1.0.0 (2023-09-10)
add metadata (50923cf )
back home button + styling (06a2286 )
base styles (2431b17 )
block builder components and site nav (3dfea05 )
close nav modal on nav link click and resize above small (a598d54 )
code block component and hero header layout (b58cf4c )
code cleanup (4c84033 )
comment indicating where to put email sign up form (0f7c44b )
dropdown error message and styling (12e0235 )
dropdown panel open styling (121dc57 )
dropdown value saved in local data (34a2e9a )
favicon and open graph image (a0d14e1 )
features section with accordion (c1df301 )
field error styling clears when field is interacted with (3ea05da )
fleek config (a54d516 )
form submit switched to use cta component + styling (5ddda47 )
form submits to airtable (e6c0dfd )
how it works section (84bf133 )
if form is submitted, submit button doesn't submit again (2315fdd )
input fields error message and styling (5f64ef4 )
input value saved in local data (d8d9120 )
intro section (5b289bc )
intro section (1d313d6 )
mobile navigation modal (41d5f8c )
nav cta hover effect (ddc3e13 )
navigate to section using nav links (de2aa31 )
remove filecoin familiarity field (da67ce4 )
responsive styling down to small breakpoint (7d65bc2 )
responsive styling down to tiny until 'how it works' section (f58641a )
responsive styling on all sections down to tiny breakpoint (f9f90ef )
roadmap section (8c796eb )
signup card correct image + title styling (86b9a4c )
signup form initial setup (d9930e4 )
signup page and card setup (407acbb )
site background images (33ca47d )
site footer (8fea555 )
site header and nav on desktop (889af12 )
site imagery, icons and svgs (954bfb0 )
subfooter form setup (883a88d )
subfooter section (e6fc935 )
submit button functionality + styling (05204f3 )
swap out nuxt 2 boilerplate with nuxt 3 starter (380182a )
Bug Fixes
accordion card background fill on hover (15a9126 )
accordion hover/expanded states (132f1ec )
add icons and fix font size on subfooter card links (7527440 )
adjust h3 font-size and line-height on desktop screen size (ff6c2b9 )
build errors (eae4c4c )
change build commands to nuxi bin (f622334 )
desktop and mobile design audit fixes (9529230 )
footer background image (9c5ae15 )
milestone title and content top alignment (3f5e692 )
milestone title/content break at 480px screen width (40c91d5 )
modal nav link active state (4f546a8 )
primary cta size on mobile (9cd2759 )
replace exposed site header method with nav link emitter (20329da )
replace svg network icon (727ef57 )
reverse plus minus icon states (5a3496f )
roadmap headings hover region (5beeee0 )
secondary cta hover effect broken (92f5a90 )
site footer logo scrolls to top on click (63ad7c3 )
text selection colors (f69bed6 )
unhide nav ctas on modal open between small and mini (934db7a )
update url on cta in features section (aa5d35c )
update url on cta in subfooter documentation card (1f84602 )
wrong case on lodash.clonedeep method (a3e14ae )
You can’t perform that action at this time.