Di Fonzo, Daniele Girolimetto, International Journal of Forecasting (2023). [doi] [github] [arXiv]
- Reconciling solar forecasts: Sequential reconciliation by Gokhan Mert Yagli, Dazhi Yang, Dipti Srinivasan, Solar Energy (2019). [doi]
- Enhancements in cross-temporal forecast reconciliation, with an application to solar irradiance forecasts by Tommaso Di Fonzo, Daniele Girolimetto (2022). [arXiv]
- Spatio-temporal reconciliation of solar forecasts by Tommaso Di Fonzo, Daniele Girolimetto, Solar Energy (2023).
- Toward a one-number forecast: cross-temporal hierarchies by Nikolaos Kourentzes, Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting (2022).
- Cross-temporal aggregation: Improving the forecast accuracy of hierarchical electricity consumption by Evangelos Spiliotis, Fotios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Kourentzes, Vassilios Assimakopoulos, Applied Energy (2020). [doi]
- Cross-temporal coherent forecasts for Australian tourism by Nikolaos Kourentzes, George Athanasopoulos, Annals of Tourism Research (2019). [doi]
- A cross-temporal hierarchical framework and deep learning for supply chain forecasting by Sushil Punia, Surya P. Singh, Jitendra K. Madaan, Computers & Industrial Engineering (2020). [doi]
Coherent probabilistic forecasts for hierarchical time series by Souhaib Ben Taieb, James W. Taylor, Rob J. Hyndman, Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning (2017). [url]
Hierarchical probabilistic forecasting of electricity demand with smart meter data by Souhaib Ben Taieb, James W. Taylor, Rob J. Hyndman, Journal of the American Statistical Association (2021). [doi]
Day-ahead hierarchical probabilistic load forecasting with linear quantile regression and empirical copulas by Tianhui Zhao, Jianxue Wang, Yao Zhang, IEEE Access (2019). [doi]
Improving Probabilistic Infectious Disease Forecasting Through Coherence by G C Gibson, K R Moran, N G Reich, D Osthus, PLoS computational biology (2021). [doi] [url]
A hierarchical approach to probabilistic wind power forecasting by Ciaran Gilbert, Jethro Browell, David McMillan, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) (2018). [doi]
Probabilistic forecast reconciliation: properties, evaluation and score optimisation by Anastasios Panagiotelis, Puwasala Gamakumara, George Athanasopoulos, Rob J Hyndman, European Journal of Operational Research (2023). [doi]
Coherent probabilistic solar power forecasting by Hossein Panamtash, Qun Zhou, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) (2018). [doi]
Dirichlet Proportions Model for Hierarchically Coherent Probabilistic Forecasting by Abhimanyu Das, Weihao Kong, Biswajit Paria, Rajat Sen (2023). [doi] [arXiv]
End-to-end learning of coherent probabilistic forecasts for hierarchical time series by Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Lucien D Werner, Konstantinos Benidis, Pedro Mercado, Jan Gasthaus, Tim Januschowski, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 139 (2021). [url]
- See Software for the implementation in the
- See Software for the implementation in the
Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation under the Gaussian Framework by Shanika L. Wickramasuriya, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (2023). [doi] [url] [arXiv]
Fully reconciled probabilistic GDP forecasts from income and expenditure sides by Tommaso Di Fonzo, Daniele Girolimetto, Book of Short Papers SIS 2022 (2022). [file]
Probabilistic forecasts using expert judgement: the road to recovery from COVID-19 by G Athanasopoulos, R J Hyndman, N Kourentzes, M. O'Hara-Wild, Journal of Travel Research (2023). [doi]
Probabilistic reconciliation of count time series by Giorgio Corani, Dario Azzimonti, Nicolo Rubattu (2022). [doi] [arXiv]
Reconciling solar forecasts: Probabilistic forecasting with homoscedastic Gaussian errors on a geographical hierarchy by Gokhan Mert Yagli, Dazhi Yang, Dipti Srinivasan, Solar Energy (2020). [doi]
Reconciling solar forecasts: Probabilistic forecast reconciliation in a nonparametric framework by Dazhi Yang, Solar Energy (2020). [doi]
Probabilistic reconciliation of hierarchical forecast via Bayes' rule by Giorgio Corani, Dario Azzimonti, Jo~ao P. S. C. Augusto, Marco Zaffalon, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (2021). [doi]
Grouped functional time series forecasting: an application to age-specific mortality rates by Han Lin Shang, Rob J. Hyndman, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (2017). [doi]
Do we want coherent hierarchical forecasts, or minimal MAPEs or MAEs? (We won't get both!) by Stephan Kolassa, International Journal of Forecasting (2023).
Point and probabilistic forecast reconciliation for general linearly constrained multiple time series by Daniele Girolimetto, Tommaso Di Fonzo, Statistical Methods & Applications (2023). [doi] [github] [arXiv]
An ensemble methodology for hierarchical probabilistic electric vehicle load forecasting at regular charging stations by L Buzna, P De Falco, G Ferruzzi, S Khormali, D Proto, N Refa, M Straka, G van der Poele, Applied energy (2021). [doi] [url]
Global energy forecasting competition 2017: Hierarchical probabilistic load forecasting by Tao Hong, Jingrui Xie, Jonathan Black, International Journal of Forecasting (2019). [doi]
Probabilistic hierarchical forecasting with deep Poisson mixtures by Kin G Olivares, O Nganba Meetei, Ruijun Ma, Rohan Reddy, Mengfei Cao, Lee Dicker (2022). [arXiv]
Blending gradient boosted trees and neural networks for point and probabilistic forecasting of hierarchical time series by Ioannis Nasios, Konstantinos Vogklis, International Journal of Forecasting (2022). [doi]
Reconciled boosted models for GEFCom2017 hierarchical probabilistic load forecasting by Cameron Roach, International Journal of Forecasting (2019). [doi]
Probabilistic Gradient Boosting Machines for Large-Scale Probabilistic Regression by Olivier Sprangers, Sebastian Schelter, Maarten de Rijke, Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2021). [doi]
Coherent Hierarchical Probabilistic Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Demand by Zheng, Kedi, Hanwei Xu, Zeyang Long, Yi Wang, and Qixin Chen, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (2023). [doi]
Simultaneously reconciled quantile forecasting of hierarchically related time series by Xing Han, Sambarta Dasgupta, Joydeep Ghosh, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) (2021). [arXiv]
- Probabilistic forecast reconciliation with applications to wind power and electric load by Jooyoung Jeon, Anastasios Panagiotelis, Fotios Petropoulos, European Journal of Operational Research (2019). [doi]
- Efficient probabilistic reconciliation of forecasts for real-valued and count time series by Lorenzo Zambon, Dario Azzimonti, Giorgio Corani, Statistics and Computing (2022). [doi] [arXiv]
- Check for Updates Electricity Load and Peak Forecasting: Feature Engineering, Probabilistic Light GBM and Temporal Hierarchies by Rubattu, Nicolò, Gabriele Maroni, and Giorgio Corani, Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data: 8th ECML PKDD Workshop (2023).
- Cross-temporal Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation by Daniele Girolimetto, George Athanasopoulos, Tommaso Di Fonzo, Rob J Hyndman, International Journal of Forecasting (2023). [doi] [github] [arXiv]
- gtop: Game-Theoretically OPtimal (GTOP) Reconciliation Method by Jairo Cugliari, Tim van Erven (2015). [R archive]
- thief: Temporal HIErarchical Forecasting by Rob J Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes (2018). [R cran] [docu] [github]
- hts: Hierarchical and Grouped Time Series by Rob J Hyndman, Alan Lee, Earo Wang, Shanika Wickramasuriya (2021). [R cran] [docu] [github]
- ProbReco: Score Optimal Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation by Anastasios Panagiotelis (2020). [R archive] [github]
- FoReco: Forecast Reconciliation by Daniele Girolimetto, Tommaso Di Fonzo (2023). [R cran] [docu] [github]
- bayesRecon: Probabilistic Reconciliation via Conditioning by Dario Azzimonti, Nicolò Rubattu, Lorenzo Zambon, Giorgio Corani (2023). [R cran] [github]
- fabletools: Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framework by Mitchell O'Hara-Wild, Rob J Hyndman, Earo Wang (2023). [R cran] [docu] [github]
- pyhts: A python package for hierarchical forecasting by Bohan Zhang, Yanfei Kang, Feng Li (2022). [docu] [github]
- GluonTS: Probabilistic Time Series Modeling in Python by A. Alexandrov, K. Benidis, M. Bohlke-Schneider, V. Flunkert, J. Gasthaus, T. Januschowski, D. C. Maddix, S. Rangapuram, D. Salinas, J. Schulz, L. Stella, A. C. Türkmen, Y. Wang (2023). [url]
- Accompanying paper:
- GluonTS: Probabilistic and Neural Time Series Modeling in Python by Alexander Alexandrov, Konstantinos Benidis, Michael Bohlke-Schneider, Valentin Flunkert, Jan Gasthaus, Tim Januschowski, Danielle C. Maddix, Syama Rangapuram, David Salinas, Jasper Schulz, Lorenzo Stella, Ali Caner Türkmen, Yuyang Wang, Journal of Machine Learning Research (2020). [url]
- Accompanying paper:
- HierarchicalForecast: Probabilistic hierarchical forecasting with statistical and econometric methods by Kin G. Olivares, Federico Garza, David Luo, Cristian Challú, Max Mergenthaler, Souhaib Ben Taieb, Shanika L. Wickramasuriya, Artur Dubrawski (2022). [url]
- The precision of national income estimates by Richard Stone, D. G. Champernowne, J. E. Meade, Review of Economic Studies (1942). [doi]
- Input-output and national accounts by Richard Stone (1961).
- The estimation of large social account matrices by R P Byron, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1978). [doi] [url]
- Corrigenda: The estimation of large social account matrices by R P Byron, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (1979). [doi]
The estimation of
$M$ disaggregate time series when contemporaneous and temporal aggregates are known by Tommaso Di Fonzo, The Review of Economics and Statistics (1990). [doi] - Benchmarking, Temporal Distribution, and Reconciliation Methods for Time Series by Estela Bee Dagum, Pierre A Cholette (2006). [doi]
- Simultaneous and two-step reconciliation of systems of time series: methodological and practical issues by Tommaso Di Fonzo, Marco Marini, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (2011). [doi]
- Benchmarking large accounting frameworks: a generalized multivariate model by Reinier Bikker, Jacco Daalmans, Nino Mushkudiani, Economic Systems Research (2013).
- Optimal Reconciliation of Seasonally Adjusted Disaggregates Taking Into Account the Difference Between Direct and Indirect Adjustment of the Aggregate by Francisco Corona, Victor M Guerrero, Jesús López-Peréz , Journal of Official Statistics (2021).
- Constrained forecasting in autoregressive time series models: A Bayesian analysis by Enrique De Alba, International Journal of Forecasting (1993).
- Forecasting with multivariate temporal aggregation: The case of promotional modelling by Nikolaos Kourentzes, Fotios Petropoulos, International Journal of Production Economics (2016). [DOI]
- Demand forecasting by temporal aggregation: Using optimal or multiple aggregation levels? by Nikolaos Kourentzes, Bahman Rostami-Tabar, Devon K Barrow, Journal of Business Research (2017). [DOI]
- Aggregation and proration in forecasting by E Shlifer, R W Wolff, Management Science (1979). [url]
- Temporal aggregation of univariate and multivariate time series models: A survey by Andrea Silvestrini, David Veredas, Journal of Economic Surveys (2008). [doi]
- Kalman filtering with state equality constraints by Dan Simon, Tien Li Chia, IEEE transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2002).
Optimal state estimation: Kalman,
$H_\infty$ , and nonlinear approaches by Dan Simon (2006). - Kalman filtering with state constraints: a survey of linear and nonlinear algorithms by Dan Simon, IET Control Theory & Applications (2010).
- Constrained Forecasting: Some Implementation Guidelines by Eugene B Fliedner, Vincent A Mabert, Decision Sciences (1992).
- Disaggregation methods to expedite product line forecasting by C W Gross, J E Sohl, Journal of Forecasting (1990). [doi]
- Is aggregation necessarily bad? by Yehuda Grunfeld, Zvi Griliches, The Review of Economics and Statistics (1960).
- The effect of aggregation on prediction in autoregressive integrated moving-average models by L. K. Hotta, J. Cardoso Neto, Journal of Time Series Analysis (1993).
- The effect of overlapping aggregation on time series models: an application to the unemployment rate in Brazil by Luiz K Hotta, Pedro A Morettin, Pedro L Valls Pereira, Brazilian Review of Econometrics (1992).
- Forecasting euro area inflation: Does aggregating forecasts by HICP component improve forecast accuracy? by K Hubrich, International Journal of Forecasting (2005).
- Improving forecasting by estimating time series structural components across multiple frequencies by Nikolaos Kourentzes, Fotios Petropoulos, Juan R Trapero, International Journal of Forecasting (2014).
- Forecasting temporally aggregated vector ARMA processes by Helmut L\utkepohl, Journal of Forecasting (1986). [url]
- An aggregate--disaggregate intermittent demand approach (ADIDA) to forecasting: an empirical proposition and analysis by Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Aris A Syntetos, John E Boylan, Fotios Petropoulos, Vassilis Assimakopoulos, Journal of the Operational Research Society (2011).
- Forecasting hierarchical time series by Roman A Ahmed, Monash PhD Thesis (2009). [ur]
- Optimal forecasts for hierarchical and grouped time series by Shanika L Wickramasuriya, Monash PhD Thesis (2017). [url]
- Essays in hierarchical time series forecasting and forecast combination by Christoph Weiss, University of Cambridge PhD Thesis (2018). [doi]
- Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation: Theory and Applications by Puwasala Gamakumara, Monash PhD Thesis (2020). [url]
- Forecast reconciliation: Methodological issues and applications by Daniele Girolimetto, UniPD PhD Thesis (2020). [url]
- Using big data to enhance demand-driven forecasting and planning by Charles W. Chase, Journal of Business Forecasting (2013).
- Forecasts are produced by separate organisational silos
Dynamic Temporal Reconciliation by Reinforcement learning by Himanshi Charotia, Abhishek Garg, Gaurav Dhama, Naman Maheshwari (2022). [arXiv]
Prior information and ARIMA forecasting by Pierre A Cholette, Journal of Forecasting (1982).
Best linear unbiased interpolation, distribution, and extrapolation of time series by related series by Gregory C Chow, An-loh Lin, The of Economics and Statistics (1971).
The forecast combination puzzle: A simple theoretical explanation by Gerda Claeskens, Jan R Magnus, Andrey L Vasnev, Wendun Wang, International Journal of Forecasting (2016).
Predicting Earnings with Sub-Entity Data: Some Further Evidence by Daniel W. Collins, Journal of Accounting Research (1976). [doi]
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