SDK for Dash's flavor of the Insight API
npm install --save dashsight
"use strict";
require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" });
let dashsightBaseUrl =
process.env.DASHSIGHT_BASE_URL ||
let dashsocketBaseUrl =
process.env.DASHSOCKET_BASE_URL || "";
let insightBaseUrl =
process.env.INSIGHT_BASE_URL || "";
let dashsight = require("dashsight").create({
dashsightBaseUrl: dashsightBaseUrl,
dashsocketBaseUrl: dashsocketBaseUrl,
insightBaseUrl: insightBaseUrl,
dashsight.getInstantBalance(address).then(function (info) {`Current balance is: Đ${info.balance}`);
<script src="[email protected]/dashsight.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dashsocket.js"></script>
(async function () {
let dashsight = window.DashSight.create({
dashsightBaseUrl: "",
dashsocketBaseUrl: "",
insightBaseUrl: "",
// ...
await window.DashSocket.listen(
function finder(evname, data) {
console.log(evname, data);
{ debug: true },
You can also use a number of debug commands:
npx -p dashsight dashsight-balance <addr1> [addr2 ...] [--json]
npx -p dashsight dashsight-instantsend <raw-tx-hex> [--json]
npx -p dashsight dashsight-tx <txid1> [txid2 ...] [--json]
npx -p dashsight dashsight-txs <addr1> [addr2 ...] [--json]
npx -p dashsight dashsight-utxos <addr1> [addr2 ...] [--json]
There some curated addresses and txids in ./examples/.
DashSight.create({ dashsightBaseUrl, dashsocketBaseUrl }) |
dashsight.getInstantBalance(addrStr) |
dashsight.getTx(txIdHex) |
dashsight.getTxs(addrStr, maxPages) |
dashsight.getUtxos(addrStr) |
dashsight.instantSend(txHex) |
Creates an instance of the insight sdk bound to the given base urls.
let DashSight = require("dashsight");
let dashsight = DashSight.create({
dashsightBaseUrl: "",
dashsocketBaseUrl: "",
insightBaseUrl: "",
Note: There are no default base URLs (this is supposed to be used in a decentralized fashion, after all), but the ones given above are a good starting point if you don't have your own.
Do not use. Use dashsight.getInstantBalance(address)
Does not give accurate balances. Provided for completeness / compatibility only.
Takes a normal payment address, gives back the instantaneous balance (reflects instant send TXs).
// Base58Check-encoded Pay to Pubkey Hash (p2pkh)
let addr = `Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`;
let info = await dashsight.getInstantBalance(addr);
Example output:
"addrStr": "Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"balance": 10.01,
"balanceSat": 1001000000
Note: This is not actually part of Dash's Insight API, but would be if it could correctly calculate balances adjusted for Instant Send.
Get transaction details by its (hex-encoded) ID.
// Base58Check-encoded Pay to Pubkey Hash (p2pkh)
let txid = `f92e66edc9c8da41de71073ef08d62c56f8752a3f4e29ced6c515e0b1c074a38`;
let tx = await dashsight.getTx(txid);
Example output:
"txid": "f92e66edc9c8da41de71073ef08d62c56f8752a3f4e29ced6c515e0b1c074a38",
"version": 2,
"locktime": 1699123,
"vin": [
"txid": "346035a9ab38c84eb13964aff45e7a4d363f467fb755be0ffac6dfb2f80f63dc",
"vout": 1,
"sequence": 4294967294,
"n": 0,
"scriptSig": {
"hex": "483045022100f8f5feb0a533f8509cb6cbb0b046dc1136adaab378e9a5151dc4fe633dd064710220157b08ddf7557b5e69c6128989a7da7fccadd28836f0fb99860d730f4320681a0121038c681a93929bb4fe5d39025d42f711abab49a247f8312943d3021c6eb3231c82",
"asm": "3045022100f8f5feb0a533f8509cb6cbb0b046dc1136adaab378e9a5151dc4fe633dd064710220157b08ddf7557b5e69c6128989a7da7fccadd28836f0fb99860d730f4320681a[ALL] 038c681a93929bb4fe5d39025d42f711abab49a247f8312943d3021c6eb3231c82"
"addr": "Xhn6eTCwW94vhVifhshyTeihvTa7LcatiM",
"valueSat": 100001,
"value": 0.00100001,
"doubleSpentTxID": null
"vout": [
"value": "0.00099809",
"n": 0,
"scriptPubKey": {
"hex": "76a91473640d816ff4161d8c881da78983903bf9eba2d988ac",
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 73640d816ff4161d8c881da78983903bf9eba2d9 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"addresses": ["XmCyQ6qARLWXap74QubFMunngoiiA1QgCL"],
"type": "pubkeyhash"
"spentTxId": null,
"spentIndex": null,
"spentHeight": null
"blockheight": -1,
"confirmations": 0,
"time": 1657004174,
"valueOut": 0.00099809,
"size": 192,
"valueIn": 0.00100001,
"fees": 0.00000192,
"txlock": true
Note: newly minted coins (block rewards) have a different format than payment transactions. See the example at:
Get all transaction associated with an address.
// Base58Check-encoded Pay to Pubkey Hash (p2pkh)
let addr = `Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`;
let txs = await dashsight.getTxs(addr);
Example output:
(same as above for getTx(txid)
Gets all unspent transaction outputs (the usable "coins") for the given address.
Do not use. Use dashsight.getCoreUtxos(address)
This does not include outputIndex
, which is necessary to create a transaction
for use with dashsight. instantSend(txHex)
Provided for completeness / compatibility only.
// Base58Check-encoded Pay to Pubkey Hash (p2pkh)
let addr = `Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`;
let utxos = await dashsight.getUtxos(addr);
"address": "Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"txid": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
"vout": 0,
"scriptPubKey": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"amount": 0.01,
"satoshis": 1000000,
"height": 1500000,
"confirmations": 200000
Gets all unspent transaction outputs (the usable "coins") for the given address,
including all information needed by DashTx#hashAndSignAll()
// Base58Check-encoded Pay to Pubkey Hash (p2pkh)
let addr = `Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`;
let utxos = await dashsight.getCoreUtxos(addr);
Example output:
"address": "XmCyQ6qARLWXap74QubFMunngoiiA1QgCL",
"outputIndex": 0,
"satoshis": 99809,
"script": "76a91473640d816ff4161d8c881da78983903bf9eba2d988ac",
"txId": "f92e66edc9c8da41de71073ef08d62c56f8752a3f4e29ced6c515e0b1c074a38"
Send a signed transaction to Dash's Insight API for relay and broadcast to the Dash network.
let txHex = 'xxxxxxxx...';
let result = await dashsight.instantSend(txHex);
Example transaction hex (input):
(inspect at
Example output:
{ "txid": "0f90cf5e03e8b8f8c4468f60fc8328cfcd5617fc2163f485fabfd227c692bf93" }
Guides & Code Examples for creating and signing txHex