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robi-y edited this page Jan 20, 2014 · 24 revisions

Dev. Env. Setup Notes

OS X 10.9

  1. Install pip: sudo easy_install pip setuptools
  2. Install mysql connector source instructions
  3. This script might help too, and also installing full django stack
  4. git clone ...
  5. dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Windows 7 64 bit

  1. Install Python 2.7
  2. Install setuptools & pip(package manager) and update PATH to python and python/scripts directories (e.g. PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python27\Scripts)
  3. Install mysql connector binaries
  4. Install VC2008 Express (alt: mingw)
  5. git clone anyway from github (first install git, e.g. by installing github for windows)
  6. cmd to the anyway directory (e.g.> cd C:\Users\Admin\Documents\PycharmProjects\anyway).
  7. run:> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
  8. run:> pip install -r requirements.txt

Local First Run

  1. Define connection string:
  • bash: export CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL='sqlite:///local.db'
  • windows shell: set CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///local.db"
  1. First time, create tables: python
  2. Populate the data (markers etc.) - python
  3. run app: python (or: foreman start if you installed heroku toolbelt)
  4. Browse:


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