Releases: davidteather/TikTok-Api
V3.3.0 - Fixed Puppeteer Detection
Fixed TikTok detecting this library. There's a few changes to the methods that will throw errors if they're currently not working.
I spent quite some time on this so please consider sponsoring me on github here or donating on paypal here
Also consider using this API as a service it supports this project here
Update with the following command
pip install TikTokApi --upgrade
Added the verifyFp, which fixes SOME methods, but pyppeteer is being detected by TikTok on a lot of routes.
Working Methods (for me at time of release)
- VideoByUrl
- bySound
- discover methods
- suggested methods
- userPosts should work
- trending
Not working
- byHashtag
- byUsername
- getUser
- getUserObject
- getting objects
V3.1.9 - User Likes
I've added a few more methods (note: by default userLikes are hidden and this won't work if likes are hidden)
Consider sponsoring me on github here or donating on paypal here
Also consider using this API as a service it supports this project here
New Methods (all documented in
- userLikedbyUsername
- userLiked
Update with the following command
pip install TikTokApi --upgrade
V3.1.8 - Fixed Proxies w/ Authentication
V3.1.7 - Proxy With Authentication Support
I've added a few more methods, and documented a little better.
Consider sponsoring me on github here or donating on paypal here
Also consider using this API as a service it supports this project here
New Parameters
- proxy - allows you to specify a proxy to make a call at. (Free proxies will most likely throw a BadResponseException)
- language - made in the last release, but now documented. Is able to change the language call, but doesn't seem to do too much.
New Methods (all documented in
- getTikTokById
- getTikTokByUrl
- getSuggestedUsersbyID
- getSuggestedUsersbyIDCrawler
- getSuggestedHashtagsbyID
- getSuggestedHashtagsbyIDCrawler
- getSuggestedMusicbyID
- getSuggestedMusicIDCrawler
Issues Closed
Update with the following command
pip install TikTokApi --upgrade