Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed.
docker-compose up
Then, in the browser, go to localhost:80 and you should see the application with a response from the backend.
When killing the server, be sure to cleanup your containers.
docker-compose down
To start docker without it taking over the command terminal, use the following (note, this will not display all the output, so you may not see error messages):
docker-compose up -d
To shut down docker after staring it with the -d command, run
docker-compose stop
To shut down and cleanup the networkl after staring it with the -d command, run
docker-compose down
Then check which image is running using docker images
and run
docker run -p 8000:80 image_id sh
This will destory all stopped containers and force docker to rebuild these containers the next time you start docker
docker-compose rm