> rugby warmup --help
> Download remote binaries for targets from Pods project.
│ endpoint * Endpoint for your binaries storage (s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com). │
│ -s, --sdk * Build SDK: sim or ios. │
│ -a, --arch * Build architecture: auto, x86_64 or arm64. │
│ -c, --config * Build configuration. (Debug) │
│ -t, --targets [] * Target names to select. Empty means all targets. │
│ -g, --targets-as-regex [] * Regular expression patterns to select targets. │
│ -e, --except [] * Target names to exclude. │
│ -x, --except-as-regex [] * Regular expression patterns to exclude targets. │
│ -o, --output * Output mode: fold, multiline, silent, raw. │
│ --timeout * Timeout for requests in seconds. (60) │
│ --max-connections * The maximum number of simultaneous connections. (10) │
│ --headers [] * Extra HTTP header fields for a request ("s3-key: my-secret-key"). │
│ --analyse * Run only in analyse mode without downloading. The endpoint is optional. │
│ --strip * Build without debug symbols. │
│ --try * Run command in mode where only selected targets are printed. │
│ -v, --verbose [] * Increase verbosity level. │
│ -q, --quiet [] * Decrease verbosity level. │
│ -h, --help * Show help information. │
The command will try to download binaries from https://${endpoint}/${module_name}/${config}-${sdk}-${arch}/${hash}
It should be a zip archive for each module. And the archive should contain a product folder.
For example, https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/Alamofire/Debug-iphonesimulator-x86_64/f38484e
f38484e (zip)
├─ f38484e.yml
└─ Alamofire.framework
And after unzipping the binary is moved to ~/.rugby/bin/Alamofire/Debug-iphonesimulator-x86_64/f38484e