This InfluxDB Template can be used to gather data from a Modbus slave
The goal of this template is to provide an example of using Telgraf's Modbus input plugin to gather information from a device then insert it into infux for storage and processing.
If you have your InfluxDB credentials configured in the CLI, you can install this template with:
influx pkg -u
- 1 label:
- 1 bucket: 'node8'
- 9 Alerts: Threshold checks for all areas in
- 2 Variables:
- 1 Dashboard:
Island Pulse
(see screenshot above)
General instructions on using InfluxDB Templates can be found in the use a template document.
The data for the dashboard is populated by communicating to a modbus device. You may refer to the Island Pulse Demo Modbus Device repository for a working demo device you can use while you explore this template.
Telegraf Configuration requires the following environment variables:
- Author: Ray Farias
- Email: [email protected]
- Github: @sgnl
- Influx Slack: @Ray Farias