Default arguments are evaluated once and then re-used
if 1<x < 3
Anything top level is global
Python has error for non-existing keys in dict
Python has mutable strings
Sequences represent ordered sets of objects indexed by >0 integers and include strings, lists, and tuples.
list(s) converts any iterable type to a list.
- a = "Your name is {0} and your age is {age}"
- a.format("Mike", age=40)
- range or xrange([i,], j[, stride]) : range of k integers i <= k < j
mapping object: arbitrary collection of objects that are indexed by another collection of nearly arbitrary key values. Unordered, can be indexed by numbers, strings, and other objects. Mutable.
Key must be immutable object (strings, numbers, tuples, etc, not lists, dictionaries, mutable tuples).
No indexing/slicing operations. No key/values associated with object. Items in set must be immutable. Set is mutable, frozenset is an immutable set.
Can interact with any iterable object (sets, lists, tuples, strings.)