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File metadata and controls

251 lines (178 loc) · 5.87 KB


Custom tabs


Custom tabs can be added to the i3 inventory as follow (example):

i3.new_tab {
	name = "stuff",
	description = "Stuff",
	image = "image.png", -- Optional, adds an image next to the tab description

	-- Determine if the tab is visible by a player, `false` or `nil` hide the tab
	access = function(player, data)
		local name = player:get_player_name()
		if name == "singleplayer" then
			return false

	formspec = function(player, data, fs)
		fs("label[3,1;This is just a test]")

	fields = function(player, data, fields)
  • player is an ObjectRef to the user.
  • data are the user data.
  • fs is the formspec table which is callable with a metamethod. Each call adds a new entry.

i3.set_fs(player[, extra_formspec])

Updates the current formspec. extra_formspec adds an additional formspec string.


Deletes a tab by name.


Returns the current player tab. player is an ObjectRef to the user.

i3.set_tab(player[, tabname])

Sets the current tab by name. player is an ObjectRef to the user. tabname can be omitted to get an empty tab.

i3.override_tab(tabname, def)

Overrides a tab by name. def is the tab definition like seen in i3.set_tab.


Returns the list of registered tabs.

Custom recipes

Custom recipes are nonconventional crafts outside the main crafting grid. They can be registered in-game dynamically and have a size beyond 3x3 items.

Note: the registration format differs from the default registration format in everything. The width is automatically calculated depending where you place the commas. Look at the examples attentively.

Registering a custom crafting type (example)

i3.register_craft_type("digging", {
	description = "Digging",
	icon = "default_tool_steelpick.png",

Registering a custom crafting recipe (examples)

	type   = "digging",
	result = "default:cobble 2",
	items  = {"default:stone"},
	result = "default:cobble 16",
	items = {
		"default:stone, default:stone, default:stone",
		"default:stone,              , default:stone",
		"default:stone, default:stone, default:stone",

Recipes can be registered in a Minecraft-like way:

	grid = {
		"X  #",
		" ## ",
		"X  X",
	key = {
		['#'] = "default:wood",
		['X'] = "default:glass",
	result = "default:mese 3",

Multiples recipes can also be registered:

		result = "default:mese",
		items = {
			"default:mese_crystal, default:mese_crystal",
			"default:mese_crystal, default:mese_crystal",

	big = {
		result = "default:mese 4",
		items = {
			"default:mese_crystal, default:mese_crystal",
			"default:mese_crystal, default:mese_crystal",
			"default:mese_crystal, default:mese_crystal",
			"default:mese_crystal, default:mese_crystal",

Recipes can be registered from a given URL containing a JSON file (HTTP support is required¹):

	url = ""

Recipe filters

Recipe filters can be used to filter the recipes shown to players. Progressive mode is implemented as a recipe filter.

i3.add_recipe_filter(name, function(recipes, player))

Adds a recipe filter with the given name. The filter function returns the recipes to be displayed, given the available recipes and an ObjectRef to the user. Each recipe is a table of the form returned by minetest.get_craft_recipe.

Example function to hide recipes for items from a mod called "secretstuff":

i3.add_recipe_filter("Hide secretstuff", function(recipes)
	local filtered = {}
	for _, recipe in ipairs(recipes) do
		if recipe.output:sub(1,12) ~= "secretstuff:" then
			filtered[#filtered + 1] = recipe

	return filtered

i3.set_recipe_filter(name, function(recipe, player))

Removes all recipe filters and adds a new one.


Removes the recipe filter with the given name.


Returns a map of recipe filters, indexed by name.

Search filters

Search filters are used to perform specific searches inside the search field. These filters are cumulative to perform a specific search. They can be used like so: <optional_name> +<filter name>=<value1>,<value2>,<...>

Example usages:

  • +groups=cracky,crumbly: search for groups cracky and crumbly in all items.
  • wood +groups=flammable: search for group flammable amongst items which contain wood in their names.


  • If optional_name is omitted, the search filter will apply to all items, without pre-filtering.
  • The +groups filter is currently implemented by default.

i3.add_search_filter(name, function(item, values))

Adds a search filter with the given name. values is a table of all possible values. The search function must return a boolean value (whether the given item should be listed or not).

Example function sorting items by drawtype:

i3.add_search_filter("types", function(item, drawtypes)
	local t = {}

	for i, dt in ipairs(drawtypes) do
		t[i] = (dt == "node" and reg_nodes[item] and 1) or
		       (dt == "item" and reg_craftitems[item] and 1) or
		       (dt == "tool" and reg_tools[item] and 1) or nil

	return #t > 0


Removes the search filter with the given name.


Returns a map of search filters, indexed by name.



If set, the mod will export all the cached recipes and usages in a JSON format to the given URL (HTTP support is required¹).

¹ Add i3 to the secure.http_mods or secure.trusted_mods setting in minetest.conf.