- Set environment variables on host/s from which Telegraf will be sending metrics. These are:
- Jolokia JVM Agent
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Zookeeper
Note: Kafka and Zookeper can be easily obtained and managed through the open source Confluent Platform.
- This template does not require -- and therefore support -- TLS configurations. If you have TLS enabled for Jolokia/Zookeeper, you will want to provide that information to the Telegraf configuration. Simply follow this for Jolokia and this for Zookeeper. Comprehensive TLS docs as it pertains to Telegraf can be found here.
Note: Fields are verbose so the byte size of this dataset is larger than average.
- Telegraf metrics (lines of Line Protocol): 143
- Mean tags per line': 3.50
- Mean fields per line': 9.90
- Tags mode': 3
- Fields mode': 4
- Tags median': 3
- Fields median': 4
- Measurements: 8
- kafka_broker (still have to add Type=DelayedOperationPurgatory)
- Tags
- host
- jolokia_agent_url
- topic
- Fields
- BytesInPerSec_FifteenMinuteRate (come back)
- Tags
- kafka_controller
- kafka_replica_controller
- kafka_network
- zk_client (Kafka perspective)
add ZK metrics: https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/zookeeper#metrics