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113 |
Machine Learning Framework, Library, Tools |
/dsblog/ml-frameworks-libraries-tools |
2021-07-13 |
2021-06-15 15:46:43 -0400 |
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Hari Thapliyaal |
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As of 2022, Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning are very fast-evolving domains. In the last 5 years, it has picked up momentum. Every day a new library, framework, and tools pops out before our eyes. Many of these are very interesting and some are just duplicates with little value addition. I am listing below some tools that I came across during my work. The purpose of this listing is not to describe every tool but to provide a link and just put them in sorted order. There are so many jargons, and we use to forget these. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to recall them. It was useful for me and I hope some of you will find this useful.
The list below is in alphabetical order.
- Beautiful Soup: A library for parsing HTML and XML documents.
- Bokeh: A library for creating interactive visualizations in web browsers.
- Folium: A library for creating interactive maps using leaflet.js.
- Gensim: A library for topic modelling and document similarity analysis.
- Keras: A high-level API for building and training deep learning models.
- Matplotlib: A library for creating visualizations such as charts and graphs.
- NLTK: A library for natural language processing tasks such as tokenization, stemming, and tagging.
- NetworkX: A library for working with graphs and networks.
- NumPy: A library for working with arrays of data.
- OpenCV: A library for computer vision tasks such as image processing and object detection.
- Pandas: A library for working with tabular data.
- Pillow: A fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL), a library for opening, manipulating, and saving many different image file formats.
- Plotly: A library for creating interactive visualizations in web browsers.
- PyTorch: A library for building and training machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks.
- Pygame Display: An extension of Pygame that provides support for creating windows and displaying graphics.
- Pygame GUI: An extension of Pygame that provides a set of GUI widgets such as buttons, text boxes, and sliders.
- Pygame Input: An extension of Pygame that provides support for handling input events such as mouse clicks, key presses, and joystick movements.
- Pygame Mixer: An extension of Pygame that provides support for playing sounds and music in games.
- Pygame Time: An extension of Pygame that provides support for timing and scheduling events in games.
- Pygame Vector: An extension of Pygame that provides support for 2D vector math operations such as addition, subtraction, dot product, cross product, normalization, and rotation.
- Pygame Zero: An extension of Pygame that simplifies game development by providing a basic game loop and other features out of the box.
- Requests: A library for making HTTP requests in Python.
- SciPy: A library for scientific computing, including optimization, integration, and linear algebra.
- Scikit-learn: A library for machine learning algorithms.
- Scrapy: A library for web scraping and crawling.
- Seaborn: A library for creating more advanced visualizations.
- Selenium: A library for automating web browsers.
- Statsmodels: A library for statistical modelling and testing.
- TensorFlow: A library for building and training machine learning models.
The list below is in alphabetical order.
- Accord Net
- ActiveMQ *
- acxiom
- Adapter Transformers
- Airflow *
- AIX360
- Albumentations
- AlchemyAPI for Blockchain
- AlertOps *
- Algorithms for outlier, adversarial and drift detection
- Alibi Detect
- allenNLP, github
- AlphaZero jl
- Alteryx
- Amazon Webservics *
- Analytics Vidhya
- Android Studio *
- Annoy *
- Ansible *
- Ansimble *
- Anypoint Platform
- Apache *
- Apache Airflow
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Mahout
- Apache SINGA
- Apache Solr
- Apache Spark
- apatar
- AppDynamics *
- Argo Workflow
- Arrow *
- Astera
- Asteroid
- Atom *
- Attensity *
- Audino *
- AutoGL
- AutoGraph *
- Automic *
- AutoML
- AWS *
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS cloudformation
- AWS Cloudwatch
- AWS codebuilt for hosting code
- AWS codecommit
- AWS codepipeline
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Lambdas *
- AWS Quicksight
- AWS S3 *
- AWS sagemaker
- Azure *
- Azure Fuction *
- Azure Logic Apps. *
- AzureML *
- Bamboo *
- beam *
- beautifulsoup *
- BERT *
- BERT++ *
- BigML *
- BiLSTM *
- Binder
- Birst *
- Bitbucket
- Blackduck *
- bokeh *
- BookNLP
- Boomi AtomSphere Platform *
- Bort *
- Brain
- Brainstorm
- Caffe, github
- Caffe2, github
- CAI *
- Car ND Object Detection
- Catalyst
- category-encoder *
- ccv
- Celigo Integration Platform *
- CERT *
- Chainer
- char-rnn
- Chef *
- ChoasMonkey *
- Chocolatey *
- Circle CI *
- CJU *
- Clarif-ai *
- clearstory - alteryx *
- CLion *
- Cloud Foundary *
- Cloudera *
- cloverETL *
- CML *
- Coach
- CodeOcean *
- CodePen *
- Comet ML *
- Concourse *
- conda *
- CondSandbox *
- Continuous Machine Learning (CML)
- ConvBERT *
- convetjs
- Cookiecutter
- CoreML
- CPAN *
- Cracking Data Science Interviews
- CrowdFlower
- CrownAnalytix
- cuda-convnet
- cuDNN
- Cunnotate *
- CVAT *
- Cyberark Conjur *
- darts *
- Dask *
- Dask *
- DaskML *
- Data Driven
- DataGrip *
- Datameer *
- Datasift *
- Datastax
- datatable *
- Dato *
- DBMeastro *
- DeBERT *
- deeplearn.js
- DeepLearning4J
- DeepLearnToolbox
- Deepnet
- Deeppy
- Detecto
- DFS *
- DGL *
- Diffusers
- Digimind *
- distilBERT *
- Diverse Counterfactual Explanations (DiCE)
- Dnotebook
- Docker *
- DOMO *
- Dynatrace *
- Eclipse *
- Elastic search *
- ElasticBERT *
- ElasticSearch *
- Electra *
- Electric Cloud *
- ELI5
- Emacs *
- Enigma *
- ESPnet
- EthicalML
- etleap *
- Excel *
- Experian
- ExplainerDashboard
-, github
- Extrahop *
- Fairseq
- fancyimpute *
- *
- fastai
- FastAPI *
- fastText, github
- fatual
- fbprophet *
- Feast
- featuretools - auto features *
- Flair
- Flask *
- FlinkML *
- FluentId *
- Flyway DB *
- Fortify *
- Framework for fast prototyping of Graph Neural Networks
- Frog Artifactory *
- fuzzywuzzy *
- Gainsight
- garage
- Gathr
- GCP *
- GCP Engine *
- Git *
- Gitee *
- Github
- Gitlab
- Gitpod *
- Gliffy *
- GloVe
- Gluon *
- GluonTS *
- GNIP *
- GoLand *
- Good Data *
- Google Analytics *
- Google Anthos
- Google Colab *
- GPT3 *
- Grafana *
- Graph ML *
- Graph4nlp *
- GraphX GraphFrames *
- Great Expectations
- Grekite *
- Gremlin *
- gspread *
- H2O, github
- H2O/Deep Water *
- Hadapt
- Harness *
- HashcorpValut *
- hebel
- Helm *
- Hi Plot
- Hindi OCR
- Hinglish NLP
- HoloViews *
- Hootsuite *
- Hopsworks
- Hortonworks
- Hydra *
- IBM Cloud *
- IBM-Watson *
- Idibon *
- iGraph *
- imbalanced-data *
- Implicit
- Import IO *
- Infogroup *
- informatica
- Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services. *
- Intellij IDEA *
- Intercom
- ipyVizzu *
- JavaNN
- JBoss Server *
- Jenkins *
- jFrog Artifactory *
- JIRA *
- JMeter *
- Joblib
- Julia *
- JUnit *
- Jupyter *
- Jupyter Notebook
- JupyterHub *
- JupyterLab *
- Kafka *
- Kaggle
- Kaggle Courses
- Karate Club
- Kats *
- Kbana *
- KDD Cup
- Kedro
- Keptn *
- Keras, github
- Keras *
- Kibana *
- Kimano-labs *
- KISSmetrics *
- Knet.jl
- KongHQ *
- Kubeflow *
- Kubernetes *
- Label Studio
- Labelbox
- Lasagne
- Library for fast text representation and classification.
- LibSVM *
- LightFM *
- Logstash *
- Looker *
- LucidCharts *
- LucidSpark *
- Luigi *
- Lux *
- Mailchimp *
- Maluuba *
- Martego *
- Marvin
- MatConvNet
- MathWorks *
- MatLab/Octave *
- Matplotlib *
- Matplotlib Jupyter Integration
- Maven *
- Measuring Data Drift
- Mem cache *
- MemSQL *
- Mercuiral *
- Mercury
- Merlion
- Mesos *
- Metaculus
- MetaFlow *
- MetaMind *
- Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
- MicroStrategy *
- Minerva
- Mixpanel
- ML Completeness Checklist *
- ML Reproducibility Checklist *
- ML Workspace
- ML-Agents
- MLFlow *
- MLlib *
- MLpack
- MobileBERT *
- Mocha.jl *
- Mode *
- Model Explainablity
- Model in Production
- Model Monitoring
- Mongo dB *
- MongoDB
- MS Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)
- Mulesoft
- mxnet, github
- MXNet *
- MySQL *
- Nagios *
- NeMo
- Neo4j *
- Neon
- Neovim *
- Neptune
- Nepture *
- NetBeans IDE *
- Netron
- NetworkX *
- NeuPy
- Neural Prophet
- NeuralProphet: A simple forecasting package
- Neuraxle
- New Relic *
- Nexus *
- Nexus Sonatype *
- Nginx *
- NLP for Sanskrit
- NLP Overview
- NLTK *
- nolearn
- Notepad++ *
- Npm *
- NTLK/Gensim *
- Nuanace *
- numba *
- Numenta *
- Numpy *
- Nutanix *
- Nvidia DIGITS
- Octupus Deploy *
- OmegaConf *
- ONNX, github
- OpenAI Gym *
- OpenCV *
- OpenDL
- OpenMake *
- OpenStack *
- OpsLevel *
- Optimizely
- Optimus *
- Oracle *
- Oracle Weblogic Server *
- Orange *
- Oryx2 ML *
- Overleaf *
- P5js Editor *
- Pachyderm
- Packer *
- Paddle
- PaddlePaddle *
- PaddlePaddle.
- PagerDuty *
- Palantir *
- PalBert *
- Pandas *
- Panel
- Papermill *
- Paxata *
- pdfminer *
- Pentaho *
- PhpStorm *
- Pillow *
- pip *
- Platfora *
- Plutora *
- pmdarima *
- Poetry
- Postman *
- PregEx *
- Prodigy, github
- Prometheus *
- Puppet *
- Pycaret
- Pycharm *
- Pydantic
- pyexcel *
- PyImpetus
- pypdf2 *
- pyRDF2Vec *
- PySpark *
- Python *
- PyTorch, github
- Pytorch Geometry
- Pytorch Lightning
- pyVis *
- PyViz *
- Qlik *
- Qlikview *
- Quid *
- R Studio *
- Rabbit MQ *
- Radian *
- Rapid Insight *
- RapidMiner *
- Readhad Automation *
- Redate DB *
- RelateIQ
- Replit *
- Repo2docker *
- Requests-html *
- Revealjs
- Rider *
- River
- RNNLM Toolkit
- RoBERTa *
- RRCF *
- rubix, github
- RubyGems *
- Rust
- S2 Geometry *
- Salesforce
- Salford Systems *
- SaltStack *
- SAP *
- SAP Integration Suite. *
- SAS *
- Satisfaction *
- scarpy *
- Scikit Flow
- Scikit-learn
- Sciktlearn-Image *
- SciLab *
- Scipy *
- Seaborn *
- segaBERT *
- segLearn *
- Segment io
- Seldon Core
- SeldonIO/alibi
- SeldonIO/alibi-detect
- SeldonIO/tempo
- Selenium *
- Selinium Webdriver *
- SemBERT *
- Sense2Vec
- Sent2Vec Encoder
- Sentence Transformers
- Serpent.AI
- ServiceNow *
- SesameBERT *
- Shogun *
- Silk *
- Singa *
- Singularity *
- Singularity, *
- Skater
- sklearn *
- Sklearn Data Transformations *
- sklearn-pandas *
- sktime *
- Skytree *
- Slack *
- Slides
- snaplogic
- Snorkel *
- Snowflake *
- Software and Data Carpentry instructor training course material *
- Sonarqube *
- Sonnet
- spaCy, github
- Spacy Course
- SpanBERT *
- Spark Graph *
- Spark ML/MLLib *
- Spark SQL *
- Spark Streaming *
- speechbrain
- Spinnaker *
- Splunk *
- Spotfire *
- SPSS *
- Spyder *
- SQLServer *
- Squash Commits *
- SqueezeBERT *
- srsly
- Stable-Baselines3
- StackingBERT *
- Stanza
- Starlette *
- Statistica *
- Statsmodels *
- STMoE *
- Stoplight *
- Streamlit *
- StructBERT *
- Sublime Text *
- SumoLogic *
- Swagger *
- SyBase *
- Synapses
- Syntaxnet
- Sysomon *
- T5 *
- Tableau *
- Tabula *
- Tagtog *
- talend
- Tamr
- TeamCity *
- Tensorboard
- TensorBoard Huggingface
- Tensorflow
- Tensorflow *
- TensorFlowTTS *
- TensorForce
- TensorWatch
- TeraData *
- Terraform *
- TestTube *
- textract *
- TF Lite
- TFLearn, github
- TFX (Tensorflow Extended)
- The Carpentries website
- Theano
- Thinc
- Tiangolo
- TIBCO Cloud Integration. *
- Timm
- TinyBERT *
- TM Apache Spark *
- Tomcat *
- torch *
- Torch/PyTorch *
- Torch7
- Torchnet
- Totango *
- Transformers
- Travis *
- Trello *
- Trifacta
- Tripwire *
- TSFresh *
- tslearn *
- Turing NLR *
- Tyk *
- Universal Data Tool
- UrbanCode *
- Veles
- Vicarious *
- Vim *
- Visdom *
- Visual Code Insiders *
- Visual Studio Code *
- Visual Studio Tools for AI
- VisualParadigm *
- Visutal Studio *
- Vowpal Wabbit *
- VScode *
- *
- WebStorm *
- Weights & Biases *
- Weka
- Weka3/MOA *
- Wolfram Language
- Workato. *
- WorkFusion
- WPS *
- Xcode *
- XGBoost *
- XLM *
- XLNet *
- xlsxWriter *
- xlwings *
- Yarn *
- Yellowbrick
- Yum *
- Zabbix *
- Zapier
- Zend *
- Zendesk *
- ZenML, github
- Zenoss *
- Zeppelin *
- Zingg
- Zoomdata