--- 4.2 ---
issue#184: Unable to remove messages by expression from 'program' column
issue#208: Uncaught ValueError: escapeshellarg()
issue#211: Device Filter missing devices
issue#216: Documentation correction for rsyslogd config for version above 2.4
issue#217: Fixing Removal Rule SQL issue
issue#218: SQL errors when deleting messages
issue#220: Error when creating an Alert Rules based on program name
issue#222: PHP Deprecation Errors in PHP 8.2
--- 4.1 ---
issue#185: Wrong column specification on cleanup query
issue#186: Wrong connection in functions.php
issue#189: Issues with undefined variable in traditional table maintenance
issue#193: Fix command execution
issue#196: Undefined variable $ignore
issue#205: function syslog_strip_incoming_domains($uniqueID)
feature: Provide better messaging if the Data Collector is in offline mode
--- 4.0 ---
issue: Removal of partition issues incorrect message
issue: Make the syslog processing routine more readable
issue: Fix oversight in database connection handling around default values identified in PHP 8.1.2 testing
issue#65: MySQL failures due to large amount of syslog data
issue#108: Add Body Text to Alert email
issue#135: Syslog plugin will break remote collectors if DB is not present
issue#146: Support Email address distribution lists
issue#151: Syslog 3.1 has a hardcoded path for sh which causes issues running other scripts
issue#160: PHP 8 Support
issue#166: Allow Syslog to pass hostname for the threshold type reporting
feature#181: For Regex Message Processing Rules test the regex at save time and inform user if it's syntactically correct
feature: Support a local Syslog config file when Syslog is designed to work independently from the main Cacti server.
feature: Support the replication of the main Cacti Syslog rules to Remote Data Collectors
feature: Support process interlocking using the Cacti process registration functions
feature: Support both system and host level re-alert cycles and command execution
feature: Support using the Thold notification lists if Thold is installed on the system
feature: Support using Cacti Format CSS files to construct Alert and Report messages.
--- 3.2 ---
issue#114: Message Column missing
issue#154: When removing a rule, wrong database connection is used
issue#155: Wrong database connection is used resulting in missing table errors
issue#159: Sync 'syslog' schema cross Traditional/Partitioned mode to avoid audit issue
issue#161: Message column does not follow RFC 5424
--- 3.1 ---
issue#140: The indicator is not removed upon completion when export syslog
issue#141: Import syslog - Alert rule has error
issue#142: Syslog save button can not work well
--- 3.0 ---
issue#122: Apply Cacti#3191 for XSS exposure (CVE-2020-7106)
issue#124: Feature request: Syslog Search for message NOT containing something
issue#128:The syslog alert email is not sent if the Reporting Method is set to threshold.
issue#132: Cacti log shows syslog error when setting the "Re-Alert Cycle" in Alert Rules settings
issue#133: Saving Settings on the Syslog Tab are not retained in latest Cacti
feature#134: Syslog Search to include Program column - Reports
feature: Migrate all Syslog Images to Fontawesome Glyphs
--- 2.9 ---
issue#120: SQL syntax error for syslog when click browser back button
issue: Syslog stats not reporting properly
issue: Internationalization issues on console
--- 2.8 ---
issue#115: Some field where not corrected following the version change
issue#116: Background process fail to operate syslog_coming table; syslog_process.php fail if current workdir is not CACTI_TOP
issue#117: Export of rules does not work when using db other than Cacti
--- 2.7 ---
issue#110: Syslog Alerts cause DB errors
issue#111: Can not load host table when use different syslog server
--- 2.6 ---
issue#104: When filtering, syslog incorrectly thinks the Cacti hosts table does not exist
issue#107: Removal rule not using correct DB when using $use_cacti_db = false;
issue#109: Should merge CVE-2020-7106 solution to syslog plugin
issue: Massive performance improvement in statistics page rendering
--- 2.5 ---
issue#103: Allow syslog to use rsyslog new tizezone sensitive timestamps instead of legacy date/time
issue#102: Syslog statistics filter problem - select program
issue#101: Alert rule SQL Expression not working as expected
issue#100: Fix odd/even classes generation in report
issue#99: Re-Alert Cycle (Alert Rules) is wrong in case of 1 minute poller interval
issue#96: Syslog filtering does not work with some international characters
issue#88: Provide text color to indicate device status in Cacti
issue#87: Program data is not sync with syslog_incoming under PHP 7.2
--- 2.4 ---
- issue: Resolving issues with nav level cache being set incorrectly
--- 2.3 ---
issue#90: Can not show correct info when choose device filter in Syslog - Alert Log page
issue#91: Page become blank after collecting multiple host syslog info
issue#94: Stored XSS in syslog_removal.php
issue#95: Syslog Hosts and Syslog Programs table looses sync with data
--- 2.2 ---
feature: Allow for reprocess message per rule
issue#66: Filter for All Programs can not work well
issue#67: SQL error after choose device
issue#69: Cirtical and Alert filter can not work well
issue#71: Export alert log has sql error
issue#72: Graph Template not workable after import by cli/import_template.php
issue#73: Gap to Cacti 1.x: Syslog missed to support database ssl
issue#74: New Requirement: another new hook 'syslog_update_hostsalarm'
issue#76: New Requirement: background install syslog plugin with pre-defined options
issue#77: Fixed: PHP Notice undefined variable
issue#78: Misc issue about syslog_alerts->log->host
issue#79: PHP 7.2 supporting to remove deprecated each()
issue#80: Syslog plugin auto disabled after import an alert rule
issue#81: php error when enter a value in Program filter and click go
issue#82: Syslog can not deal with with single quotation
issue#83: Change device filter can not return correct value in syslog- alert rule page
issue#84: All Programs not show anything using Classic theme
issue#86: No color for emergency item
issue#89: plugins/syslog/syslog_reports.php:89: Undefined variable '$id'
--- 2.1 ---
issue#18: Issues with syslog statistics display
issue#17: Compatibility with remote database
issue#19: Removal rules issues
issue#20: Issues viewing removed records
issue#23: Threshold rule alert format issues
issue#30: Syslog page slows when too many programs are in the programs table
issue#32: Export of Syslog records not functional
issue#38: Enhance the documentation to discuss config.php.dist and doco site
issue#40: Adds hostname column to emailed reports
issue: SQL for matching Cacti host incorrect
issue: Syslog Reports were not functional
issue: Cleanup formatting of Threshold messaging and viewing
--- 2.0 ---
- feature: Compatibility with Cacti 1.0
--- 1.30 ---
feature: Allow Statistics to be disabled
feature: Allow Processing of Removal Rules on Main Syslog Table
feature: Cleanup UI irregularities
feature: Allow purging of old host entries
issue: Remove syslog 'message' from Log message to prvent deadlock on cacti log syslog processing
--- 1.22 ---
issue: Upgrade script does not properly handle all conditions
issue: Strip domain does not always work as expected
issue: Resizing a page on IE6 caused a loop on the syslog page
issue: Correct issue where 'warning' is used instead of 'warn' on log insert
issue: Issue with Plugin Realm naming
--- 1.21 ---
issue: Fix timespan selector
issue: Reintroduce Filter time range view
issue: Syslog Statistics Row Counter Invalid
feature: Provide option to tag invalid hosts
--- 1.20 ---
feature: Provide host based statistics tab
feature: Support generic help desk integration. Requires customer script
feature: Support re-alert cycles for all alert type
feature: Limit re-alert cycles to the max log retention
feature: Make the default timespan 30 minutes for performance reasons
issue: sort fields interfering with one another between syslog and alarm tabs
issue: Message column was date column
--- 1.10 ---
feature: Allow Syslog to Strip Domains Suffix's.
feature: Make compatible with earlier versions of Cacti.
feature: Allow Plugins to extend filtering
issue: Minor issue with wrong db function being called.
issue: Legend had Critical and Alert reversed.
issue: Syslog filter can cause SQL errors
issue: Wrong page redirect links.
issue: Partitioning was writing always to the dMaxValue partition
issue: Emergency Logs were not being highlighted correctly
issue: Can not add disabled alarm/removal/report rule
--- 1.07 ---
issue: Rearchitect to improve support multiple databases
issue: Don't process a report if it's not enabled.
issue: Don't process an alert if it's not enabled.
issue: Don't process a removal rule if it's not enabled.
--- 1.06 ---
issue#0001854: Error found in Cacti Log
issue#0001871: Priority dropdown labels in syslog.php for "All Priorities" set to incorrect priority id
issue#0001872: Priorities drop drown to show specific value
issue: Only show one facility in the dropdown
issue: Hex Errors Upon Install
--- 1.05 ---
issue: Remove poorly defined security settings
issue: Don't show actions if you don't have permissions
issue: Fix page refresh dropdown bug
feature: Re-add refresh settings to syslog
--- 1.04 ---
issue#0001824: Syslog icon is not shown in graph view
issue: Link on Alarm Log does not properly redirect to 'current' tab
issue: Unselecting all hosts results in SQL error
issue: Exporting to CSV not working properly
compat: Remove deprecated split() command
--- 1.03 ---
feature: Add alarm host and counts to sms messages
issue: Fix issue with individual syslog html messages
issue: Fix creating alarms and removals from the syslog tab
issue: Fix syslog removal UI with respect to rule type's
--- 1.02 ---
- feature: Add syslog database functions to mitigate issues with same system installs
--- 1.01 ---
feature: Add alert commands by popular demand
issue#0001788: missing closing quote in syslog_alerts.php
issue#0001785: revision 1086 can not save reports when using separate syslog mysql database
--- 1.0 ---
feature: Support SMS e-mail messages
feature: Support MySQL partitioning for MySQL 5.1 and above for performance reasons
feature: Normalize the syslog table for performance reasons
feature: Allow editing of Alerts, Removal Rules and Reports
feature: Priorities are now >= behavior from syslog interface
feature: Move Altering and Removal menu's to the Console
feature: Allow specification of foreground/background colors from UI
feature: Add Walter Zorn's tooltip to syslog messages (www.walterzorn.com)
feature: Allow the syslog page to be sorted
feature: Add Removal Rules to simply move log messages to a lower priority table
feature: Use more Javascript on the Syslog page
feature: Add HTML e-Mail capability with CSS
feature: Display Alert Log history from the UI
feature: Allow Removal Rules to be filtered from the UI
feature: Add Reporting capability
feature: Add Threshold Alarms
feature: Add Alert Severity to Alarms
feature: Turn images to buttons
--- 0.5.2 ---
issue: Fixes to make syslog work properly when using the Superlinks plugin
issue: Fix a few image errors
--- 0.5.1 ---
- issue: More 0.8.7 Compatibility fixes
--- 0.5 ---
feature: Modified Message retrieval function to better make use of indexes, which greatly speeds it up
feature: When adding a removal rule, only that rule will execute immediately, instead of rerunning all rules
feature: Alert email now uses the Alert Name in the subject
feature: Add ability to create Reports
feature: Allow access for the guest account
feature: Change name to syslog, from haloe
feature: Use mailer options from the Settings Plugin
feature: Add option for From Email address and From Display Name
feature: Use new "api_user_realm_auth" from Plugin Architecture
issue#0000046 - Event text colors (black) when setup a event color in black
issue#0000047 - Change the Priority and Levels to be in Ascending order
issue: Fixes for errors when using removal rules
issue: Minor fix for error that would sometimes cause Syslog to not be processed
issue: Update SQL to include indexes
issue: Fix pagination of Alerts and Removal Rules
issue: Lots of code / html cleanup for faster pages loads (use a little CSS also)
issue: Fix for improper display of html entities in the syslog message (thanks dagonet)
issue: Fix Cacti 0.8.7 compatibility
--- 0.4 ---
issue#0000034 - Fix for shadow.gif file error in httpd logs.
issue#0000036 - Syslog plugin causes duplicates if multiple log processors are running at once
issue#0000037 - Option for max time to save syslog events
issue: Removed some debugging code
--- 0.3 ---
feature: Move Processing code to its own file
feature: Add Debugging to the Processing Code (/debug)
issue: Fixed an issue with "message" being hard coded
issue: Fixed a typo in the removal code
--- 0.2 ---
issue#0000010 Remove use of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP so that Mysql 3.x works again
issue#0000013 - Fix issues with database names with uncommon characters by enclosing in back-ticks
issue: Fixed a minor error that caused the graphs page to not refresh
issue: Modified SQL query in syslog processor to speed things up greatly
--- 0.1 ---
- Initial release
Copyright (c) 2004-2024 - The Cacti Group, Inc.