This file is deprecated as not all change logs are recored in it. See the git tag and logs for the full change log.
supports python3.7+
changelog: v_0.1.7 released. add some functions: - add prefetch volumeids for master to get volumeId more quickly; - add WeedOperation.exists(fid) to detect fid's existence
changelog: v_0.1.6 released. fix minor errors on operation and filer.
add examples to README bump version to v_0.1.6
- changelog:
change default volume port 8080 to 27000
change api module operation: rename:
- create -> crud_create
- read -> crud_read
- update -> crud_update
- delete -> crud_delete
- add:
- get_url -> return an accessible volume url of a "fid"
- get_content -> return just file content of a file
- return value changed:
- now get/put/delete all return the same structure: WeedOperationResponse(wor)
- check operation's status by checking: wor.status (if ok: 'success' else 'fail' or 'error')
- changelog:
Modify "method: get" of WeedOperation. Change default Parameter "just_url" to False and add Parameter "just_content"(defaults to True).
- So,
when you do "get" by default, you will get file content as normally expected;
set "just_url" to True you will get an object of WeedResponse whose "property: fid_full_url" can serve as a full url for backend servers like nginx, ...;
set "just_content" to True will just return the file's content else will return a full object of requests.Response(includes all info, like content-type, headers, ...)
- changelog:
- add put/get/rm, create/read/update/delete operations
- changelog:
- the basic version done.