This is a tool to generate a offlineimaprc for bulk synchronization. It reads data from an input csv and configuration parameters as flags to produce the config file.
To build the project run go build
Usage of ./offlineimapconfig:
--in string input csv file with all source/remote account/password combinations (default "./input.csv")
--out string file to store config to (default "./offlineimaprc")
--remoteCreateFolders create folders on source (default true)
--remoteFolderFilter string remote folder filter lambda
--remoteHost string remote host of all remote repositories
--remoteNameTrans string remote nametrans lambda
--remoteReadOnly remote is read only
--remoteType string type of all remote repositories (default "IMAP")
--remoteUseSSL use SSL for all remote repositories
--remoteUseStartTLS use StartTLS for all remote repositories (default true)
--sourceCreateFolders create folders on source
--sourceFolderFilter string source folder filter lambda
--sourceHost string remote host of all source repositories
--sourceNameTrans string source nametrans lambda
--sourceReadOnly source is read only
--sourceType string type of all source repositories (default "IMAP")
--sourceUseSSL use SSL for all source repositories
--sourceUseStartTLS use StartTLS for all source repositories (default true)
--sslCertPath string path to ssl certificates (default "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt")
Simple execution: ./offlineimapconfig --remoteHost --sourceHost --in input.csv