Item 73: Use Source Maps to Debug TypeScript
Don't debug generated JavaScript. Use source maps to debug your TypeScript code at runtime.
Make sure that your source maps are mapped all the way through to the code that you run.
Know how to debug Node.js code written in TypeScript.
Depending on your settings, your source maps might contain an inline copy of your original code. Don't publish them unless you know what you're doing!
// index.ts
function addCounter ( el : HTMLElement ) {
let clickCount = 0 ;
const button = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
button . textContent = 'Click me' ;
button . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
clickCount ++ ;
button . textContent = `Click me (${ clickCount } )` ;
} ) ;
el . appendChild ( button ) ;
addCounter ( document . body ) ;
💻 playground
// index.ts
function addCounter ( el : HTMLElement ) {
let clickCount = 0 ;
const triviaEl = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ;
const button = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
button . textContent = 'Click me' ;
button . addEventListener ( 'click' , async ( ) => {
clickCount ++ ;
const response = await fetch ( `${ clickCount } ` ) ;
const trivia = await response . text ( ) ;
triviaEl . textContent = trivia ;
button . textContent = `Click me (${ clickCount } )` ;
} ) ;
el . appendChild ( triviaEl ) ;
el . appendChild ( button ) ;
💻 playground
// bedtime.ts
async function sleep ( ms : number ) {
return new Promise < void > ( resolve => setTimeout ( resolve , ms ) ) ;
async function main ( ) {
console . log ( 'Good night!' ) ;
await sleep ( 1000 ) ;
console . log ( 'Morning already!?' ) ;
main ( ) ;
💻 playground