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const MANSION_VISITED:int = 626;
const redheadIsFuta:int = 627;
const MET_KITSUNES:int = 628;
const KITSUNE_SHRINE_VISIT:int = 708;
const TOOK_KITSUNE_STATUE:int = 709;
//[Enter the Trickster] (Coded)
function enterTheTrickster():void {
if(flags[MET_KITSUNES] > 0) {
outputText("You turn with a start as a woman bursts through the bushes, flinging herself into your arms. It looks like she's been roughed up a bit - her simple peasant's robes are torn and frayed, and her forehead has a few smudges where it appears as though she was dragged through the dirt.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Th-thank goodness! Please, you must help me!</i>\" she cries, darting around to take shelter behind you. \"<i>I was out picking wild berries, and, and... the wretched, terrible little things attacked me!</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You are about to question her, but are interrupted as an imp flies out of the thicket, growling and clawing at you menacingly. At least... clearly it's <i>trying</i> to be menacing. The melodramatic display comes off as more hilarious than anything, but the woman cowering behind you obviously feels threatened, so you might as well deal with the pest.");
// -> Standard Imp Battle
monster.createStatusAffect("Kitsune Fight",0,0,0,0);
function loseKitsuneImpFight():void {
//randomly assign hair color
if(rand(3) == 0) monster.hairColor = "blonde";
else if(rand(2) == 0) monster.hairColor = "black";
else monster.hairColor = "red";
outputText("As you fall to the ground in defeat, you look up to see the imp standing over you. You prepare yourself for the worst, but are surprised to see the vile creature disappear in a puff of blue flames.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Well... that was... easier than I thought. Kind of boring, actually.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("The woman from earlier bends low over you, smiling bemusedly. Before your eyes, her face, body, and clothing all begin to shift form. Clad in a set of loose, revealing robes, she brushes her " + monster.hairColor + " hair out of her face, reaching up to straighten out her large triangular fox ears. Six lustrous, bushy tails sway from side to side behind her, drawing your gaze hypnotically, and a generous layer of ornate tattoos follow the curves of her body.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>My, my, you're kind of a pushover, aren't you?</i>\" she remarks, grinning precociously. \"<i>Well, hopefully you make for a better snack than you do a bodyguard.</i>\"");
// -> Go to standard kitsune loss scenes
function winKitsuneImpFight():void {
//randomly assign hair color
if(rand(3) == 0) monster.hairColor = "blonde";
else if(rand(2) == 0) monster.hairColor = "black";
else monster.hairColor = "red";
outputText( "\"<i>Oh, thank you, thank you! I don't know </i>what<i> would have happened if you hadn't come along.</i>\"\n\n" + ((player.cor < 50) ? "As the imp falls at your feet, you lower your [weapon] and turn to the grateful woman. Beating down an imp is really nothing special, but you were glad to be of assistance, and tell her as much with a friendly smile." : "You scoff haughtily, lowering your [weapon] and turning to the woman. Beating down an imp was hardly worth your time, you tell her, crossing your arms in irritation.") + "\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>My hero!</i>\" she swoons, beaming. \"<i>Oh, if there's </i>anything<i> I can do to repay you, please, tell me!</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You find yourself gazing deep into her eyes, a dim haze entering your mind as you are drawn deeper and deeper into the glistening green pools. The corners of her lips curl into a broad smile as she starts to step toward you, and for a moment you swear you can see a subtle change in her. You rub your eyes, certain they are playing tricks on you, slowly following the gentle sway of her six tails as she strolls up to you." + ( ((player.lust > 70) || (player.inte < 40)) ? " Nope, nothing wrong here...\n\n\"<i>Mm... my hero...</i>\" she croons again, reaching up to caress your cheek." : "\n\nWait.") + "\n\n" );
//PC saw through glamour
if((player.lust < 70) || (player.inte >= 40)) {
outputText( "You push her away, almost cracking your head open as you stumble over a stump. Now that you have broken free of her sorcery, you can see her for what she is. A pair of large triangular fox ears poke up from her ");
if(monster.hairColor == "blonde") outputText("back-length, flaxen");
else if(monster.hairColor == "black") outputText("ass-length, raven");
else outputText("shoulder-length, crimson");
outputText(" hair, six luxuriously furred tails fanning out behind her.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>So, you saw through my glamour did you? That's quite impressive...</i>\" she says, teasing you with her tails. You back away from her, but give a start and wheel around when you feel yourself bump into something." );
// -> Go to <i>"Going Somewhere?</i>\"
}//PC did NOT see through glamour
//With Religious BG:
else if(player.hasPerk("History: Religious") >= 0) {
outputText( "The instant she touches you, she recoils with a yelp, a brilliant flash temporarily blinding you both.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Ow, ow, ow!</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("When the spots clear from your eyes, the kitsune's glamour has been dispelled, revealing her for what she truly is. A pair of large triangular fox ears poke up from her ");
if(monster.hairColor == "blonde") outputText("back-length, flaxen");
else if(monster.hairColor == "black") outputText("ass-length, raven");
else outputText("shoulder-length, crimson");
outputText(" hair, six luxuriously furred tails fanning out behind her. A layer of ornate tattoos covers patches of her exposed flesh, accentuating her feminine curves nicely.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>So, you saw through my glamour did you? That's quite impressive...</i>\" she says, teasing you with her tails. You back away from her, but give a start and wheel around when you feel yourself bump into something.");
// -> Go to <i>"Going Somewhere?</i>\"
else {
outputText( "Her touch sends involuntary tingles down your spine, and you are drawn ever deeper into her eyes. She trails a finger along your chin, slipping away from you and beckoning for you to follow her. Your " + player.legs() + " move with a mind of their own, dragging you along after her as she leads you down a winding path into the darkness." );
// -> Go to "She leads you deeper and deeper into..."
//[Will 'O Wisp](C)
function willOWisp():void {
//randomly assign hair color
if(rand(3) == 0) monster.hairColor = "blonde";
else if(rand(2) == 0) monster.hairColor = "black";
else monster.hairColor = "red";
//>[Explore Deep Forest] after encountering "Enter the Trickster"
outputText("As you explore deeper into the dense wood, you are abruptly aware that your surroundings have grown darker without warning. The back of your neck tingles lightly with a sense of foreboding, and you instinctively ready your [weapon], feeling uneasy. Wracked with paranoia, you find yourself swiveling to face toward every random noise, and you could <i>swear</i> you just heard a voice through the trees. There it was again! As the ghostly, feminine laughter fills your ears, you are positive that it can't just be your imagination. You turn left, then right, trying to pinpoint its source, but it truly sounds as though it is all around you now.\n\n");
outputText("Catching a glimpse of motion out of the corner of your eye, you whip around to face it, but are surprised to see that the only thing there is a small, pale blue flame, flitting about idly. It dances around hypnotically, and as you stare into its ghostly light, you find your conscious mind growing hazy. Your concerns suddenly seem trivial, and you find yourself relaxing gradually as the ethereal wisp glides along your arms, leaving behind a cool tingle where it touches you.\n\n");
outputText("It seems to be beckoning you to follow it." );
//If player has Traveler's Guide
if(player.hasKeyItem("Traveler's Guide") >= 0) {
outputText( "\n\nYour mind is jogged out of its haze when you remember a note from the Traveler's Guide. It warned about mysterious flames in the forest that lead hapless adventurers astray. You hesitate now, wondering what to do.");
//[Turn Back] [Follow] //automatically follow without traveler's guide.
simpleChoices("Turn Back",3917,"Follow",3918,"",0,"",0,"",0);
else doNext(3918);
//[Turn Back] (C)
function turnBackFromWillOWisp():void {
outputText("There's no way you're going to go gallivanting off into the woods after some flame. You shake your head to clear your thoughts, and warily turn away to head back toward camp. You could almost swear for a moment the flame looked disappointed, and you chuckle lightly at such a silly thought." );
//Advance time 1 hour, return to camp.
if(inCombat()) eventParser(5007);
//[Follow] (C)
function followTheWillOWisp(firstTime:Boolean = false):void {
if(!firstTime) {
outputText("The flame suddenly darts off into the darkness of the trees, and you find yourself unable to resist giving chase. It feels as though you are being drawn to it by some otherworldly force, but every time your suspicions begin to grow, the flame pauses to float around you, tickling your erogenous zones and then pressing onward." );
//+15 Lust
if((player.lust >= 100 || player.inte < 20) && !firstTime){
else {
if(!firstTime) {
outputText( "You are unsure of how long you have been stumbling after the flame, but in a brief moment of clarity, you stop dead in your tracks and look around cautiously. Suddenly you deeply regret having followed the flame this far out of your way. Your skin crawls as you hear that eerie, ghostly laughter once again, making you shudder involuntarily. As you turn to head back the way you came, you practically jump out of your " + player.skinFurScales() + " in surprise. Mere inches from you stands a strange woman with ");
if(monster.hairColor == "blonde") outputText("back-length, flaxen");
else if(monster.hairColor == "black") outputText("ass-length, raven");
else outputText("shoulder-length, crimson");
outputText(" hair, smirking precociously.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>My, my, aren't we the clever one?</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("As she closes the gap even more, you now notice that she isn't any ordinary woman - a pair of large, vulpine ears parts her hair at the top of her head, and six luxuriously furred tails fan out around her. A layer of ornate tattoos covers patches of her exposed flesh, accentuating her feminine curves nicely. She's so close now that a few of the tails are drifting along your " + player.skinFurScales() + ", leaving a trail of crackling blue sparks that impart the same cool tingling that the flame did.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>You resisted my illusions... that's impressive,</i>\" she says, teasing you with her tails. You back away from her, but give a start and wheel around when you feel yourself bump into something.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Going somewhere?</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("How did she get behind you so quickly? You were staring at her the entire time! Glancing quickly over your shoulder, you confirm that this is not a case of twins, but when you turn to face her, she has disappeared once again!\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Over here, silly~</i>\" she calls to you with a mischievous tone, beckoning to you as you whip around to face her voice. \"<i>Don't be shy, I don't bite... often...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Her tone is innocuous enough, but her mannerisms are a little disconcerting, somehow. What are you going to do?");
if(!inCombat()) simpleChoices("Fight",3971,"Talk",3919,"",0,"",0,"",0);
else simpleChoices("Fight",3971,"Talk",3919,"",0,"",0,"",0);
//[Talk] (C)
function talkAfterResistingKitsunellusion():void {
outputText("Odd as she is, she doesn't seem to be overtly threatening, so you decide to try to talk to her. Searching for something to say, you end up simply asking her why she led you here.\n\n");
if(monster.hairColor == "blonde") {
outputText("\"<i>Oh, that's not important, dear,</i>\" she says with a sly grin. \"<i>You're here now, that's what's important...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Since the conversation began, she has been watching you with a hungry look, strolling around you casually. Every now and again she leans in, caressing you with her tails and giving you a decent angle down the front of her skimpy robes.\n\n");
//Black Hair
else if(monster.hairColor == "black") {
outputText("You blink, and she is upon you, her index finger circling its way across your chest. She is practically hanging off of you as she says, \"<i>You're the catch of the day, cutie! Mm-mm, and such a tasty-looking morsel.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You're not sure whether to feel insulted or terrified at the prospect of her calling you food, so you settle on a mixture of the two. Your eyes are drawn to her, though, as she strolls around, caressing you with her tails and leaning in to tease you with her ample bosom.\n\n");
else {
outputText("\"<i>Ah! You caught me,</i>\" she says, feigning embarrassment. \"<i>It's just so deliciously adorable the way you mortals stumble around in the woods... I can hardly resist!</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("\n\nYou cast her a dirty look, feeling slightly offended, but she brushes you off with a sly grin. She strolls around you casually, her tails slipping in under your " + player.armorName + " and tickling your erogenous zones while she teases you with a glance down the front of her skimpy robes.\n\n");
outputText( "You twist away, trying to shake off the tingling sensations that are crawling across your body, impairing your ability to think rationally.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh, you're no fun,</i>\" she says, smirking a bit as you pull away. \"<i>Won't you come and play? I promise that you won't be disappointed.... My sisters and I will see to that.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Self-preservation battles with curiosity " + ((player.lust > 50) ? "and lust " : "" ) + "as you consider her offer, " + ((player.lib < 50) ? "weighing your chances against the possible dangers." :"eying the voluptuous curves that fill out her robes."));
//[Follow { mansion(willing = true) }] [Leave]
//[Leave] (C)
function leaveKitsune(talked:Boolean = true):void {
//if PC was Talking to the kitsune
if(talked) outputText( "Nervously, you thank her for her generous offer, but decline, turning to leave." );
//if PC defeated her in combat
else outputText( "You turn to leave, ready to put some distance between yourself and the fallen trickster.");
outputText( "\n\n\"<i>Don't leave yet,</i>\" you hear as you turn, stopping dead when you almost bump into her. She's done it again, popping up right in front of you with no warning.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>I have something for you...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("She holds out a small white package tied with string, grinning eagerly. You hesitate, wondering whether it would be wise to take a gift from this strange woman, but before you can protest, she shoves the package into your hands. When you look up from the featureless wrapping, there is no sign of her save for the echo of a mischievous giggle through the trees.\n\n");
outputText("<b>You have received a Kitsune's Gift!</b>\n" );
if(inCombat()) {
flags[234] = "KitGift";
else {
//add Kitsune's Gift to inventory
menuLoc = 2;
shortName = "KitGift";
//Illusory Mansion (C)
function mansion(willing:Boolean, firstTime:Boolean = false):void {
if(willing) {
if(!firstTime) outputText( "Curiosity and lust get the better of you, and you decide to throw caution to the wind and take her up on her offer. If her sisters are any bit as stunning as she is, then you know you're in for a real treat. She seems pleased with your decision, teasing the underside of your chin with one of her tails and beckoning you to follow her.\n\n" );
outputText( "She leads you deeper and deeper into the woods, and before long night has fallen. Thankfully your guide has summoned up a number of pale flames that light your way. As you peer into the darkness beyond their range, you realize it is now too late to change your mind - even if you wanted to turn back, you would most certainly get lost.\n\n");
outputText("The kitsune stops for a moment, turning back to face you, and then disappears into the bushes with a girlish giggle. You briefly fear that she has abandoned you in the wilderness, but as you break through the other side of the untamed hedge after her, you nearly smack face-first into a large stone wall. Before you lies an imposing mansion, surrounded on all sides by the impressive wall. You briefly wonder what sort of madman would build such an extravagant home in the middle of nowhere, but are broken out of your reverie when you spot the kitsune peering out from the gate, waving to you flirtatiously.\n\n" );
else {
outputText( "The hypnotic power of the flame compels you to follow it for hours, shambling through the woods in a daze. The sky overhead has grown dark, and though every fiber of your being wills you to resist the wisp's temptation, your body simply refuses to listen. You only vaguely register crossing the threshold of a large wooden gate, feeling like an observer outside your own body. An imposing mansion lies before you, and what remains of your rational mind briefly wonders what sort of madman would build such an extravagant dwelling in the middle of nowhere.\n\n");
if( flags[MANSION_VISITED] > 0 ) outputText(" back");
outputText(",</i>\" you hear as you enter the courtyard, startling you a little. There to greet you at the mansion's door stands ");
if(flags[MANSION_VISITED] > 0) outputText("the trio of familiar kitsune sisters.");
else {
outputText("a trio of lovely maidens -");
if(willing) outputText(" including the one that led you here,");
outputText(" a blonde, a redhead, and one with silky black hair. Their revealing robes are filled out in all the right places, hugging their enticing curves. Each of them sports a pair of large fox ears and a cluster of luxuriously soft tails that wave hypnotically.");
if(willing) outputText("\n\n\"<i>We've been expecting you,</i>\" the blonde one says, stepping forward with a flirtatious grin.");
else {
if(flags[MANSION_VISITED] > 0) {
if(player.fatigue < 70) outputText("\n\n\"<i>We're all so thrilled you decided to come see us once again!</i>\"");
else outputText("\n\n\"<i>You know, if you keep coming back like this, we just might have to keep you...</i>\"");
else outputText("\n\n\"<i>I'm so glad you decided to come with me...</i>\"");
outputText("The three ladies close in around you, running their hands over your body and giggling lightly. You find yourself practically floating among their many tails, drunk on the promise of pleasure as they lead you through the foyer. They sit you down in front of a long table with a spectacularly opulent spread, and before long you are having your fill of delicacies the likes of which you never dared to dream about.\n\n");
outputText("Your cup never remains empty for long, as one of the sisters is always quick to arrive with a fresh decanter. The strong alcohol burns your throat as it goes down, and it does not take much before your head is swimming. You have grown so tipsy by now that you don't even register as the girls usher you out of the dining room, only noticing your change of scenery as you feel yourself being pulled down into a warm pool of water.\n\n");
if(willing) doNext(3925);
else doNext(3926);
function nonTentaclePCMansion(willing:Boolean):void {
outputText( "\"<i>We hope you enjoyed the feast we prepared,</i>\" says the one with jet-black hair, as she and her sisters crowd around you in the water, fully nude. \"<i>Now, it's </i>our<i> turn.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Just relax,</i>\" the redhead whispers into your ear in a warm tone that seems to demolish any vestige of resistance. \"<i>We'll take care of everything...</i>\" Up to your waist in the warm water of the hot springs, you can't help but surrender to their will, your worries flowing out of you. Enveloped on all sides by their unearthly warm flesh, you lean into their arms and sigh blissfully as every touch and caress sends shivers down your spine.\n\n" );
if(player.tentacleCocks() >= 3) {
else {
if(willing) {
if(player.hasCock()) doNext(3927);
else doNext(3934);
else {
if(player.hasCock()) doNext(3928);
else doNext(3935);
//Formerly maleOrHerm()
function kitsuneMaleOrHermMansion(willing:Boolean):void {
outputText("\"<i>Let's just see what we have here,</i>\" the blonde says, sliding herself up to gently lift [eachCock] while licking her lips. \"<i>Oh my, such vigor!</i>\" the blonde exclaims, eagerly watching your " + ((player.cocks.length > 1) ? "shafts swell to their" : "shaft swell to its") + " full length and girth after just a little bit of stroking from her skillful hands.\n\n");
outputText("Soft, velvety fur caresses your erogenous zones, more tails than you can count wrapping around every limb as plush lips kiss your exposed flesh. Tongues of blue flame spark to life with a crackle like striking flint, licking along your body, sending ripples of pleasure coursing through you with every touch, drawing out more lust with each passing second.\n\n");
outputText("Three tails envelop [eachCock], squeezing " + ((player.cocks.length > 1) ? "them" : "it") + " tightly, while several more constrict your limbs, binding you helplessly. Your liquor-addled mind is too foggy by now to resist their advances, their disarming caresses breaking down your inhibitions and replacing them with lust and desire. In unison, the fluffy appendages begin to pump up and down while the sisters continue to lavish you with affection, running their fingers " + ((player.hairLength > 0) ? "through your hair" : "across your scalp") +" sensually and teasing your neck with small, affectionate nips.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Now for the main course...</i>\" the raven-haired kitsune whispers into your ear, gently nibbling on the outer edge.\n\n");
outputText("The three tails recede from [eachCock] with an agonizing slowness as the black-haired girl lowers the voluptuous globes of her ass down against your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + ". Her hips rise and fall slowly, teasing the underside of your cock with the silky soft flesh of her rear, and the sight of her tattooed hindquarters gently cradling your prick sends fresh blood to your groin. Your pleasure is only amplified when the blonde begins to stroke and knead it, casting you a sultry smirk as she lowers her lips toward the " + cockHead(player.biggestCockIndex()) + ". Her soft tongue slides warmly along the top edge, traveling from base to tip and back again, each and every movement carefully measured and controlled to tease and excite you.\n\n");
outputText("Her sensual licks send you into a spiral of pleasure, breaking through your intoxicated haze. Overcome by lust, you lurch forward in a drunken lunge, bowling the trio over with a lecherous grin. They yelp with surprise, laughing as you stumble into them, but as you come crashing down into the water on top they easily adjust to their new role, catching you in a net woven of silky tails and spreading their arms invitingly.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh, you </i>beast<i>!</i>\" the blonde cries teasingly, dragging her nails gently down the front of your [chest] with the snapping pop of sparks issuing from her fingertips.\n\n");
outputText("You hike her up by the hips, hands travelling down across the gloriously wide curves and reaching around to grope her pillowy behind. Her sisters crowd in around you, pressing their sizeable breasts against you and giggling coyly as their hands slowly travel up and down your sides. As the redhead presses herself against you, you can feel a warm bulge pulsing against your " + hipDescript() + ". You look down to find that she possesses a special something extra that her sisters seem to be lacking - and from the devilish grin on her face, you have an inkling of what she intends to do with it.\n\n");
if(willing) {
outputText("<b>How do you respond?</b>");
// display choices:
//{"Let Her" } {"Shove Her" }
if(willing) simpleChoices("Let Her",3929,"Shove Her",3931,"",0,"",0,"",0);
else simpleChoices("Let Her",3930,"Shove Her",3932,"",0,"",0,"",0);
else {
// end function
//fomerly letHer()
function kitSuneLetHerMansion(willing:Boolean):void {
outputText(((willing) ? "You decide to let her have her fun, focusing your attention instead on her two lovely sisters. While you were distracted with the redhead's \"assets\", it appears the precocious blonde and ravenette went ahead and started without you!" : "Your slurred protests fall on deaf ears, your head swimming with the haze of the many decanters of liquor you imbibed. You move to push her away, but she catches your tipsy assault and gently leans up to give you a disarming peck on the cheek. Though you try to mentally cling to the dispute, you find your cares gradually slipping away, until all you can focus on is the girl's two sisters, who appear to have started without you.") + " The black-haired girl lies back, her face buried deep in the rippling flesh of the blonde's behind, slurping away at her dripping folds, while the blonde reciprocates from on top, pounding her sister's puffy pussy with her first two fingers.\n\n");
outputText("The blonde's prodigious posterior bounces and jiggles as she pumps her hips up and down instinctively. The quivering cheeks entice you, drawing you in almost hypnotizingly, and before you know it your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " is already " + ((player.balls > 0) ? "balls" : "hip") + "-deep in her slippery snatch.\n\n");
outputText("The voluptuous fox-woman groans in pleasure as your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " plunges into her deepest fathoms, her warm flesh enveloping your hot prick and squeezing tightly as a rush of feminine fluids spills over the black-haired girl's face." + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 50) ? " Her folds seem to stretch forever, swallowing your engorged tool like a bottomless pit of warmth and pleasure." : "") + " Your hands sink deep into the pillowy mounds of her mountainous ass, mashing them together as you knead her cheeks like warm dough.\n\n");
outputText("Slender fingers close around your " + hipDescript() + " as the redhead pulls herself tight against your [butt], attempting to line up against you while your pelvis mashes wildly against her sister's rippling rump. Her cock slides up between your cheeks, dripping pre-cum that tingles on your flesh, and she finally manages to align herself to your ");
if(player.gender >= 2) outputText(vaginaDescript());
else outputText(assholeDescript());
outputText(" and thrust in, spearing you on twelve inches of throbbing futa rod. Buried to the hilt in your ");
if(player.gender == 1) outputText("hindquarters");
else outputText("warm folds");
outputText(", she wraps her arms around you and drags her fingertips down your [chest], trailing azure sparks the entire way.");
if(player.gender == 1) buttChange(14,true,true,false);
else cuntChange(14,true,true,false);
outputText("Sandwiched between the two amorous kitsune, you shudder in pleasure, feeling the blonde's slick pussy squeeze and milk along your length while the redhead bucks up against your twitching hips with an animalistic fervor. You feel something slick sliding along the " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " of your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + ", the black-haired kitsune's long tongue wrapping around and slurping the blonde's juices off of it hungrily." + ((player.balls > 0) ? " Her pillowy lips press up against your " + ballsDescriptLight() + " lovingly, slurping loudly and humming through them with glee." : "") + "\n\n");
outputText("The redhead's hands massage your lower body sensually, ");
if(player.cocks.length > 1) {
outputText("her palms caressing ");
outputText("your remaining " + num2Text(player.cocks.length - 1) + " cock");
if(player.cockTotal() > 2) outputText("s");
outputText(" and squeezing tightly");
else outputText("circling your navel with her index finger and hugging her perky breasts into your back");
outputText(" as she continues to pump into you forcefully.\n\n");
outputText("The blonde's tight passage squeezes your rod tightly, holding you inside with a muscular contraction that forces you to slow your thrusting. Her powerful pussy muscles release you abruptly, a wash of slippery fem juice rushing out around your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " to soak her sister's face. The raven-haired girl laps it up happily, then retaliates by throwing her legs up around the blonde's neck and pulling her down into her crotch, making a wonderfully lewd face as the girl goes to work eating her out.\n\n");
outputText("The redhead's pulsating member begins to throb and twitch in your ");
if(player.gender >= 2) outputText(vaginaDescript());
else outputText(assholeDescript());
outputText(" as she builds up toward her climax. You are nearing your limit as well, the act of holding back your own rising release causing your muscles to constrict around her swollen cock. The forceful contractions of your ");
if(player.gender >= 2) outputText("cunt");
else outputText("rectum");
outputText(" around her shaft sends her over the edge, and she begins to groan loudly in your ear, digging her fingertips into your " + hipDescript() + ". Her turgid rod trembles in your ");
if(player.gender >= 2) outputText(vaginaDescript());
else outputText(assholeDescript());
outputText(", a thick bulge passing through the shaft and erupting into your ");
if(player.gender >= 2) outputText("slippery hole");
else outputText("innards");
outputText(" forcefully. The thick cum hits your ");
if(player.gender >= 2) outputText("womb");
else outputText("intestines");
outputText(" like ice water, then quickly turns into an aching warmth, sending shivers up your spine as the cloying seed rushes into your belly. Your abdomen starts to expand into a bulging belly, the sloshing seed stuffing your insides and choking your passage with futa-sperm as she outpours a truly inhuman amount of jizz into you.\n\n");
outputText("The pleasant pressure in your expanding belly pushes your pleasure to new extremes, and you begin mashing your pelvis into the blonde's quivering ass cheeks in pursuit of your glorious release." + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? " She lurches forward, her fingers clawing at the wooden deck that runs along the edge of the pool, her entire body heaving with pleasure." : " As you feel the coiling spring in your lower body near its limit, you suddenly feel the redhead's hand wrap around your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + ". She slyly leans over your shoulder, raising a finger to her lips and whispering to you, \"<i>Shh...</i>\"\n\nWithout warning, she yanks you back, pulling you from the blonde's quivering cunt just as you begin to climax, adjusting the angle quickly and bucking her hips forward to slam your twitching shaft into the blonde's ass! The soft ring of her anus yields to the invasion with surprising ease, spreading open as if by reflex and then clamping shut around your base when your hips make contact with her quivering cheeks again. She lurches forward, releasing a surprised gasp and nearly collapsing under your compulsory anal assault, her entire body heaving with a combination of shock and pleasure.") + "\n\n");
if(player.cumQ() <= 150)
outputText( "A few virile streams spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you involuntarily, a deep crimson blush spreading across her cheeks as a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy. It splatters over the black-haired girl's face, and she opens her mouth to catch it all, pressing her plump lips against her sister's quivering cunt and drinking deeply as she hums a satisfied melody into her clitoris.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 350) outputText( "Numerous streams spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft to draw your seed " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "toward her convulsing womb." : "deeper into her convulsing bowels.") + " A deep crimson blush spreads across her cheeks as a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy, splattering over the black-haired girl's face, and she opens her mouth to catch it all, pressing her plump lips against her sister's quivering cunt and drinking deeply as she hums a satisfied melody into her clitoris.");
else if(player.cumQ() <= 1000) outputText( "Thick ribbons of cum spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your potent load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft to draw your seed " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "toward her convulsing womb. Her pussy" : "deeper into her convulsing bowels. Her rectum") + " clenches involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "quivering cunt" : "ass and floods into her intestines") + ", a deep crimson blush spreading across her cheeks as a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy. It splatters over the black-haired girl's face, and she opens her mouth to catch it all, pressing her plump lips against her sister's quivering cunt and drinking deeply as she hums a satisfied melody into her clitoris.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 2500) outputText( "Hot ropes of cum splash into her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "womb" : "ass" ) + ", smearing her with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft as it swells with virile seed over and over again, thick streams spurting out of her hole as her stomach begins to distend into a jiggling round belly from the pressure. Her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "pussy" : "rectum") + " clenches involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "quivering cunt" : "ass and floods into her intestines") + ", her stomach expanding with a jiggle and hanging low and heavy with the weight of your seed. A deep crimson blush spreads across her cheeks as a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy, splattering over the black-haired girl's face, and she opens her mouth to catch it all, pressing her plump lips against her sister's quivering cunt and drinking deeply as she hums a satisfied melody into her clitoris.");
else if (player.cumQ() > 2500) outputText( "Hot waves of cum crest against her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "cervix, flooding her womb" : "sphincter, flooding her ass") + " with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft as it swells with virile seed over and over again, pressurized streams erupting from her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "snatch" : "butt") + " as her abdomen swells to an obscene size. Her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "pussy" : "rectum") + " squeezes you involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "quivering cunt" : "ass and floods into her intestines") + ", her stomach rapidly swelling into a heavy, gravid belly, sloshing audibly. A deep crimson blush spreads across her cheeks as a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy, splattering over the black-haired girl's face, and she opens her mouth to catch it all, pressing her plump lips against her sister's quivering cunt and drinking deeply as she hums a satisfied melody into her clitoris.");
outputText( " After what certainly must have felt like an eternity, the blonde's climax begins to ebb, and she collapses fantastically on top of the ravenette.\n\n");
outputText("Her warm " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "cunt" : "asshole") + " still grips your cock tightly, dragging you down with her. You collapse on top of her, sliding off of the redhead's cock as you tumble into the golden curls of the blonde's hair.");
if(player.gender >= 2) outputText(" A flood of seed begins to spill from your abused pussy, gushing over the redhead's groin and spreading into the water. The flow is soon stemmed by the introduction of the black-haired girl's tongue, plush lips pressed against your cunt as she hungrily sucks down the outpouring of semen. She gulps loudly and gluttonously, spreading your lips with her thumbs and swallowing every last delicious salty morsel, her stomach swelling and quivering as your own overfull abdomen begins to deflate in equal measure.");
outputText(" As your twitching cock relieves itself of the last of your seed inside the blonde's " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "pussy" : "ass") + ", you feel your strength slipping away from you with each spasm, your eyelids growing heavy with an uncommon weariness.\n\n");
} //End letHer()
//Formerly shoveHer()
function kitsuneShoveHerMansion(willing:Boolean):void {
outputText("In spite of your drunken stupor, you are just lucid enough to realize what is going on in time to stop her. You plant your arm against her chest with a push, and she loses balance and tumbles into the water, kicking up foam. She breaches the water with a rambunctious cry, inadvertently knocking her sisters off as she grapples with you in the steamy spring. The surprised pair laughs and shields their eyes as you roll around in the water, tossing hot foam into the air. When the crashing waves finally die down, you have the boisterous redhead pinned under your elbow against the side of the bath, [eachCock] grinding lewdly against the pillowy cheeks of her upthrust ass. She struggles for a bit, but once she accepts that you have overpowered her, she slowly relaxes into a submissive state, her muscles relaxing and her ears slouching against the top of her head.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>F-fine...</i>\" she says quietly, rolling her eyes back in pleasure as you scratch behind her ears and run a finger coercively down her cheek." + ( flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "" : " Reaching down between her legs, you nod in satisfaction as you feel her cock slowly receding, shrinking down into a pert, solid pleasure bud between her puffy lips.") + "\n\n");
outputText("You let up on the disappointed kitsune a bit, running your fingers down her bare back and watching her shiver in pleasurable agony. A small scratch applied to the base of her tails breaks down the last of her defenses, and she collapses against the wooden deck bordering the pool with a shuddering sigh. Her sisters close in once again, brushing their tails up against your nude form and trailing their sparking fingertips across your " + player.skin() + " gently.");
if (player.gender == 1 || ((player.gender == 3) && flags[redheadIsFuta] == 0)){
outputText("\n\nThe blonde casually wades over to the redhead, planting her expansive rear down on her sister's back and reclining with a haughty smirk gracing her lips. The poor redhead trembles under her weight, her cheeks flushed with unmet needs," + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? " neglected cock hanging low in the water," : "") + " tails fluttering back and forth between the blonde's legs while the flaxen-haired fox woman leads you on with a finger. One of the blonde's tails winds around the " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " of your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + ", pulling it into the shimmering tangle of crimson and gold, and though the fluffy forest obscures your view, you can feel the " + cockHead( player.biggestCockIndex() )+ " pressing up against the blonde's warm, inviting snatch.\n\n");
outputText("Her tail coils and constricts around your member, drawing you forward to plunge into the waiting folds with a wet slurp." + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 50) ? " Her walls draw you inward for ages, rippling sensually along your length as her cavernous cunt seems to go on forever. Impossible though it might sound, it seems she intends to take ALL of you." : "") + " She shudders with satisfaction as your hips lightly press against hers, legs spreading out and wrapping around your " + hipDescript() + " to draw you in as far as possible" + ((player.cocks.length > 1) ? ", [eachCock] entangled in a jungle of red and gold tails that caress and tickle them teasingly." : ".") + " The redhead's tails flail sporadically, bristling with pleasure as your " + ((player.cocks.length > 1) ? "cocks slide" : "cock slides") + " through the sensitive coils, sending a shiver up her spine and a blush to her cheeks.\n\n");
outputText("You feel something brushing against your " + player.legs() + " in the water and look down to find the black-haired girl wedging herself in between the redhead's legs, running her hands up and down her sister's voluptuous thighs and smacking her rear once for good measure. The redhead lets out a startled cry and raises her hips dutifully as an angry red handprint resolves on her jiggling cheek, faintly visible against the large star-shaped tattoo that adorns it. With new room to breathe, the black-haired girl raises her head against her sister's fiery crotch and begins to nuzzle it passionately, her plush, pillowy pink lips planting kisses along " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "the underside of her swollen cock." : "the moist cleft of her vagina.") + "\n\n");
outputText("Holding the blonde's shapely hips, you begin to pump in and out of her hungry gash, moaning shamelessly from the pleasure of her tight, hot walls methodically squeezing your member. Her marshmallowy breasts jiggle and flop against her chest as she is rocked back and forth over the redhead's back, her arms bending back to grip the deck for support. She licks her lips hungrily, rolling her eyes back and groaning in ecstasy, playing up the pleasure to extremes in order to tease her sisters. With expert timing she clamps her muscular snatch down against your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " just as you are about to pull back, sealing like a vice around the shaft such that an audible 'schliiick!' fills the air.\n\n");
outputText("She giggles immaturely at the obscene noise, putting a hand over her mouth and flashing you a \"who, me?\" smirk. Her slippery cunt flexes, skillfully drawing you back inside with a slurp and spurring you back to your wild thrusting. Below, the black-haired girl has advanced from her teasing licks and begun to " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "suck lovingly on the tip of her sister's cock, moaning through the shaft hungrily." : "lap earnestly between her sister's folds, moaning into her slick snatch hungrily.") + " Sandwiched between her sisters, the redhead trembles with pleasure, grinding her hips down into the hungry ravenette's face" + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? ", stuffing her cock down into her throat with a moan. The gluttonous girl swallows it with glee, her throat bulging as the thick shaft passes through, gulping loudly and hungrily." : ", forcefully, smearing slick juices across the hungry ravenette's face. The gluttonous girl laps up every drop, running her lengthy tongue up between the slippery folds and penetrating her with the tip.") + "\n\n");
outputText("You edge closer and closer to your climax, shivering with pleasure as pressure builds in your " + ((player.balls > 0) ? ballsDescriptLight() : "prostate" ) + ". The " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " of your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " bulges outwardly as the first thick glob of cum swells through it, forcing its way into the blonde's unprotected womb. ");
if (player.cumQ() <= 150){
outputText( "A few virile streams spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your thick load. Just as your potency begins to wane, you feel her golden tail constrict around your base, blocking the flow. You groan deeply in protest as your shaft spasms dryly, her muscular snatch forcing you out with a loud 'plop!' As the remainder of your seed builds up painfully behind her tail, she raises a finger to her lips, leering at you slyly. Before you know what is going on, her tail directs your throbbing shaft downward and you feel yourself plunge into the redhead's " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "vagina!" : "defenseless anus!") + " The unsuspecting girl lurches forward with a moan, and at the same time the blonde releases her grip on your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ", allowing your load to freely spill into her sister's tender butt. Her rectum squeezes you involuntarily, her face caught halfway between shock and orgasmic pleasure.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 350){
outputText( "Numerous streams spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft to draw your seed toward her convulsing womb. Just as your potency begins to wane, you feel her golden tail constrict around your base, blocking the flow. You groan deeply in protest as your shaft spasms dryly, her muscular snatch forcing you out with a loud 'plop!' As the remainder of your seed builds up painfully behind her tail, she raises a finger to her lips, leering at you slyly. Before you know what is going on, her tail directs your throbbing shaft downward and you feel yourself plunge into the redhead's " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "vagina!" : "defenseless anus!") + " The unsuspecting girl lurches forward with a moan, and at the same time the blonde releases her grip on your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ", allowing your load to freely spill into her sister's tender butt. Her rectum squeezes you involuntarily as a final glut of seed erupts into her ass, her face caught halfway between shock and orgasmic pleasure.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 1000){
outputText( "Thick ribbons of cum spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your potent load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft to draw your virile seed toward her convulsing womb, thin streams messily spurting from her entrance as her abdomen begins to bulge from the pressure. Just as your potency begins to peak, you feel her golden tail constrict around your base, blocking the flow. You groan deeply in protest as your shaft spasms dryly, her muscular snatch forcing you out with a loud 'plop!' One particularly eager spurt of seed manages to escape and dribbles weakly down the tip, and as the remainder of your seed builds up painfully behind her tail, she raises a finger to her lips, leering at you slyly. Before you know what is going on, her tail directs your throbbing shaft downward and you feel yourself plunge into the redhead's " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "vagina!" : "defenseless anus!") + " The unsuspecting girl lurches forward with a moan, and at the same time the blonde releases her grip on your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ", allowing your load to freely spill into her sister's tender butt. Her rectum squeezes you involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her ass and floods into her intestines, her face caught halfway between shock and orgasmic pleasure as her stomach begins to swell slightly.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 2500){
outputText( "Hot ropes of cum splash into her womb, smearing her with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft as it swells with virile seed over and over again, thick streams spurting out of her entrance as her stomach begins to distend into a jiggling round belly from the pressure. At the peak of your orgasm, you feel her golden tail constrict around your base, blocking the flow. You groan deeply in protest as your shaft spasms valiantly, her muscular snatch forcing you out with a loud 'plop!' The pressure in your " + ((player.balls > 0) ? ballsDescriptLight() : "prostate" ) + " is too great for her to hold all of it back, and a number of pressurized streams force their way by, streaking her body with hot seed. She opens her mouth and happily catches an errant stream on her tongue, then raises a finger to her lips and leers at you slyly. Before you know what is going on, her tail directs your throbbing shaft downward and you feel yourself plunge into the redhead's " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "vagina!" : "defenseless anus!") + " The unsuspecting girl lurches forward with a moan, and at the same time the blonde releases her grip on your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ", allowing your load to freely spill into her sister's tender butt. Her rectum squeezes you involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her ass and floods into her intestines, her face caught halfway between shock and orgasmic pleasure as her stomach expands with a jiggle, hanging low and heavy with the weight of your seed.");
else if (player.cumQ() > 2500){
outputText("Hot waves of cum crest against her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "cervix" : "sphincter") + ", flooding her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "womb" : "anus") + " with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft as it swells with virile seed over and over again, pressurized streams erupting from her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "snatch" : "pucker") + " as her abdomen swells to an obscene size. At the peak of your orgasm, you feel her golden tail constrict around your base, trying in vain to stem the flow. You groan deeply in protest as your shaft spasms violently, her muscular " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "snatch" : "pucker") + " forcing you out with a loud 'plop!' The pressure in your " + ((player.balls > 0) ? ballsDescriptLight() : "prostate" ) + " is far too much for her to hold back, and her efforts only succeed in turning your eruptive streams into a sporadic shower of semen that streaks her front with a percussive patter. She revels in the showering seed, happily catching a few streams on her tongue, then raises a finger to her lips and leers at you slyly. Before you know what is going on, her tail directs your throbbing shaft downward and you feel yourself plunge into the redhead's " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "vagina!" : "defenseless anus!") + " The unsuspecting girl lurches forward with a moan, and at the same time the blonde releases her grip on your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ", allowing your abundant load to freely splatter into her sister's tender " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "pussy" : "butt") + ". Her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "slit" : "rectum") + " squeezes you involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "pussy" : "ass") + " and floods her " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "passage" : "intestines") + ", her face caught halfway between shock and orgasmic pleasure as her stomach rapidly swells into a heavy, gravid belly, sloshing audibly.");
outputText("\n\nThe sudden intrusion " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "" : "into her behind ") + "drives her over the edge in an instant, and soon your ears are met with the sound of hungry slurping. " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "The black-haired kitsune swallows eagerly around her sister's engorged cock, slurping down stream after stream of thick futa-jizz. She raises her hand up and slides two fingers into the girl's convulsing cleft, moaning in approval as the copious fountain of semen in her throat thickens even more. Her other hand slowly massages her gradually expanding stomach, caressing the growing bulge while she pounds her fingertips into her sister's pussy, sucking out every creamy, salty morsel." : "The black-haired kitsune laps eagerly at her sister's convulsing pussy, a thick spray of girlcum splattering across her face as she tries her best to catch it in her mouth. Her lips wrap around the girl's quivering cunt, and she begins to drink deeply from the viscous fountain, humming her pleasure the entire time.") + " After what certainly must have felt like an eternity, the girl's climax begins to ebb, and she collapses fantastically beneath the blonde's weight with a splash, narrowly avoiding the raven-haired girl's face on the way down.\n\n");
outputText("Her warm " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "cunt" : "asshole") + " still grips your cock tightly, dragging you down with her. You collapse into the blonde's open arms, finding yourself pressed into the marshmallowy embrace of her mountainous breasts. As your twitching cock relieves itself of the last of your seed inside the redhead's " + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? "pussy" : "ass") + ", you feel your strength slipping away from you with each spasm, your eyelids growing heavy with an uncommon weariness.\n\n");
else if((player.gender = 3) && flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0){
outputText("\n\nThe blonde casually wades over to the redhead, flipping her onto her back and sliding onto her sister's hips with a haughty smirk. The poor redhead is pinned under her weight, flushing with wanton desire, her cock twitching needfully between the blonde's ass cheeks. One of the blonde's tails winds around the " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " of your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + ", pulling it into the shimmering tangle of golden coils, and though a fluffy forest obscures your view, you can feel the " + cockHead( player.biggestCockIndex() )+ " pressing up against the blonde's warm, inviting snatch.\n\n");
outputText("Her tail coils and constricts around your member, drawing you forward to plunge into the waiting folds with a wet slurp." + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 80) ? " Her walls draw you inward for ages, rippling sensually along your length as her cavernous cunt seems to go on forever. Impossible though it might sound, it seems she intends to take ALL of you." : "") + " She shudders with satisfaction as your hips lightly press against hers, a few of her tails lashing around your " + hipDescript() + " to draw you in as far as possible" + ((player.cocks.length > 1) ? ", [eachCock] entangled in a jungle of gold that caresses and tickles them teasingly." : ".") + " The redhead's tails flail sporadically beneath her, bristling with pleasure as your " + vaginaDescript() + " slides across the tip of her cock teasingly, sending a shiver up her spine and a blush to her cheeks.\n\n");
outputText("You feel something brushing against you and look down to find the black-haired girl pressing her face against your [butt], running her hands up and down your " + hipDescript() + " and smacking your cheek once lightly for good measure. An involuntary shudder zigzags up your spine as her slick tongue runs up your crack, lining your [asshole] with saliva. Her fingertips dig into the flesh of your bottom, the other hand sliding along your " + vaginaDescript() + ", pinching and rolling your " + clitDescript() + ". A moment later, you rise an inch or two off the ground as a squirming invader spears your ass. Her plush lips press against you like soft pillows, a muffled giggle vibrating up her tongue and into your prostate. Your strength gives out as she prods your prostate, dragging you down with her weight at the same time to impale you on the redhead's cock.");
//{virginity loss/ stretching, redhead is 12x2}
outputText("The redhead squeals with pleasure as her throbbing shaft spears your nethers, her hands rising up to the blonde's shoulders and digging into them passionately. Caught between the blonde's sopping pussy, the redhead's cock, and the ravenette's swirling tongue, you are ensconced in such pleasure that you can no longer distinguish the source. Your body bucks and trembles from the trio's indulgent onslaught, hips grinding and mashing against each other in a passionate spectacle.\n\n");
outputText("Holding the blonde's shapely hips, you begin to pump in and out of her hungry gash, moaning shamelessly from the pleasure of her tight, hot walls methodically squeezing your member. She licks her lips hungrily, rolling her eyes back and groaning in ecstasy, playing up the pleasure to extremes in order to tease her sisters. With expert timing she clamps her muscular snatch down against your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " just as you are about to pull back, sealing like a vice around the shaft such that an audible 'schliiick!' fills the air.\n\n");
outputText("She giggles immaturely at the obscene noise, looking back over her shoulder and flashing you a \"who, me?\" smirk. Her slippery cunt flexes, skillfully drawing you back inside with a slurp and spurring you back to your wild thrusting. Pinned beneath the blonde, the redhead trembles with pleasure, grinding her hips upward into yours desperately, running her hands up and down her sister's back in pure ecstasy.\n\n");
outputText("You edge closer and closer to your climax, shivering with pleasure as pressure builds in your " + ((player.balls > 0) ? ballsDescriptLight() : "prostate" ) + ". The " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " of your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " bulges outwardly as the first thick glob of cum swells through it, forcing its way into the blonde's unprotected womb. ");
if (player.cumQ() <= 150){
outputText( "A few virile streams spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you involuntarily, a deep crimson blush spreading across her cheeks as a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy.");
else if ((player.cumQ() > 150) && (player.cumQ() <= 350)) {
outputText( "Numerous streams spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft to draw your seed toward her convulsing womb, a thick spray of girlcum erupting from her pussy.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 1000) {
outputText( "Thick ribbons of cum spurt into her, sloppily smearing her tunnel with your potent load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft to draw your seed toward her convulsing womb. Her cunt clenches involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her and floods into her womb, a deep crimson blush spreading across her cheeks as a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 2500){
outputText( "Hot ropes of cum splash into her womb, smearing her with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft as it swells with virile seed over and over again, thick streams spurting out of her hole as her stomach begins to distend into a jiggling round belly from the pressure. Her cunt clenches involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her and floods her womb, her stomach expanding with a jiggle and hanging low and heavy against the redhead's abdomen with the weight of your seed, while a thick spray of girlcum erupts from her pussy.");
else if (player.cumQ() > 2500) {
outputText( "Hot waves of cum crest against her cervix, flooding her womb with your thick load. Her inner muscles squeeze you greedily, massaging your shaft as it swells with virile seed over and over again, pressurized streams erupting from her snatch as her abdomen swells to an obscene size. Her pussy squeezes you involuntarily as your cloying seed erupts into her quivering cunt, her stomach rapidly swelling into a heavy, gravid belly, sloshing audibly and pressing against the redhead's abdomen.");
outputText("\n\nAt the same time, you can feel the redhead's shaft begin to twitch in your pussy, on the verge of her own climax. The blonde glances back over her shoulder to you, raising a finger to her lips and leering slyly as one of her tails slithers down between the redhead's hips and your own. The golden coil lashes around her sporadically twitching rod in a tight ring, and the explosive eruption of seed you were expecting never arrives. The redhead's face is contorted into a tortured grimace, the base of her cock swollen with the cum backing up painfully behind her sister's tail. The blonde only giggles, teasing the redhead with a fingertip on her forehead as she cinches her tail up even tighter. The poor abused redhead trembles with need, groaning through clenched teeth as her orgasm continues to be denied, building up pressure by the second.\n\n");
outputText("With a wry smirk, the blonde finally releases her from her torment, and the thick bulge in her cock swells through her shaft almost instantly, erupting into your womb in a salty, creamy deluge. The virile onslaught sends shivers up your spine as it floods into your uterus relentlessly, causing your abdomen to swell and bubble outward. It inflates slowly, growing into a sloshing, engorged belly not dissimilar to a watermelon in size and proportion. After what feels like an eternity, the girl's climax begins to ebb, and she collapses fantastically beneath the blonde's weight with a splash. You follow soon after, feeling the black-haired girl's tongue pull away as you slide forward onto the blonde's back.\n\n");
outputText("The slithering tongue coils around the base of the redhead's softening member, pulling it from your " + vaginaDescript() + " with a 'plop!' A flood of seed begins to spill from your abused pussy, gushing over the redhead's groin and spreading into the water. The flow is soon stemmed by the introduction of the black-haired girl's tongue, plush lips pressed against your cunt as she hungrily sucks down the outpouring of semen. She gulps loudly and gluttonously, spreading your lips with her thumbs and swallowing every last delicious salty morsel, her stomach swelling and quivering as your own overfull abdomen begins to deflate in equal measure.\n\n");
outputText("As your twitching cock relieves itself of the last of your seed inside the blonde's pussy, you feel your strength slipping away from you with each spasm, your eyelids growing heavy with an uncommon weariness.\n\n");
} // End shoveHer()
function kitsuneStillHungryMansion():void
outputText("Just as you are about to slip out of consciousness, you are roused by the feeling of the kitsune pulling you from her sister's grasp, sliding you onto your back, and bending low over you.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Still hungry...</i>\" she says softly, rubbing her chubby stomach gently, a quiet rumble issuing forth.\n\n");
outputText(((player.balls > 0) ? "She exposes her upturned palms, rubbing them together for a moment and then blowing into them lightly. With a snapping crackle, a bright blue flame bursts to life in her hands, and she presses her palms to your " + ballsDescriptLight() + ", massaging them gently." : "She extends her index and middle fingers, and with a snapping crackle, a bright blue flame bursts to life at her fingertips. Before you can protest, your [butt] is invaded by her pyrotechnic digits, pressing against your prostate insistently.") + " As the cooling tingle of her mystical flame spreads across your " + ((player.balls > 0) ? ballsDescriptLight() : "prostate" ) + ", you can feel a tense pressure building up, pleasure coursing through you as your spent stores of seed miraculously begin to replenish themselves, your flagging " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " springing to readiness instantly!\n\n");
outputText("Your rock-hard shaft is immediately engulfed in the soft embrace of the girl's breasts, the tip entrapped by the moist prison of her warm mouth. A tongue of improbable length slides out of the girl's mouth, slathering saliva across your turgid rod and coiling around it with a tight squeeze. Her plush pink pillows caress your " + cockHead(player.biggestCockIndex() )+ " with a sensual suckling, drawing you inward and nibbling on the flesh delicately.\n\n");
outputText(((player.biggestCockArea() < 70) ? "In a single stroke she swallows your shaft, her lips gliding all the way down to the hilt as her warm throat envelopes you, squeezing gently." : "She draws the shaft as far into her mouth as possible, her throat stretching around your head and pulling it in. When she can swallow no more, she pauses to stabilize her breathing through her nose, then sighs contentedly.") + " Her eyes roll back pleasantly and she glances up at you, the corners of her mouth curled up in a devious smirk, her tongue still curled around your stiff rod just past the edges of her lips.\n\n");
if (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0) {
outputText( "A trembling moan shudders down your cock as the redhead wades by to join in the fun, giving her sister a light spank. Her cock slides up between the busty ravenette's expansive buttocks, and then with a swift thrust, plunges into her soaked pussy. Each time she thrusts forward, the black-haired girl groans with pleasure, her throat clenching around your cock wonderfully. Ropes of spittle begin to slide down her chin as she is manhandled by her sister, her head bobbing back and forth on your rod as she squeezes her chest around it.\n\n");
else {
outputText( "Fingers trail delicately across your [chest] as the redhead slides in next to you, sparks flying from her fingertips as she encircles your " + nippleDescript(0) + ", eliciting a moan. Her body presses against yours softly, one leg draping over your waist as she lays her head down and begins to run her tongue along the outer edge of your nipple.\n\n");
outputText( "You are abruptly aware of a pair of hands caressing the sides of your head gently, your vision subsequently obscured by a pair of shapely cheeks adorned with a crescent moon tattoo that jiggle tantalizingly overhead before lowering toward your face. The blonde's pussy kisses your lips, filling your nose with its sweet, musky aroma, while her hands lovingly caress the top of your head, pulling you against her crotch softly. Her hips roll back and forth over your face, her bountiful butt jiggling and quivering with each motion as she grinds her sodden snatch into your lips.\n\n");
outputText("Still overly sensitive from the exhilarating romp you had just taken part in, your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " begins to throb and twitch excitedly within the black-haired girl's throat, already being pushed to the limits of your endurance. ");
if(flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0) {
outputText("The redhead's hips slap up against her sister's ass again and again, driving her down onto your rod with a loud, gagging gulp. The black-haired girl's throat ripples and flows wetly along your length, a deep moan vibrating up it as the redhead digs her fingers into her expansive ass flesh, rolling her eyes back and groaning obscenely. A liquid gurgle fills the air as the redhead unleashes a torrent of seed, the ravenette's belly swelling slowly. Her moans intensify around your rod with each passing second, hands vigorously stroking along whatever length of your shaft is not consumed by her throat.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Theed ne...</i>\" she groans, her words garbled by the presence of your swollen shaft.\n\n");
outputText("The introduction of a spark of blue flame against the base of your cock enforces the request, and you have little choice but to comply. An unnatural pressure begins to fill your " + ((player.balls > 0) ? ballsDescriptLight() : "prostate" ) + ", most certainly a result of the kitsune's prior witchery. The base of your " + cockDescript(player.biggestCockIndex()) + " swells up, the thick bulge slowly working its way up the length of your shaft and forcing past her plump pink lips. Your mind goes blank, vision popping with white spots as you moan orgasmically into the blonde's salty pussy, your tongue jammed deep into her folds. Liter after liter of seed, thicker and more virile than you've ever produced, begins to flow down into the black-haired kitsune's gullet, eagerly swallowed without hesitation. Twin streams burst from her nose as her cheeks bulge with semen, her lips clasped as tight as possible to contain as much as she can, while her belly continues to jiggle with added weight, sloshing and quivering as more and more cum flows down her throat.\n\n");
outputText("A viscous stream of femcum crashes against your face, dribbling down your chin as the blonde achieves climax shortly after you do, and altogether the four of you ride the waves of pleasure for what feels like ages. Each passing second finds you more and more fatigued, and your eyelids grow heavier and heavier, muscles growing weak.\n\n");
outputText("Exhausted by the ordeal, you relax into a blissful stupor, only vaguely aware of the feeling of being dragged onto the deck. The last thing you recall before slipping into unconsciousness is the three sisters crawling up alongside you, coaxing your twice-spent member back to life yet again with their magic, eyes glinting hungrily." );
//Increase PC cum production slightly due to residual effects from the kitsunes' magic.
} //end stillHungry();
//formerly femaleOrGenderless()
function kitsuneFemaleOrGenderless(willing:Boolean):void {
outputText("\"<i>Just relax, darling,</i>\" the blonde says in a crooning tone, sliding her hand down along your " + hipDescript() + " under the water. Her silky-soft fingertips gently circles your " + ((player.gender >=2) ? clitDescript() : assholeDescript() ) +", making you shudder. Any reservations you still had are naught but memories now as you" + ((player.isBiped()) ? " spread your legs and" : "" ) +" give yourself over completely to her tender touch.\n\n");
outputText("Your erogenous zones are caressed by numerous velvety tails, a few of them curling around your limbs to keep you from squirming around too much. Plush lips kiss every inch of exposed flesh, while blue flames spark to life with the sound of striking flint to gently lick and swirl along your body, sending ripples of pleasure coursing through you. Your liquor-addled mind is too foggy by now to resist their advances, their disarming caresses breaking down your inhibitions and replacing them with lust and desire.\n\n");
outputText("One fingertip is shortly followed by a second, gently invading your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " up to the second knuckle and making you moan and clench in pleasure. Tender caresses slide down your [fullChest] as the sisters lavish you with affection - a gentle tweak here, a nip there, every action carefully measured to tease and arouse you. The black-haired one carefully climbs on top of you, wrapping her lips around one of your " + nippleDescript(0) + "s and flicking it gently with her tongue." + ((player.lactationQ() > 0) ? " She titters with excitement as your fresh cream begins to pour into her mouth, massaging your [chest] gently to stimulate the flow and drinking it down eagerly.\n\n\"<i>Mmmm... So very tasty,</i>\" she says with a smirk, dipping down for another drink." : "Her teeth gently play along the tender flesh, sending shocks of pleasure through you. Pale blue flames spread from the corners of her lips, elevating the pleasure even further, and you find it hard to stop shivering.") + "\n\n");
outputText("You feel something warm prodding you in the side and look down to find that the redhead possesses a special something that her sisters are lacking - and from the devilish grin on her face, you have an inkling of what she intends to do with it.\n\n");
outputText("<b>How do you respond?</b>");
// display choices:
//{"Let Her" = letHer() } {"Shove Her" = shoveHer() }
if(willing) simpleChoices("Let Her",3936,"Shove Her",3938,"",0,"",0,"",0);
else simpleChoices("Let Her",3937,"Shove Her",3939,"",0,"",0,"",0);
else {
function kitsunesGenderlessLetHer(willing:Boolean) {
outputText(((willing) ? "You decide to let the girl have her fun, allowing her to shift positions to begin rubbing her throbbing shaft against your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? vaginaDescript() : "featureless groin") + " eagerly." : "You shake your head sluggishly, but your slurred protests fall on deaf ears. She easily sidesteps your " + player.leg() + " as you try to shove her away, sliding forward to lay a disarming kiss on your cheek. A bright blue wisp of flame crackles from her lips, and that is that - the resulting spark of pleasure that arcs up your spine shatters the last of your resistance, and your cares melt like butter.") + " While she grinds her pulsating shaft against you slowly, her sisters close in around you to join in the fun.\n\n");
outputText("Your head is drawn into the blonde's lap, fingers softly gliding " + ((player.hairLength > 0) ? "through your " + hairDescript() : "across the sides of your face") + ", brushing you lightly with her mystical flames. A pair of large, shapely ass cheeks emblazoned with a sun-shaped tattoo enters your field of vision, and soon your view is entirely blocked by the black-haired girl's expansive behind, save for a sliver of light filtering down between her and the blonde. Her slick pussy glides across your lips, coaxing your tongue from your mouth as she bends down, pulling the redhead's cock into her mouth for a moment to slather it with saliva, spreading your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "labia" : "butt cheeks") + " with her first two fingers, egging her on.\n\n");
outputText("The redhead wastes no time taking the invitation, spearing your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " in a single thrust. Her thick rod pierces your waiting hole, bringing with it a distinctive effervescent tingle. Her hands close around your " + hipDescript() + ", and she begins to thrust wantonly, playing up her pleasure with an exaggerated moan as her breasts jiggle to and fro with each buck of her hips.");
if(player.gender >= 2) cuntChange(14,true,true,false);
else buttChange(14,true,true,false);
outputText("The soft lap beneath your head slides out of the way and is replaced by a thick bed of golden tails, and what remains of your field of vision is quickly blotted out by the addition of another set of quivering ass cheeks, pressing against her sister's as she tries to wedge herself down against your mouth as well. The size of their posteriors makes finding a comfortable position rather difficult, and the two of them wind up jostling each other back and forth in competition for your wriggling tongue.\n\n");
outputText("The victor is decided when you feel a pair of golden tails slithering around the black-haired girl's legs, a surprised yelp proclaiming their penetration into the girl's ass and pussy. With a haughty smirk, the blonde settles into position, her tails alternatingly pistoning into her sister's holes as she rides your face passionately, stroking the top of your head.\n\n");
outputText("As her innards are pummeled by her sister's tails, the hungry ravenette crawls her way down your form, lowering her head to your groin and letting her tongue slide out around the redhead's cock. It wraps around the base, twisting and cinching tight to act as a cock ring. As blood pumps to her shaft and becomes trapped, it swells up, thick ribs and veins becoming more pronounced and stimulating your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " to even further levels of ecstasy.\n\n");
outputText("Your tongue swirls and twists within the blonde's pussy, drawing out wave after wave of salty-sweet femjuice. The aromatic juices mist your tongue and face, your moans muffled by the weight of her cushiony cheeks pressing down. She is thoughtful enough to give you space to breathe every few moments, rocking her hips back gently to look down into your eyes, her expression halfway between that of a doting mother and a dominatrix. Her hips lower against your lips again, and she resumes her passionate grinding, closing her thighs around the sides of your head.\n\n");
outputText("The rhythmic thumping of the redhead's hips against your own increases its pace, her tongue hanging out of her mouth lewdly. Her thick rod spears you again and again, each thrust bringing with it an even more euphoric moan from the horny redhead. Her sisters groan in unison with her, as though feeding off of her animalistic desire to fuel their own lusts, and as your endurance is stretched to its breaking point, it seems like you'll all cross the line together.\n\n");
outputText("The base of the redhead's shaft swells with a vast load, backing up just behind her sister's tongue. She pumps into your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " once, twice, thrice more before the black-haired girl releases the tension around the base, though whether by choice or due to the furious orgasm roaring through her loins, it is hard to tell. You have only a split-second to muse on the subject before a tingling glut of seed comes rushing into your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "womb" : "intestines") + ", sending you into a shivering fit. Saliva and sexual fluids flow in rivers, the blonde's soaked cunt drenching your face as her pussy quivers and squeezes around your tongue. The ravenette begins to rise upward, lifted by your expanding abdomen as she twitches in ecstasy, the blonde's tails deeply embedded in her holes.\n\n");
outputText("Passionate moans from all four of you fill the air as you ride the waves of pleasure, finally collapsing together in ecstasy after what feels like ages. Each twitching tremble of your muscles sees you a bit more fatigued, your eyelids feeling as though they weigh a thousand pounds each." + ((player.gender == 3) ? " A flood of seed begins to spill from your abused pussy, gushing over the redhead's groin and spreading into the water. The flow is soon stemmed by the introduction of the black-haired girl's tongue, plush lips pressed against your cunt as she hungrily sucks down the outpouring of semen. She gulps loudly and gluttonously, spreading your lips with her thumbs and swallowing every last delicious salty morsel, her stomach swelling and quivering as your own overfull abdomen begins to deflate in equal measure." : "") + " Hands resting on your" + ((player.gender == 0) ? " swollen": " deflating") + " belly, you begin to succumb to exhaustion, your strength fading as you are overcome with an uncommon weariness.\n\n");
if(willing) doNext(3940);
else doNext(3941);
} // end letHer()
//fomerly shoveHer()
function kitsunesGenderlessShoverHer(willing:Boolean):void {
outputText("In spite of your drunken stupor, you are just lucid enough to realize what is going on in time to stop her. You plant your arm against her chest with a push, and she loses balance and tumbles into the water, kicking up foam. She breaches the water with a rambunctious cry, inadvertently knocking her sisters off as she grapples with you in the steamy spring. The surprised pair laughs and shields their eyes as you roll around in the water, tossing hot foam into the air. When the crashing waves finally die down, you have the boisterous redhead pinned under your elbow against the side of the bath, crotch grinding lewdly against the pillowy cheeks of her upthrust ass. She struggles for a bit, but once she accepts that you have overpowered her, she slowly relaxes into a submissive state, her muscles relaxing and her ears slouching against the top of her head.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>F-fine...</i>\" she says quietly, rolling her eyes back in pleasure as you scratch behind her ears and run a finger coercively down her cheek." + ( flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "" : " Reaching down between her legs, you nod in satisfaction as you feel her cock slowly receding, shrinking down into a pert, solid pleasure bud between her puffy lips.") + "\n\n");
outputText("You let up on the disappointed kitsune a bit, running your fingers down her bare back and watching her shiver in pleasurable agony. A small scratch applied to the base of her tails breaks down the last of her defenses, and she collapses against the wooden deck bordering the pool with a shuddering sigh. Her sisters close in once again, brushing their tails up against your nude form and trailing their sparking fingertips across your " + player.skin() + " gently.\n\n");
outputText("The blonde casually wades over to the redhead, flipping her onto her back and settling down on her sister's hips with a haughty smirk. The poor redhead is pinned under her weight, flushing with wanton desire, her " + ((flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0) ? "cock twitching needfully between the blonde's ass cheeks." : "oversized clitoris rubbing against her sister's.") + " One of the blonde's tails winds around the underside of your crotch, pulling you forward into the shimmering tangle of golden coils, and though a fluffy forest obscures your view, you can feel a humid warmth emanating from within it, mere inches away.\n\n");
outputText("Her tails coil and constrict around your thighs, drawing you forward to press against her quivering lips while the tips sensually brush your sensitive nethers, sending light tingles up and down your spine. " + ((player.clitLength > 4) ? "You groan a bit as you feel your " + clitDescript() + " gently slipping between the moist folds of her cunt, caressed on all sides by warm, wet flesh, the muscles squeezing down to conform to its shape perfectly. " : "") + "She shudders with satisfaction as you lightly press against her, a few of her tails lashing around your " + hipDescript() + " to hold you tight. The redhead's tails flail sporadically beneath her, bristling with pleasure as " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " slides across the tip of her cock teasingly" : "you are rubbed against her slavering slit") + ", sending a shiver up her spine and a blush to her cheeks.\n\n");
outputText("You feel something brushing against you and look down to find the black-haired girl pressing her face against your [butt], running her hands up and down your " + hipDescript() + " and smacking your cheek once lightly for good measure. An involuntary shudder zigzags up your spine as her slick tongue runs up your crack, lining your [asshole] with saliva. Her fingertips dig into the flesh of your bottom, " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "the other hand sliding along your " + vaginaDescript() + ", pinching and rolling your " + clitDescript() + "." : "a fingertip gently tracing the curvature of your cheek as sparks snap and pop in its wake.") + " A moment later, you rise an inch or two off the ground as a squirming invader spears your ass. Her plush lips press against you like soft pillows, a muffled giggle vibrating up her tongue. Your strength gives out as she prods your innards, " +(flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "dragging you down with her weight at the same time" + ((player.gender == 2) ? " to impale you on the redhead's cock." : ", her tongue receding just as you are impaled on the redhead's cock. The slick organ slides around the base of her cock, constricting tightly, and you can feel it swell as the veins and ridges become more pronounced.") : "and while you are at your most vulnerable, she twists two of the redhead's tails into a tight bundle, thrusting it into your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "vagina." : "ass.")));
outputText("The redhead squeals with pleasure " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "as her throbbing shaft spears your " : "as her tails are thrust unmercifully into your ") + ((player.gender == 2) ? "cunt" : "ass") + ", her hands rising up to the blonde's shoulders and digging into them passionately. Caught between the blonde's sopping pussy, the redhead's " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "cock" : "tails") + ", and the ravenette's swirling tongue, you are ensconced in such pleasure that you can no longer distinguish the source. Your body bucks and trembles from the trio's indulgent onslaught, hips grinding and mashing against each other in a passionate spectacle.\n\n");
outputText("Holding the blonde's shapely hips, you begin to grind against her slippery gash, moaning shamelessly as the heat washes over you. She licks her lips hungrily, rolling her eyes back and groaning in ecstasy, playing up the pleasure to extremes in order to tease her sisters. Smirking deviously, she raises an index finger into the air and presses it to your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? clitDescript() : "bare crotch") + ", a pale blue flame sending a spark of pleasure through you.\n\n");
outputText("She giggles immaturely, tracing a small pattern of flames as she teases and toys with you. Pinned beneath the blonde, the redhead trembles with pleasure, grinding her hips upward into yours desperately, running her hands up and down her sister's back in pure ecstasy.\n\n");
outputText("You edge closer and closer to your orgasm, shivering with pleasure as tension builds in your lower body. A sensual lick from the black-haired girl's tongue gives you the final push that you need, and your muscles clamp down in a frenzied climax, squeezing the redhead's " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "cock" : "tails") + " with all their strength. " + ((player.wetness() == 5) ? "A viscous stream of femcum bursts forth from your loins, soaking the blonde and the redhead alike. " : "" ) + "At the same time, you can feel the redhead's " + (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0 ? "shaft" : "tails") + " begin to twitch in your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + ", on the verge of her own climax.");
if(flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0) {
outputText("\n\nThe blonde glances at you, raising a finger to her lips and leering slyly as one of her tails slithers down between the redhead's hips and your own. The golden coil lashes around her sporadically twitching rod in a tight ring, and the explosive eruption of seed you were expecting never arrives. The redhead's face is contorted into a tortured grimace, the base of her cock swollen with the cum backing up painfully behind her sister's tail. The blonde only giggles, teasing the redhead with a fingertip on her forehead as she cinches her tail up even tighter. The poor abused redhead trembles with need, groaning through clenched teeth as her orgasm continues to be denied, building up pressure by the second.\n\n");
outputText("With a wry smirk, the blonde finally releases her from her torment, and the thick bulge in her cock swells through her shaft almost instantly, erupting into your womb in a salty, creamy deluge. The virile onslaught sends shivers up your spine as it floods into your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "uterus" : "innards") + " relentlessly, causing your abdomen to swell and bubble outward. It inflates slowly, growing into a sloshing, engorged belly not dissimilar to a watermelon in size and proportion. After what feels like an eternity, the girl's climax begins to ebb, and she collapses fantastically beneath the blonde's weight with a splash. You follow soon after, slumping forward onto the blonde's chest in exhaustion.\n\n");
outputText("The black-haired girl's slithering tongue coils around the base of the redhead's softening member, pulling it from your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " with a 'plop!' " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "A flood of seed begins to spill from your abused pussy, gushing over the redhead's groin and spreading into the water. The flow is soon stemmed by the introduction of the black-haired girl's tongue, plush lips pressed against your cunt as she hungrily sucks down the outpouring of semen. She gulps loudly and gluttonously, spreading your lips with her thumbs and swallowing every last delicious salty morsel, her stomach swelling and quivering as your own overfull abdomen begins to deflate in equal measure." : "As her cock slides out, a flood of seed begins to spill from your abused ass, gushing over the redhead's groin and spreading into the water and finally relieving the pressure in your abdomen.") + "\n\n");
outputText("With each twitch and spasm of your muscles, you feel your strength slipping away from you with each spasm, your eyelids growing heavy with an uncommon weariness.\n\n");
outputText("\n\nThe four of you ride out the waves of pleasure for what seems like an eternity, groaning and grinding against each other in ecstasy. Cooling flames crackle across your bare body as you are tossed to and fro in a sea of tails and flesh, the air filling with the sounds and smells of climactic release. Finally, at long last, the pleasure begins to ebb, and you collapse along with the three girls, slumping forward onto the blonde's chest in exhaustion.\n\n");
outputText("Each residual twitch and spasm of your muscles leaves you feeling more fatigued than ever, strength slipping away from you with each spasm and your eyelids growing heavy with an uncommon weariness.\n\n");
if(willing) doNext(3940);
else doNext(3941);
} // end shoveHer()
//formerly stillHungry()
function genderlessKitsuneStillHungry(willing:Boolean):void {
outputText("Just as you are about to slip out of consciousness, you are roused by the feeling of the black-haired kitsune pulling you from her sister's grasp, sliding you onto your back, and bending low over you.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Still hungry...</i>\" she says softly, rubbing her chubby stomach gently, a quiet rumble issuing forth.\n\n");
outputText("She exposes her upturned palms, rubbing them together for a moment and then blowing into them lightly. With a snapping crackle, a bright blue flame bursts to life in her hands, and she presses her palms to your [chest], massaging gently. As the cooling tingle of her mystical flame spreads across your chest, you can feel a tense pressure building up, pleasure coursing through you. Your " + ((player.biggestTitSize() < 3) ? ((player.biggestTitSize() == 0) ? "flat chest begins" : "breasts begin") + " to swell, jiggling titflesh spilling out with a tense tingle until you are the proud new owner of a sizeable pair of C cups" : "breasts seem to plump up a bit, your nipples growing hard as a tense tingle spreads through them.") + " You arch your back, clutching your chest as the tingling intensifies, an inferno of pleasure burning in your chest. At the height of ecstasy, your milk begins to spurt from your nipples, flying into the air like a lewd fountain.\n\n");
outputText("Your rock-hard nipples are immediately engulfed in the soft embrace of the girl's lips, entrapped by the moist prison of her warm mouth. A tongue of improbable length slides out, slathering saliva across your swollen breasts and coiling around one of them with a tight squeeze. Her plush pink pillows caress your nipples with a sensual suckling, drawing them inward and nibbling on the flesh delicately as your milk begins to flow down her throat.\n\n");
if (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0) {
outputText( "A trembling moan shudders through your breasts as the redhead wades by to join in the fun, giving her sister a light spank. Her cock slides up between the busty ravenette's expansive buttocks, and then with a swift thrust, plunges into her soaked pussy. Each time she thrusts forward, the black-haired girl groans with pleasure, the humming sensation vibrating through your nipples pleasantly. Ropes of spittle begin to slide down her chin as she is manhandled by her sister, her head thrust into your cleavage as she presses her own chest against you sensually.\n\n");
else {
outputText( "Fingers trail delicately across your [chest] as the redhead slides in next to you, sparks flying from her fingertips as she encircles your free " + nippleDescript(0) + ", eliciting a moan. Her body presses against yours softly, one leg draping over your waist as she lays her head down and begins to run her tongue along the outer edge, warming you up for her sister.\n\n");
outputText( "A shock of pleasure jolts through you as six golden tails press against your body, azure embers sensually sizzling against your skin. The blonde giggles lightly as she teases you, her eyes full of mischief, one finger lightly tracing the underside of your jaw. It's a simple gesture, but the way she does it makes you practically melt into her arms, more a slave to pleasure now than ever.\n\n");
if (flags[redheadIsFuta] > 0) {
outputText( "The redhead's hips slap up against her sister's ass again and again, driving her into your chest with a surprised yelp. The black-haired girl's lips ripple and flow wetly over your nipples, a deep moan vibrating through it as the redhead digs her fingers into her expansive ass flesh, rolling her eyes back and groaning obscenely. A liquid gurgle fills the air as the redhead unleashes a torrent of seed, the ravenette's belly swelling slowly. Her moans intensify against your chest with each passing second, hands passionately kneading and squeezing your breasts.\n\n");
outputText ( "\"<i>Feed me...</i>\" the black-haired kitsune whispers, pulling away from your milky tits for just a moment.\n\n");
outputText("The introduction of a spark of blue flame around your breasts enforces the request, and they give you no choice but to comply. An unnatural pressure begins to fill them again, most certainly a result of the kitsune's prior witchery. Your nipples puff up, thick, creamy hindmilk slowly working its way to the surface, flowing past her plump pink lips. Your mind goes blank, vision popping with white spots as you moan orgasmically into the air. Liter after liter of milk" + ((player.lactationQ() > 0) ? ", the thickest you've ever produced," : "") + " begins to flow down into the black-haired kitsune's gullet, eagerly swallowed without hesitation. Twin streams burst from her nose as her cheeks bulge with milk, her lips clasped as tight as possible to contain as much as she can, while her belly continues to jiggle with added weight, sloshing and quivering as more and more of it flows down her throat.\n\n");
outputText("As the four of you ride the waves of pleasure for what feels like ages, each passing second finds you more and more fatigued, and your eyelids grow heavier and heavier, muscles growing weak.\n\n");
outputText("Exhausted by the ordeal, you relax into a blissful stupor, only vaguely aware of the feeling of being dragged onto the deck. The last thing you recall before slipping into unconsciousness is the three sisters crawling up alongside you, proffering their twisted magics on your spent body.");
//Increase PC milk production slightly due to residual effects from the kitsunes' magic. Note: The breast size boost was temporary and shouldn't actually result in a permanent change.
} // end stillHungry();
//3+ Tentacle cocks of 30" or longer
function tentacleKitsuneWingWangs():void {
outputText("\"<i>Oh my! It looks like we're in for a real treat tonight, sisters...</i>\" the blonde says as she runs her hands along your impressive prehensile endowments.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Mmm... tentacles... my favorite flavor,</i>\" the black-haired one chimes in, rubbing her pudgy belly and licking her lips hungrily. Slipping into the water next to you, each of them takes one of your hulking tentacles into her hands, grinning eagerly. Working together, they weave their tails through your brace of writhing appendages, cinching tight around the base of each one as their fingers slide along the flexible shafts. Trails of blue fire dance across each writhing tentacle, sending you into a shivering, shuddering frenzy, and the three sisters cast each other knowing grins. Your liquor-addled mind is too foggy by now to resist their advances, " + ((player.lib<50) ? "slurred protests falling on deaf ears." : "though who would want to?") + "\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh, I do so enjoy our work,</i>\" the blonde remarks, running her hand up to the tip of your cock and squeezing the bulbous head experimentally. She flashes a satisfied smirk at the way your firm flesh yields under her touch, nodding softly. The tip of one of her tails trails along the underside, tickling you sensually as more coils of fur stroke and knead along the obscene organ.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>We just looooove tentacles,</i>\" the black-haired girl explains to you, giggling like a schoolgirl as one of your obscene tendrils starts moving on its own, sliding down between her legs and threading its way between her expansive ass cheeks. \"<i>When we see tentacles this thick, long, and...</i>\" she pauses to wrap her lips around the end of your cock, sliding her tongue along the tip, \"<i>...mmm... juicy.... It's just impossible to contain our excitement.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("As if to illustrate this point, she hungrily swallows almost a foot of your wriggling tentacle, a trail of spittle hanging out lazily from one corner of her mouth as she swallows carefully along your length. Your writhing shafts are assaulted on all sides by all manner of touches and caresses; fingers, tongues, tails and breasts all working in glorious harmony to tease and pleasure you. One tendril instinctively coils around one of the blonde's breasts, squeezing it tightly while the tip pokes and prods the soft flesh, teasing her pert pink nipples. Moaning in response, she slides her fingers along the base, cool blue flames crackling to life across her fingertips and sending chills through your body. Each of your thick tentacles swells up incredibly, the kitsune's magic sending jolts of pleasure across the surface. As the pale flames dance across your groin, you feel an odd tension building up, and in a shower of viscous cum, your loins erupt into a monstrous, wriggling mass of at least a dozen undulating tentacles!\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Hehe, that's how we like it!</i>\" the blonde says with a chuckle, pressing her body to the squirming brace of tentacles and moaning in anticipation.\n\n");
outputText("You feel something warm prodding you in the side, and look down to find that the redhead has something between her legs that her sisters are lacking. With one of your undulating cocks curled down between her legs, she begins to grind herself against you, lining up her thick, throbbing member up against one of yours and rubbing her hips back and forth lewdly. Grabbing a segment of your ropey dick, she coils it around the base of her own, thrusting through the ring of cock flesh and groaning into your ear.\n\n");
outputText("Her hot breath cascades across your shoulders, followed shortly by a distinctive minty coolness. The stark contrast between the two feelings makes you shudder, your chest rising and falling quickly as the pleasure begins to mount. Your breath is knocked out of you with a startling abruptness as the blonde is thrown down onto your chest, toppled over by her black-haired sister. With a tentacle in one hand and the blonde's sizeable breast in the other, the plucky ravenette alternates between the two, sucking, squeezing and stroking while wriggling her plump rear back and forth. Your hands start to glide across their silky skin of their own accord, groping the supple flesh and stroking their shimmering tails, squeezing their firm breasts and running your fingers through their soft hair.\n\n");
outputText("A number of your cocks are ensnared by a group of long black tails, guiding them down to her upended pussy and slowly running the head of one up and down her glistening snatch. She crawls up over her blonde sister, leaning down to nibble on your ear along with the redhead, and mumbles through her teeth, \"<i>Nn... time for the main course... Go on, you know you wanna stick it in... Ravage us.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Without hesitation, your tentacle-dick drills eagerly into her sopping snatch before you can think. Your moans join hers in a lewd symphony, each of your writhing tentacles finding its home in one hole or another, sending the three girls into a lust-filled frenzy atop you. Before long, you lose track of where one girl ends and the others begin, your hands cascading over their soft, supple bodies, intersecting in a carnal mass of flesh, tails, tentacles and lust.\n\n");
outputText("Your tentacles move of their own accord, ensnaring the three sisters in a densely tangled knot of limbs and tendrils. The redhead hangs upside-down, dangling by her ankles with a look of utter bliss on her face as her cock is furiously jerked by one of your tentacles, both of her holes being pounded simultaneously by two thick tendrils pistoning in and out alternately. The black-haired girl is in no less of a predicament, her eyes rolled back and tongue hanging out as her ass is stuffed full of throbbing tentacle, one hand haphazardly thrusting into her pussy alongside another.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Uuuoohh... my belly's so fulllll...</i>\" she groans orgasmically, clutching her stomach as your cock snakes its way through her insides, visibly distorting her pudgy belly. Her body goes slack, hand falling away from her groin as a thick stream of girlcum arcs through the air, her face turning red and her eyes going blank with ecstasy.\n\n");
outputText("The blonde is folded double, her thighs spread out while her ankles are hooked behind her head, all six of her tails twitching madly. Her breasts squash and bulge around your tentacles as they squeeze and coil around them, rubbing lewdly against her nipples. It seems as though sense has long since been driven from her mind, her mouth hanging agape and her eyes vacant with lust. Her throat bulges from the intrusion of your cock, pre-cum mixed with drool dribbling down her chin as she eagerly begins to suck on it, thrusting her hips automatically in sync with the undulations of your cocks in her other orifices.\n\n");
outputText("The air is filled with the heavy, musky scent of semen as a jet of cum shoots skyward from the redhead's cock, the throbbing member swelling visibly each time she spurts another stream. The entire deck and the water around you is stained with her seed, she and her sisters all plastered from head to toe with her copious emissions. The cooling sensation of mint permeates your skin wherever the sticky droplets land on you, making you shudder in pleasure, and the tingling feeling of her seed dribbling down along your tentacle shafts sends an unbearable pleasure to your groin.\n\n");
outputText("The three insensate kitsune twitch helplessly in the grips of your tentacles, maddened by pleasure as your magically enhanced tendrils plow away at them without pause, pummeling their abused holes unceasingly. Every muscle in your body tenses in preparation for an incredible climax, the lust boiling in your loins like a coiling spring. The pressure builds until you just can't take it any longer, convulsing beneath the three sisters and groaning in ecstasy as your orgasm shoots up each of your shafts simultaneously, swelling from base to tip and releasing your thick load inside of them.\n\n");
if(player.cumQ() <= 150) {
outputText( "Warm streams of spunk flow from each of your tentacles, painting the sisters white inside and out. Hot pearls of cum drench the three kitsune, mixing with the redhead's and rolling off of their bodies to dribble into the water." );
else if(player.cumQ() <= 350) {
outputText( "Thick streams of spunk pour from your tentacles, spurting white streaks into the air and painting the sisters with a glistening coat of white, inside and out. Pearls of cum drip and dribble off their bodies, mixing with the redhead's and rolling off into the water." );
else if(player.cumQ() <= 1000) {
outputText( "Ribbons of thick, milky white cum sling into the air, falling across the sisters' bodies and painting their insides with your hot semen. A thick layer of pearly-white cum coats their bodies, matting down hair and dribbling over the edges of their voluptuous curves.");
else if(player.cumQ() <= 2500) {
outputText( "Thick jets of hot spunk fill the air, arcing high and showering the sisters with streaks of white. As your tentacles pump load after load of hot, creamy jizz into their abused holes, their abdomens begin to swell up, thin streams spurting out around each of your cocks and dribbling down their curves. A thick patina of pearly-white cum coats their bodies, matting down their hair and sloughing off of their voluptuous curves in heavy globs.");
else if(player.cumQ() > 2500 ) {
outputText( "Thick streams of cum arc through the air, raining down on the three sisters like a hot shower as ropes of semen splatter across their bodies, streaking them with a heavy mat of white. Thick bulges work their way down your obscene tentacle shafts, load after load erupting into their abused holes and making their abdomens begin to swell, expanding ever outward with the weight of your cum. Before long, pressurized streams are escaping from around your cocks, twin jets of semen spurting from their noses. Drenched, matted, and utterly stuffed with your virile sperm, the sisters limply hang within the coils of your tentacles, their limbs and tails twitching weakly.");
outputText( "\n\nEvery twitch and spasm of your loins finds you feeling a little more fatigued, your eyelids growing heavy with drowsiness as you can feel the life being drained from you. Panting desperately, the three sisters gradually regain their senses as your flagging tentacles slowly lower them down into the water" + ((player.cumQ() > 1000) ? ", their arms wrapped protectively around their cum-bloated bellies" : "" ) + ". Exhausted from your ordeal, you let yourself relax into a blissful stupor, only vaguely aware of the feeling of being dragged up onto the deck. The last thing you see before going unconscious is the three sisters crawling up around you, coaxing your spent tentacles back to life, their eyes glinting hungrily.");
function outro(tentacles:Boolean = false):void {
if(player.fatigue > 80 && player.fatigue < 100)
outputText("\n\nYour dreams are haunted by visions of yourself wandering through the halls of an impressive manor, searching desperately for a way out. No matter where you turn, the twisting hallways all seem to turn back on each other. You are trapped, forever doomed to wander the halls of this manor, being toyed with at the whims of your three beautiful mistresses.");
if(player.fatigue >= 100) {
else {
outputText( "\n\nWhen you awaken the next morning, the sisters, the hot springs, and the mansion are nowhere to be found. You are lying naked in the wilderness, your possessions sitting in a neat little pile a short distance away, and your memories of the previous night are little more than a hazy fever dream");
if(tentacles) outputText(" - at the very least, your groin seems to be back to its usual configuration");
outputText(". You sit up, but fall back almost immediately, groaning as the full weight of your hangover hits you like a ton of bricks. It takes a long time before you can muster up the willpower to gather your things and head back to camp, but as you set out, you swear you could hear the sound of ghostly laughter echoing through the trees.\n\n");
if(player.cumQ() < 10000 || (!player.hasCock() && player.lactationQ() < 10000)) {
outputText("<b>Due to the residual effects of the sisters' magic, your ");
if(player.hasCock()) {
outputText("cum ");
if(player.cumQ() < 500) player.cumMultiplier += 3;
if(player.cumQ() < 2000) player.cumMultiplier += 2;
if(player.cumQ() < 10000) player.cumMultiplier += 1;
else {
outputText("milk ");
if(player.lactationQ() < 500) player.boostLactation(3);
if(player.lactationQ() < 2000) player.boostLactation(2);
if(player.lactationQ() < 10000) player.boostLactation(1);
outputText("production has been enhanced.</b>");
hours = 6;
if(!inCombat()) doNext(13);
else eventParser(5007);
function mansionBadEnd():void {
// Kitsune's Thrall Bad End
outputText( "Your dreams are cut short as you awaken with a start, launching yourself bolt upright. You are drenched in a frigid sweat, panting from an unexplained sense of dread that still has you in a panic. The dread only worsens when you take stock of your surroundings. For a moment you think you are back in Ingnam, but the unfamiliar surroundings push the notion from your mind as soon as it forms. Neither are you in your bedroll in camp, however. Gradually, you piece together the events of the previous night through the miserable pounding in your skull.\n\n");
outputText("\n\nThe realization hits you like a bag full of rocks, and you spring to " + ((player.isBiped())? "your feet" : "action" ) + " immediately, leaping off the comfortable bed. Your " + player.armorName + " are gone, replaced by exotic robes woven of fine silk. What's more, you have no weapon to speak of! Still reeling a bit from your hangover, you stumble out into the hallway, looking for a way out before the mansion's mysterious owners get wind of your egress.\n\n");
outputText("Your muscles are filled with fatigue and soreness from the night's activities, and it feels as though you are carrying a rucksack full of lead on your shoulders. Just how long were the three of them at it after you passed out? By the throbbing pain you feel in your hips, it feels like must have kept going all night long.\n\n");
outputText("You wander the meandering hallways of the manor for what feels like ages, searching for any sign of an exit. At last, you find yourself in a familiar area, vaguely recalling passing through this room on the way to the banquet that the sisters had prepared for you. Only now can you truly appreciate what a terribly foolish idea it was to accept food from the three mischief-makers.\n\n");
outputText("Escape is in sight, the front door coming into sight as you round the corner. The hallway seems to stretch on for eternity as you make a beeline for the exit, the door never coming any closer. A sinking feeling enters the pit of your stomach as your hope of escape is squashed with just four words.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Leaving so soon, dear?</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You wheel around to face the manor's three mistresses, beckoning to you with offerings of food and drink in hand. Though their expressions are innocently jovial, they carry an air of malevolence as they slowly close in on you.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Won't you stay just one more night? You can rest your weary bones, and drink your fill...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You decline their offer, continually backing your way toward the door. When they are no more than an arm's length away, you make a break for it, spinning in place and dashing madly toward the door - but alas, your ill-fated escape attempt meets with dismal failure. No sooner have you turned away then you face them once again, and this time they block your escape.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Please, be our guest.... It gets so lonesome out here, just the three of us...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Throwing caution to the wind, you rush them, pushing past and barging through the door, filling your lungs with the fresh breath of freedom. What meets you on the other side makes your heart sink, for you find not the open air of the courtyard, but another stretch of hallway, identical to the one you just left. There to meet you beyond the threshold are the three kitsune, their lips pursed in identical smirks.\n\n");
outputText("As they crowd around, you can feel the lights in your mind flickering off one by one. Azure flames swirl about the room, capturing you in their hypnotic thrall as you slowly drop to the floor, entranced by the kitsune's witchery.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>You'll stay, won't you?</i>\" the blonde says, placing her hand under your chin and delicately tipping your head back to look up into her eyes. As you feel yourself being pulled into the depths of those green pools, you hear someone voicing their assent, only to realize that the voice was your own.\n\n");
outputText("You cling to the last vestiges of your mind with all your might, but to no avail. Your mind, still muddied by the spirits you imbibed the night before, succumbs to the three enchantress' hypnotic power. Eighteen bushy tails curl around you, pulling you up into a warm, calming embrace, and you have just enough time to register a cool tingling sensation spreading throughout your body before the last glimmer of free will you possess is snuffed out forever.");
function kitSuneMansionBadEndII():void {
outputText("It is difficult to say how much time has passed since you came to reside here. Time holds no meaning in this place, entrapped for all eternity in the space between worlds. Now and again, a glimmer of your former self bubbles to the surface of the constant murky haze that is your mind now, and you have a faint recollection of a purpose beyond serving your mistresses.\n\n");
outputText("Though it is only the vaguest shadow of a memory, on nights such as this it compels you to search for a way to leave, shambling through the maze of eternally shifting corridors and twisting hallways that make up the manor. Your search is never-ending, each new room warping reality in new ways, your paths looping back on each other and winding their way through eldritch realms not fit to be seen by mortal eyes. No matter how convoluted your route, your journey always ends in the same place.\n\n");
outputText("The moment your will begins to fade, you are deposited at the threshold of the sisters' bedroom, your weary spirits dulling your thoughts as the desire to serve your mistresses forces its way back to the forefront. They greet you at the doorway, tonight wearing sheer gowns of almost transparent silk as they usher you inside.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Come inside, dear. Let us ease your tension,</i>\" the blonde whispers as she draws you into a soothing embrace.\n\n");
outputText("The trio surrounds you, lavishing you with affectionate kisses and caresses as they lead you toward the bed, undressing you along the way. Their soft fingertips slide over your " + player.skinFurScales() + " as they draw open your silken robe, easing it down your upper body. They gently caress your [chest], their many tails busily brushing up and down your back, teasing you with the tips. After what feels like ages, your robes fall to the floor in a heap, revealing the abomination that is your lower body. A writhing mass of tentacles has replaced your body from the hip down, dozens of slippery tendrils branching out where your pelvis once joined with a pair of human legs.\n\n");
outputText("The thicker ones, covered in small suckers, serve to support your weight while the remainder twist and wriggle in the air, instinctively seeking out the touch of bare flesh as three silk robes are shed. Taking on a mind of their own, they wrap around the bed posts, hoisting you up and pulling the three kitsune along. Each girl grins with anticipation as they are slowly entangled in your many writhing appendages. Together, they lay you back on the bed, jostling each other for prominence as they each raise their heavy hindquarters into the air, dragging sparks down your chest with their fingertips.\n\n");
outputText("Six of your muscular prehensile appendages slither down between their jiggling cheeks, eliciting a moan and a shiver from each of them. Poised at the entrance of each hole, you howl with ecstasy as you penetrate them one at a time, raising your voice with them in a chorus of pleasure. Your voice is abruptly muffled when you feel the thick, meaty shaft of the redhead's cock slide into your throat, your muscles relaxing on cue to take it in its entirety. Her hands slide to the back of your neck as she throws her head back in pleasure, thrusting her hips forward as the tentacles stuffing her ass and pussy drive in deeper, creating a visible outline in her stomach.\n\n");
outputText("Your raven-haired mistress has her own plan, taking up the largest tentacle she can find and wrapping her arms, legs, and tails around it, slowly drawing it into her mouth. Her moans vibrate through you as she pulls it deeper and deeper into her throat, a bulge in her neck widening with each new intake of tentacle. She won't be satisfied until every nook and cranny is filled to the brim with wriggling, meaty tendrils, but as a humble servant, you are only happy to oblige.\n\n");
outputText("Throwing herself back, the blonde spreads her legs wide, catching several thick tentacles with the soles of her feet and gently rubbing them back and forth as she guides them down between her thighs. She groans like a cheap whore as she forces one after another of your thick tentacles into her slick snatch, stuffing the already stretched passage with still more undulating feelers. Her hungry cunt's limitless depths surround you, strong muscles rippling across the half-dozen squirming tendrils that she has already managed to force inside.\n\n");
outputText("The glimmer of your past is long forgotten, and all you are left with is the depravity with which they use your many-limbed body, an abominable form they themselves bestowed upon you. Each night they ravage you to the point of exhaustion, their twisted magic sustaining you well beyond the endurance of a mortal, to fuel their own twisted desires.\n\n");
outputText("You are forever the sisters' servant now, a beast of pure perversion cultivated for the sole purpose of providing them pleasure.\n\n");
outputText("<b>THE END</b>");
function fightSomeKitsunes():void {
outputText("Something just doesn't sit right with you about this woman, and you cautiously raise your " + player.weaponName + ", watching her carefully.\n\n");
if(monster.hairColor == "blonde") outputText("\"<i>Ah, so we're going to play like that, are we?</i>\" she says with a grin, making a small clawing motion in the air. \"<i>Very well my darling, if that's how you want it, but I won't be taking it easy on you just because you're cute~.</i>\"");
//Black Hair
else if(monster.hairColor == "black") outputText("\"<i>Oh, dear... are you sure you can't just spare the tiniest morsel? I'm so hungry...</i>\"\n\nShe licks her lips to accentuate this, rubbing her stomach. You however, have no intention of being made a meal, or whatever it is she intends to do with you.\n\n\"<i>Well, I guess it can't be helped,</i>\" she says, pursing her lips impishly.");
else {
outputText("\"<i>Oh, you're not going to make this easy for me, are you?</i>\"");
outputText("\n\nWith a wry grin, she stands back and cracks her knuckles, and your eyes are drawn down to a slight tent in her robes. \"<i>Good, I like when my prey has a little fight in it. Just don't go crying if you lose~.</i>\" she says, one hand sliding down to caress the bulge hugging her thigh. Whatever she's packing, it's at least 12 inches long, and she seems pretty keen on using it.");
outputText( "\n\n<b>You are now fighting a ");
if(monster.hairColor == "blonde") outputText("blonde");
else if(monster.hairColor == "black") outputText("black-haired");
else outputText("red-haired");
outputText(" kitsune!</b>");
function kitsuneAI():void {
var moves:Array = new Array();
if(player.hasStatusAffect("Sealed") < 0) moves[moves.length] = kitsuneSealAttack;
if(player.hasStatusAffect("Sealed") < 0) moves[moves.length] = kitsuneSealAttack;
if(monster.hasStatusAffect("PCTailTangle") < 0) moves[moves.length] = kitsuneEntwine;
moves[moves.length] = foxFireAttack;
moves[moves.length] = foxFireAttack;
if(monster.hasStatusAffect("Illusion") < 0) moves[moves.length] = illusionKitsuneAttack;
moves[moves.length] = kitSuneTeases;
moves[moves.length] = kitSuneTeases;
// Combat Abilities:
// the kitsune are an almost purely magical mob, relying mainly on tease attacks and spells that raise lust.
function kitsuneEntwine():void {
outputText("The kitsune closes in on you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. You raise your guard, keeping your eyes trained on her to ensure that she doesn't try to pull anything. Suddenly, you feel something coiling around your " + player.leg() + ", and let out a yelp as you are suddenly lifted into the air, entangled in the kitsune's tails!");
outputText("\n\nYour limbs are bound tightly while coils of delightfully soft fur caress you on all sides. You can do little besides struggle against your furry bonds as the constant writhing of her tails sends shudders flying up and down your spine.");
//Struggle - event 5077 in combat.as
function kitsuneStruggle():void {
outputText("You struggle against the kitsune's tails with all your might, desperately trying to free yourself before she has her way with you.");
if(rand(20) + player.str/20 + monster.statusAffectv1("PCTailTangle") >= 12) {
outputText(" Summoning up reserves of strength you didn't know you had, you wrench yourself free of her tails, pushing her away.\n\n");
//Failure - +5-10 LUST
else {
outputText(" Despite your valiant efforts, your wriggling only serves to get you deeper entangled in the fluffy tails, eliciting an amused giggle from the kitsune.");
outputText("\n\nShe licks her lips, running her hands along you wherever she can find exposed flesh. Her fingertips leave small trails of dazzling blue that make you flush with lust - you must escape her grasp soon or else you will be like putty in her hands!");
function kitsuneWait():void {
outputText("Happily, you slump deeper into the fluffy tails, eliciting an amused giggle from the kitsune.");
if(silly()) outputText(" You're so glad you got to touch fluffy tail.");
outputText("\n\nShe licks her lips, running her hands along you wherever she can find exposed flesh. Her fingertips leave small trails of dazzling blue that make you flush with lust - you must escape her grasp soon or else you will be like putty in her hands!");
//Fox Fire: - Low piercing damage, +10-15 LUST
function foxFireAttack():void {
outputText("The kitsune makes a small circle in the air with her fingers, conjuring up a pale blue flame into her palm with the sound of flint striking against steel. Pursing her lips, she blows it toward you with a kiss.");
outputText("\n\nThe flames burn furiously, but leave you with an incredibly pleasant tingling sensation all over your body. Your skin flushes with excitement, and you can feel blood rushing to your extremities, making you shudder with pleasure.")
var damage:int = 5+rand(20);
damage = takeDamage(damage);
outputText(" (" + damage + ")");
//Illusion: - Raises enemy evasion, but can be resisted.
//Factors affecting resist: INT (1% per point, max 70%), "Whispered" perk (20% flat bonus), "Religious" background and < 20 corruption (20% bonus at 0, losing 1% per point of corruption.)
function illusionKitsuneAttack():void {
outputText("You struggle to keep your eyes on the kitsune, ghostly laughter echoing all around you as you turn to and fro, trying to track her movements. It almost seems like the edges of reality are blurring around her, severely distorting your perceptions and making it hard to follow her. It's going to be much harder to hit her if she keeps this up!");
//Resist: - successfully resisting deals small health & lust damage to kitsune
var resist:int = 0;
if(player.inte < 30) resist = Math.round(player.inte);
else resist = 30;
if(player.hasPerk("Whispered") >= 0) resist += 20;
if(player.hasPerk("History: Religious") >= 0 && player.cor < 20) resist += 20-player.cor;
if(rand(100) < resist) {
outputText("\n\nThe kitsune seems to melt away before your eyes for a moment, as though the edges of reality are blurring around her. You tighten your focus, keeping your eyes trained on her, and she suddenly reels in pain, clutching her forehead as she is thrust back into view. She lets out a frustrated huff of disappointment, realizing that you have resisted her illusions.");
else {
monster.spe += 20;
//Seal: - cancels and disables whatever command the player uses this round. Lasts 3 rounds, cannot seal more than one command at a time.
//PCs with "Religious" background and < 20 corruption have up to 20% resistance to sealing at 0 corruption, losing 1% per corruption.
function kitsuneSealAttack():void {
var resist:int = 0;
if(player.inte < 30) resist = Math.round(player.inte);
else resist = 30;
if(player.hasPerk("Whispered") >= 0) resist += 20;
if(player.hasPerk("History: Religious") >= 0 && player.cor < 20) resist += 20-player.cor;
var select:int = rand(7);
if(select == 0) {
outputText("The kitsune playfully darts around you, grinning coyly. She somehow slips in under your reach, and before you can react, draws a small circle on your chest with her fingertip. As you move to strike again, the flaming runic symbol she left on you glows brightly, and your movements are halted mid-swing.");
outputText("\n\n\"<i>Naughty naughty, you should be careful with that.</i>\"");
outputText("\n\nDespite your best efforts, every time you attempt to attack her, your muscles recoil involuntarily and prevent you from going through with it. <b>The kitsune's spell has sealed your attack!</b> You'll have to wait for it to wear off before you can use your basic attacks.");
else if(select == 1) {
outputText("You are taken by surprise when the kitsune appears in front of you out of nowhere, trailing a fingertip down your chest. She draws a small circle, leaving behind a glowing, sparking rune made of flames. You suddenly find that all your knowledge of seduction and titillation escapes you. <b>The kitsune's spell has sealed your ability to tease!</b> Seems you won't be getting anyone hot and bothered until it wears off.");
else if(select == 2) {
outputText("\"<i>Oh silly, trying to beat me at my own game are you?</i>\" the kitsune says with a smirk, surprising you as she appears right in front of you. She traces a small circle around your mouth, and you find yourself stricken mute! You try to remember the arcane gestures to cast your spell and find that you've forgotten them too. <b>The kitsune's spell has sealed your magic!</b> You won't be able to cast any spells until it wears off.");
else if(select == 3) {
outputText("\"<i>Tsk tsk, using items? That's cheating!</i>\" the kitsune says as she appears right in front of you, taking you off guard. Her finger traces a small circle on your pouch, leaving behind a glowing rune made of crackling flames. No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to pry it open. <b>The kitsune's spell has sealed your item pouch!</b> Looks like you won't be using any items until the spell wears off.");
else if(select == 4) {
outputText("\"<i>Tsk tsk, leaving so soon?</i>\" the kitsune says, popping up in front of you suddenly as you attempt to make your escape. Before you can react, she draws a small circle on your chest with her fingertip, leaving behind a glowing rune made of crackling blue flames. You try to run the other way, but your " + player.legs() + " won't budge!\n\n\"<i>Sorry baby, you'll just have to stay and play~.</i>\" she says in a singsong tone, appearing in front of you again. <b>The kitsune's spell prevents your escape!</b> You'll have to tough it out until the spell wears off.");
else if(select == 5) {
outputText("You jump with surprise as the kitsune appears in front of you, grinning coyly. As she draws a small circle on your forehead with her fingertip, you find that you suddenly can't remember how to use any of your physical skills!");
outputText("\n\n\"<i>Oh no darling, </i>I'm<i> the one with all the tricks here.</i>\"");
outputText("\n\n<b>The kitsune's spell has sealed your physical skills!</b> You won't be able to use any of them until the spell wears off.");
else {
outputText("You jump with surprise as the kitsune appears in front of you, grinning coyly. As she draws a small circle on your forehead with her fingertip, you find that you suddenly can't remember how to use any of your magical skills!");
outputText("\n\n\"<i>Oh no darling, </i>I'm<i> the one with all the tricks here.</i>\"");
outputText("\n\n<b>The kitsune's spell has sealed your magical skills!</b> You won't be able to use any of them until the spell wears off.");
if(resist >= rand(100)) {
outputText("\n\nUpon your touch, the seal dissipates, and you are free of the kitsune's magic! She pouts in disappointment, looking thoroughly irritated, but quickly resumes her coy trickster facade.");
//Tease Texts:
function kitSuneTeases():void {
var select:int = rand(3);
if(monster.hairColor == "red" && rand(2) == 0) select = 3;
if(select == 0) outputText("You rub your eyes, suddenly seeing triple as you find yourself in the midst of a crowd of kitsune doppelgangers. They run their hands all over you, teasing and doting on you as their tails caress every inch of your body. Taken by surprise, you forget to fight back until they have already dispersed, blending back into a single fox-woman.");
else if(select == 1) outputText("Bending forward, the kitsune runs her hands down over her breasts, jiggling them enticingly and squeezing them together. Hooking a finger in her robes, she slides it down, tugging them aside until her nipples are just barely covered, and with a teasing smirk, pulls them back up, leaving you wanting.");
else if(select == 2) outputText("Turning her back to you, the kitsune fans out her tails, peering back as she lifts the hem of her robe to expose her plump hindquarters. Her tails continually shift and twist, blocking your view, but it only serves to make you want it even <i>more</i>, licking your lips in anticipation.");
//Redhead only:
else outputText("The kitsune sways her hips enticingly as she appears in front of you abruptly, rubbing up against your side. Her teasing caresses make you shiver with arousal, and you can feel something thick and warm pressing against your [hips]. She gives you a wry grin as she breaks away from you, sporting an obvious tent in her robes. \"<i>Just you wait...</i>\"");
function loseToKitsunes():void {
var scene:Array = new Array();
//Shared Scenes
// For Males and Herms
if(player.hasCock()) scene[scene.length] = loseFightToHerms;
// For Females and Genderless
if(player.gender != 1) scene[scene.length] = femalesAndNuetersLoseToKitsunes;
//Single cock < 9 inches long
if(monster.hairColor == "blonde" && player.cockTotal() == 1 && player.longestCockLength() < 9)
scene[scene.length] = blondeKitsuneRapesSmallWangs;
scene[scene.length] = blondeKitsuneRapesSmallWangs;
scene[scene.length] = blondeKitsuneRapesSmallWangs;
scene[scene.length] = blondeKitsuneRapesSmallWangs;
//Lose while lactating
if(monster.hairColor == "black" && player.lactationQ() >= 50)
scene[scene.length] = loseToBlackHairLatexWhileMilky;
scene[scene.length] = loseToBlackHairLatexWhileMilky;
scene[scene.length] = loseToBlackHairLatexWhileMilky;
scene[scene.length] = loseToBlackHairLatexWhileMilky;
// lose, requires balls and cumQ() > 1000
if(player.hasCock() && player.balls > 0 && player.cumQ() > 1000)
scene[scene.length] = loseToKitsunesWithBallsAndHighCumQ;
scene[scene.length] = loseToKitsunesWithBallsAndHighCumQ;
//Futa rape - chance increases as redhead's lust increases
if(monster.hairColor == "red") {
scene[scene.length] = getRapedByRedHeadFutaKitsune;
if(monster.lust > 50) scene[scene.length] = getRapedByRedHeadFutaKitsune;
if(monster.lust > 70) scene[scene.length] = getRapedByRedHeadFutaKitsune;
if(monster.lust > 85) scene[scene.length] = getRapedByRedHeadFutaKitsune;
//Shared Scenes
// For Males and Herms
function loseFightToHerms():void {
var biggest:int = player.biggestCockIndex();
outputText("\"<i>If you were going to give up that easily, you could have said so in the beginning and saved yourself the trouble!</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Her tittering laughter rings in your ears, broken momentarily as she grunts with the effort of rolling you onto your back.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Time to claim my prize...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Humming quietly, she carefully removes your " + player.armorName + ", neatly arranging them into a pile and shoving them off to the side. Eying your nude form hungrily, she begins to slowly trail her hands down your [fullChest], letting her fingertips cascade over every ridge and curve of your body while painting streaks of dazzling fire across your flesh. Her touch sends tingles up and down your spine, making you shiver and moan involuntarily. Slowly but surely her hands work their way down toward your loins, teasing around your [hips] very gently" + ((player.isBiped() ) ? ", tickling the insides of your thighs" : "") + " before trailing up to your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? "rapidly moistening cleft. Her fingers dance along the inside of your labia, circling the entrance and nearly - but never quite - pushing a fingertip inside, snickering in satisfaction as you release a small rush of fluids into her palm. She glides the tip of one of her tails across your [clit] delicately, like a feather, before turning her attention to her real prize, your " : "") + "gradually hardening [cock biggest].\n\n");
outputText("Holding you firmly around the " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ", she crawls the fingers of her free hand up and down the shaft, marking the underside with tiny beads of flame that spark and tingle incredibly as they lick across your rigid rod. It doesn't take but a few moments of this treatment before you are teetering on the edge, but the skillful seductress has other plans for you, and dials back the pleasure mere moments before your release.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh no dear, the fun's only just begun,</i>\" she says with a mock chastising tone, smirking mischievously.\n\n");
outputText("Quick as lightning, three of her tails lash forward and lasso your cock tightly, wrapping and sliding around the shaft with their remarkably soft fur. The shimmering coils move up and down your member at a slow, teasing pace, squeezing and twisting gently to drag you toward the edge of pleasure, each time letting you drift back down before resuming their wonderful torture.\n\n");
outputText("Her tails continue to operate independently as she crawls up over you, setting her soft, cushiony behind on your [hips] and scooting backward until [eachCock] is enveloped in the warm globes. Two tails curl up and gently lift the hem of her robe to expose the soft, jiggling flesh of her ass, and she wiggles her hips teasingly to make the huge cheeks quiver lightly around your [cock biggest]. Sliding her hands down her shoulders and over the jiggling mounds of her breasts, she hooks her fingers into her robes and drags them down so that her perky nipples are just barely contained. With an agonizing slowness, she strips out of her robes, watching you the entire time and laughing seductively at your reactions to her teasing display. With her clothes tossed aside and out of the way, you have a full view of her young, lithe body, " + ((monster.hairColor == "blonde") ? "flowing golden locks cascading over her toned, voluptuous hourglass shape." : ((monster.hairColor == "black") ? "a slight pudge around her belly accentuating her voluptuous figure." : "your eyes drawn immediately down to the pulsating, foot long member that now lays across your stomach.") ) + " Grinning coyly, she strikes an alluring pose and leers at you through half-lidded eyes, one corner of her mouth curled up in a mirthful smirk.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Mm... getting all hot and bothered dear?</i>\" she says, almost in a whisper, her voice dripping with seduction.\n\n");
outputText("As she leans down to press her chest to yours, her tails continue to twist and slither around your [cock biggest], teasing and squeezing and painting your genitals with their mystical fire. Her voluptuous cheeks rise and fall along the upper edge of your cock, quivering gently while she caresses your cheek, planting a small kiss just below your chin. Lush, full lips press against yours, carrying the sweet taste of wintergreen. Her fingers clasp against the back of your head with a surprisingly strong grip, and she releases a powerful moan into your lips, a tingling coolness spreading over your tongue before moving on to the rest of your body.\n\n");
outputText("Her magic flows through your body, permeating your extremities and filling you with a shivering, shuddering lust. You forget in short order that you are the unwilling participant in this conniving trickster's game, rationality subverted by baser instincts. The heat of her loins emanates around your [cock biggest], and all you can think about is that glorious, ecstatic moment of penetration. Surely, it will come soon. Surely, she can't tease you like this forever...\n\n");
outputText("The tip of her tongue pokes out between her teeth as she carefully raises and lowers her hips, caressing your shaft in the warm valley between her two fleshy cheeks. Her pace is slow and methodical, perfectly metered to keep you teetering constantly on the edge and yet never quite enough to push you over it.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh, you poor thing,</i>\" she croons, watching your face contort into a grimace of shameless desire. Why won't she get on with it already!? She swats your hands away as you reach up to try to assert control of the situation, two tails curling forward to bind your wrists. \"<i>Naughty naughty! You can look, but </i>I'll<i> be the one who does the touching today, dear.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You struggle against her bushy coils, but to no avail. Staring into the limpid green pools of her eyes, it becomes abundantly clear that physical resistance is going to get you nowhere - her hypnotic sorcery has left your muscles sapped of strength, hanging uselessly in the grip of her tails. Her fingers slowly dance across your [chest] again, drawing intricate patterns of flame down your front and giggling. You breathe in sharply as she finally begins to raise her hips, sliding the warm, wet cleft of her pussy across your shaft. Your excitement builds steadily as her moist lips spread around the [cockHead biggest] of your [cock biggest], feminine juices dripping down the side of your shaft slowly. A moan escapes your lips as she rocks her hips forward and back, circling her entrance with the tip of your member while grinning at you slyly.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>You want this, huh? You want it bad?</i> she teases, putting the tiniest bit of pressure onto your throbbing member. The head of your cock presses against the tight ring of muscle at her entrance, on the very precipice of penetration, but the kitsune seems to enjoy torturing you immensely, never quite allowing you passage.\n\n");
outputText("You whimper with need as she slides herself back down the underside of your shaft, pinning your cock to your front and grinding her hips forward and back slowly. Back and forth she slides, the stiff bud of her clit tickling your rod gently as she continues to tease you, grinning with an almost sadistic glee. The slick juices from her sopping cunt flow over the edges of your shaft, coating you in a thin layer of lubricant in short order" + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? ", while a trickle of precum flows from the tip of her throbbing cock, threads of viscous fluid dripping onto your stomach" : "") + ".\n\n");
outputText("Your eyes roll back in your head and you moan desperately, struggling in vain to thrust your hips upward to give you the push you need to finally finish. Just as you are sure you'll go out of your mind with pleasure, she slides herself forward, leaning down and grabbing your shoulders while kissing you deeply. You feel her tails sliding up beneath your cock, lifting it into position, and then your vision explodes into a sea of colors as the intense pleasure of entering her pussy is finally, gloriously given to you." + ((player.biggestCockArea() > 50) ? " There's no possible way that she could fit something of that size inside her comfortably, and yet somehow she does it with ease, inch after inch of warm, incredibly tight pussy flesh stretching to accommodate your massive member." : "") + " Her hips slide back until they are even with yours, your cock entirely ensconced in the soft, wet warmth that is her vagina.\n\n");
outputText("Her tongue plunges into your mouth passionately as she begins to ride up and down on your [cock biggest], a single tail curled around your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " tightly. Blood rushes into your groin with no escape, making your member swell up within her pussy and intensifying the already incredible feelings of her muscles carefully squeezing and constricting around you. Tongues of blue flame lick across your " + player.skinFurScales() + " as her tails paint sparks along your body like a set of artist's brushes, making you shiver with pleasure. Each time she draws herself forward off of your cock, powerful muscles squeeze your shaft tightly, rippling across your entire length and then drawing you back inside.\n\n");
outputText("The pleasure proves too much to bear, even more so after her incessant teasing, and it doesn't take long before you feel your " + ((player.balls > 0) ? ballsDescriptLight() : "prostate" ) + " swelling with the pressure of your climax. The tail around your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " tightens up considerably, and the kitsune begins to ride you with an even fiercer passion, her expansive cheeks making loud slapping noises each time they slam down on your [hips].\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Almost, dear! Mn, just a bit, ah! More...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("She leans back and supports herself on your chest, thrusting her hips and mashing her pelvis down against yours with a passionate ferocity that has her breasts bouncing " + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? "and her cock flopping " : "" ) + "up and down shamelessly. Her pussy wrings your cock powerfully from " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + " to tip, each rippling motion of her insides caressing you on all sides with an inhuman level of control and skill. Her pace continues to climb as her own orgasm builds, eyes rolling skyward as she grinds down more forcefully than ever, heedless of your desperate pleas for release." + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? " As her orgasm draws near, one of her tails curls forward and begins to stroke her cock, drops of salty precum splashing across your lips." : "") + " With a satisfied shudder, she arches her back, dropping her hips down onto you one last time, and moans in euphoric ecstasy, her tails unwinding from around your limbs. A rush of fluid drenches your waistline, " + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? "hot streams of cum spurting from her twitching cock and laying streaks of pearly white across your face, neck, and chest." : "a warm spray of femcum arcing from her pussy to spatter across your face, neck, and chest.") + "\n\n");
outputText("As her climax tears through her, her tail slackens its grip around your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ", and you are finally able to achieve release from your torment, your thick load rushing up your shaft to explode into the kitsune's quivering loins. " );
if (player.cumQ() <= 150)
outputText( "Hot, sticky streams spurt up into her, painting her womb white with your cum. Her walls squeeze and milk your shaft, greedily pulling out every last drop of seed you have to offer.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 350)
outputText( "Hot ribbons of cum splatter against her cervix, bubbling up into her womb. Her walls squeeze hard, a muscular rippling drawing every last drop of seed from your shaft and milking it hungrily.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 1000)
outputText( "Your cock swells from base to tip with each new stream of cum, filling her womb with your warm, potent seed. Her pussy squirms and squeezes around your cock, milking you for all you're worth. As more of your frothing jism flows into her, a small bump forms in her belly, stretching out into a gentle curve.");
else if (player.cumQ() <= 2500)
outputText( "A glut of semen rises through your throbbing shaft, erupting into her womb like a sticky white volcano. Her pussy convulses and squeezes around you, milking your shaft powerfully and sucking out every last drop of your sticky jism. With every fresh stream that flows into her, her belly expands a bit more, swelling out into a nice, jiggly bulge.");
outputText( "Thick, virile streams of cum swell through your cock, splattering across her walls and flowing into her womb like a river. As your cock throbs and twitches inside her, her pussy squeezes and convulses powerfully, funneling every drop upward toward her womb. Her abdomen swells outward, ballooning into an obscene, jiggling sphere that sloshes with the weight of your inhuman load.");
outputText("\n\nSighing deeply in utter satisfaction" + ((player.cumQ() > 350) ? " with one hand resting on her stomach" : "" ) + ", she leans back, swiveling her hips a little to tease your spent cock. Drenched in her " + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? "musky futa-cum" : "feminine juices") + ", you twitch lightly as bliss and fatigue spread through your body in equal measure. She leans forward again, dropping her lips to your ear, and whispers a short incantation while stroking the side of your face.\n\n");
outputText("The last thing you see before blacking out is a pair of delightfully plump, round cheeks jiggling happily as the kitsune gathers her robes.");
// For Females and Genderless
function femalesAndNuetersLoseToKitsunes():void {
outputText( "\"<i>My, oh my, finished already?</i>\" the kitsune says as she leans over your slumped form, grinning coyly. \"<i>If you were going to give up that easily, you could have said so in the beginning and saved yourself the trouble!</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Her tittering laughter rings in your ears, broken momentarily as she grunts with the effort of rolling you onto your back.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Hehe, time to claim my prize...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Humming quietly, she carefully removes your " + player.armorName + ", neatly arranging them into a pile and shoving them off to the side. Eying your nude form hungrily, she begins to slowly trail her hands down your [fullChest], letting her fingertips cascade over every ridge and curve of your body while painting streaks of blue fire across your flesh. Her touch sends tingles up and down your spine, making you shiver and moan involuntarily. Slowly but surely her hands work their way down toward your loins, teasing around your [hips] very gently" + ((player.isBiped()) ? ", tickling the insides of your thighs" : "") + " before trailing up to your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "rapidly moistening cleft. Her fingers dance along the inside of your labia" : assholeDescript() + ". Her fingers dance along between your cheeks") + ", circling the entrance and nearly - but never quite - pushing a fingertip inside, snickering in satisfaction as you release a small rush of fluids into her palm." + ((player.gender == 2) ? " She glides the tip of one of her tails across your [clit] delicately, like a feather, flicking it up and down." : "" ) + "\n\n");
outputText("The tip of her index finger presses " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "into the end of your clitoris" : "against your pucker gently") + ", leaving behind a tiny bead of fire that tingles incredibly as the azure tongues lick at your nethers. It doesn't take but a few moments of this treatment before you are teetering on the edge, but the skillful seductress has other plans for you, and dials back the pleasure mere moments before your release.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh no dear, the fun's only just begun,</i>\" she says with a mock chastising tone, smirking mischievously.\n\n");
outputText("She slides forward, daintily settling down on your hips and pinning you under the weight of her expansive behind. " + ((player.isBiped()) ? "A pair of fluffy tails slides in between your legs, curling around them and spreading them up and apart, the remaining tails taking advantage of your helpless state and beginning to brush up and down the insides of your thighs, one tip sliding up and down " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "the sensitive cleft of your vagina" : "between the cheeks of your " + buttDescript() ) + "." : "Her tails drift over your sensitive crotch, brushing the tip " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "along the cleft of your vagina" : "between the cheeks of your " + buttDescript() ) + " and tickling it sensually.") + " Sliding her hands down her shoulders and over the jiggling mounds of her breasts, she hooks her fingers into her robes and drags them down so that her perky nipples are just barely contained. With an agonizing slowness, she strips out of her robes, watching you the entire time and laughing seductively at your reactions to her teasing display. With her clothes tossed aside and out of the way, you have a full view of her young, lithe body, " + ((monster.hairColor == "blonde") ? "flowing golden locks cascading over her toned, voluptuous hourglass shape." : ((monster.hairColor == "black") ? "a slight pudge around her belly accentuating her voluptuous figure." : "your eyes drawn immediately down to the pulsating, foot long member that now lays across your stomach.") ) + " Grinning coyly, she strikes an alluring pose and leers at you through half-lidded eyes, one corner of her mouth curled up in a mirthful smirk.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Mm... getting all hot and bothered dear?</i>\" she says, almost in a whisper, her voice dripping with seduction.\n\n");
outputText("As she leans down to press her chest to yours, her tails continue to twist and slither over your groin, teasing and painting your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "slick slit " : "anus") + " with their mystical fire. She starts to gradually grind her hips forward and back on your abdomen, her cheeks quivering gently while she leans forward to caress your face, planting a small kiss just below your chin. Lush, full lips press against yours, carrying the sweet taste of wintergreen. Her fingers clasp against the back of your head with a surprisingly strong grip, and she releases a powerful moan into your lips, a tingling coolness spreading over your tongue before moving on to the rest of your body.\n\n");
outputText("Her magic flows through your body, permeating your extremities and filling you with a shivering, shuddering lust. You forget in short order that you are the unwilling participant in this conniving trickster's game, rationality subverted by baser instincts. Pure molten desire rushes to your loins, and all you can think about is your own glorious release. Surely, it will come soon. Surely, she can't tease you like this forever...\n\n");
outputText("Her tails spread " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "the lips of your vagina as wide as they will stretch" : "your cheeks apart") + ", a third gently drawing circles of flame around your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "clitoris while a fourth presses insistently against your entrance" : "puckered anus") + ". The soft brush pushes forward to meet the resistance of your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "moist, pink flesh" : "muscular ring") + ", teasing you with the promise of penetration, yet never quite finding its way inside.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh, you poor thing,</i>\" she croons, watching your face contort into a grimace of shameless desire. Why won't she get on with it already!? She swats your hands away as you reach up to try to assert control of the situation, two tails curling forward to bind your wrists. \"<i>Naughty naughty! You can look, but </i>I'll<i> be the one who does the touching today, dear.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You struggle against her bushy coils, but to no avail. Staring into the emerald pools of her eyes, it becomes abundantly clear that physical resistance is going to get you nowhere - her hypnotic sorcery has left your muscles sapped of strength, hanging uselessly in the grip of her tails. Her fingers slowly dance across your [chest] again, drawing intricate patterns of flame down your front as she giggles happily. Slowly, agonizingly, her tail lowers against your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " again, spiralling and twisting at the entrance. The soft, luxurious fur feels incredible against your nether regions, excitement building as she comes ever closer to finally thrusting it in, circling just outside it for an unbearably long time.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>You want this, huh? Show me just how bad you want it,</i>\" she teases, " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "gently reaching back to press her fingertip to your [clit], rolling it back and forth between her thumb and forefinger." : "dragging her index finger in a circle around your navel.") + " The tip of her tail slips ever so slightly into your needy hole, swiveling and swirling around the inside before withdrawing and leaving you desperately wanting.\n\n");
outputText("You groan and thrash to the best of your ability underneath her, trying in vain to raise your hips to meet her tail, which is hovering tortuously just out of reach. Slick juices dribble down your abdomen as she grinds herself across you" + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? ", her cock leaking copious amounts of precum onto your belly as well" : "") + ", an intense heat radiating from between her legs and betraying her own desire.\n\n");
outputText("Your eyes roll skyward and you moan lewdly, squirming and thrashing beneath her and trying your hardest to overcome her hypnotic hold on you, that you might take control and grant yourself the release you so desperately need. Just as you are certain that you'll go out of your mind, she leans forward, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you into a long, drawn-out kiss. The tail that has been constantly, teasingly strafing your entrance at last twists itself into position, and your vision explodes into a sea of colors as it thrusts inside, burying itself deep inside your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " in one pass. Lying flat against your [chest], the kitsune raises her jiggling ass into the air, putting most of her weight into the passionate lip-lock. A licentious schlick echoes through the air as the kitsune threads a second tail down through the loop of the first, plunging it into her own sopping pussy with a groan.\n\n");
outputText("" + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? "Her cock throbs hotly between your stomach and hers, precum and fem-juice lubricating its passage as she rocks herself back and forth. " : "" ) + "Brushlike tails and soft fingertips caress every curve and ridge of your body with a tender passion, leaving trails of flame tingling in their wake. With each passing second, the tail in your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " pumps more furiously, slinging droplets of your juices through the air and filling the forest with your scent.\n\n");
outputText("A sudden chill rushes up your spine as an intense tingling begins to emanate through you from the core, sending you into a convulsion of pleasure. In the seconds before your eyes roll back in ecstasy, you can see a faint light issuing from your abdomen as the kitsune's tail sets you alight from within! Strength momentarily surges back into your muscles, allowing you to grip the kitsune in an intense embrace, your fingertips digging into her bare back as your body is wracked with pleasure.\n\n");
outputText("Your reaction elicits an excited moan from the tricky fox woman, causing her to redouble the passionate thrusting of her tails. She breaks the kiss long enough to groan into your ear, a rush of fluids splashing from her slick cunt and dripping down onto yours.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Almost, dear! Mn, just a bit, ah! More...</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("Grinding her hips along your front shamelessly, she gropes at your shoulders and [chest] while pounding your " + ((player.gender == 2) ? "pussy and hers alike" : "asshole and her own sopping fuckhole") + " with her tails. Faster and faster the slickened coils drive into you, dazzling jets of flame dancing across your groin and sending jolts of pleasure through your body like lightning. The kitsune's fingers grip your biceps almost painfully as she reaches her climax first, a torrential downpour of juices spraying out around her tail as it whips out of her with a flourish." + ((monster.hairColor == "red") ? " Warmth spreads across your abdomen as her cock twitches and throbs in between your body and hers, thick ribbons of semen spilling out over your stomach. Stream after stream of thick futa-jizz squelches between your bodies, clinging to your chest and rolling off in glistening, pearly globs." : "") + "\n\n");
outputText("Your " + ((player.gender >= 2) ? vaginaDescript() : assholeDescript() ) + " bears down on her tail tightly, squeezing and rippling around the soft fur. Powerful spasms of pleasure shudder through you as your orgasm comes into full effect." + ((player.wetness() >= 4) ? " A hot spray of femcum arcs through the air, splattering across the horny fox lady's behind and drenching her tails with your viscous fluids." : "") + " Her tail continues to thrust into you violently through your climax, prolonging it for several minutes, heedless of your desperate thrashing. At long last, it whips out of you, slinging your slick fluids into the air with a wet slap, and exhaustion begins to take pleasure's place. You feel as though you haven't slept in days, your eyelids growing heavy as the kitsune leans up, her lips touching the edge of your ear as she whispers a short incantation while stroking the side of your face.\n\n");
outputText("The last thing you see before blacking out is a pair of delightfully plump, round cheeks jiggling happily as the kitsune gathers her robes.");
//Single cock < 9 inches long
function blondeKitsuneRapesSmallWangs():void {
outputText("The precocious kitsune closes in on you with a predatory smirk as you fall to the ground, panting furiously. You look up at her, fearing for whatever she has in store for you. Mustering up every bit of willpower you have left, you scramble backward, but as you try to drag yourself up to your feet, you find your face pressing into something incredibly soft. Six shimmering golden tails curl around your body, and you look up from between the kitsune's sizeable breasts to see her grinning down at you, her expression somewhere between doting and hungry.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Shh... It'll be easier if you don't resist,</i>\" she whispers, her warm voice melting down your resistance almost instantly.\n\n");
outputText("Her fingers trail over your cheek, dazzling sparks bursting to life beneath her fingertips and licking across your skin in their wake, making you shiver comfortably. Though a small part of your mind still urges you to break away from her tender caress, it is extinguished in short order when she slides her hands under your " + player.armorName + ", running her fingertips over your bare body. You groan involuntarily, shuddering powerfully and feeling your muscles go slack.\n\n");
outputText("Without taking her hands off of you, she skillfully pulls your " + player.armorName + " off piece by piece using her tails, slowly easing you backward onto the ground. Fully nude, you give yourself over to her tender touch, shivering as the cool flames zigzag down your [fullChest] toward your groin. Your " + cockDescript(0) + " rises up to brush against the underside of her forearm, twitching lightly. Smirking gleefully, she gives it a gentle squeeze, pushing it back against your stomach and giggling when she lets it go to watch it spring back, slinging a few thin strings of precum into the air.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Aww, it's so cuuute...</i>\" she says, running her index finger up and down the shaft, a little bead of azure flame following after it.\n\n");
outputText("Your member throbs and twitches involuntarily, her magical touch making you squirm and fidget in pleasure as she drags her fingertip across your sensitive prick. Your hips buck upward all by themselves, a slick string of precum squeezing out of your cock and landing on the kitsune's face just above her nose.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>No! Bad!</i>\" she says, flicking you across the nose with a playful scowl. She takes your cock in her hand and presses down on your [hips], forcing you back down to the ground and pinning you with a surprising amount of strength.\n\n");
outputText("Her tails snake forward, curling around your limbs, and you find yourself pinned, struggling in vain against the uncommonly strong furred coils. She nods, satisfied with your helplessness, and leans down to gently nuzzle your " + cockDescript(0) + ", cooing softly and sliding her soft, wet tongue along the underside from base to tip with a small giggle. Her tongue swirls back and forth along the underside of your " + cockHead() + ", wrapping around it and slurping up your slick precum.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Mm... that's more like it.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("With a satisfied grin on her face, she sits upright again, pulling her robes down slowly. You can only lie back and watch her disrobe, your member bobbing back and forth in the air freely now. She teases and brushes your groin with her silken tails, smirking coyly as she begins a sensual striptease. As the upper portion of her robes falls away, her voluptuous, perky breasts bounce freely, and she starts rubbing the sensitive pink nubs, making them pop out gently. Her hands glide downward, drawing your eyes across her bare, creamy flesh. You count a number of tattoos adorning her body, but your gaze is transfixed on the one you can see peeking out just over her waistband. Swaying her hips back and forth, she tugs the sash that holds the lower part of her robes up and gently shimmies them down, turning just slightly to show off her well-toned but expansive ass.\n\n");
outputText("You get an even better look at it when she straddles your shoulders, lowering the quivering cheeks down onto your face. Buried underneath the soft mounds, you moan in protest, which only serves to make the kitsune shiver with pleasure. Before she can smother you, though, she lays herself across your front, giving you just enough room to tilt your head back and take a gulp of fresh air before the tremendous cheeks cover your face again. Your tongue meets the sickly sweet taste of her pussy, sliding out to part the moist folds and lap up and down along her clitoris.\n\n");
outputText("Her entire body shudders a bit, and you can now feel her soft breasts squashing against your groin as she leans down to lightly kiss the end of your " + cockDescript(0) + ". She starts to rock her wide, curvy hips back and forth across your face, grinding her crotch into your mouth and moaning. The tails that aren't pinning your limbs down gently curl underneath your neck, lifting your head up. You moan into her pussy as you feel her lips softly wrap around the tip of your shaft, her tongue playing along the " + cockHead(0) + " lightly. Her lips make a soft smacking noise as she pulls away, and she starts to toy with your member gleefully, stroking it teasingly with her index finger just to feel your reactions trembling up through her loins.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oh yeah, that's right, just like that! Be a good " + player.mf("boy","girl") + " and lick mama's pussy,</i>\" she groans, mashing her cunt into your face and riding your tongue with an animalistic passion.\n\n");
outputText("Her tails flex, pulling your arms up and laying your hands across her delicious derriere, and you begin to squeeze the soft, pliable cheeks of her ass before you can stop yourself. Your fingers sink deep into the fleshy globes, their delightful jiggle filling your head with all manner of lewd fantasies. You raise your hips in a vain attempt to garner some attention from your foxy assailant, only to have them shoved back down into the dirt. " + ((player.inte > 50) ? "Weakened though you may be, you're certain she can't actually be that strong - it <i>must</i> be another one of her illusions." : "You don't remember her being that strong!") + "\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>No! You behave, naughty " + player.mf("boy","girl") + "!</i>\" she growls. You can practically feel her scowling, despite the fact that your vision is almost entirely obscured by her colossal keister. To punish you for your transgression, her tails pull your hands away from her ass, and she sits up, smothering you with it.\n\n");
outputText("Your tongue continues to plumb her depths while you slowly suffocate beneath her jiggling cheeks. With every ounce of your will, you try to pull away from her sweet-tasting honeypot, but to no avail. Her tails have wrapped around the back of your head, keeping you snugly crammed into her crotch, and she rides up and down, heedless of your thrashing protests.\n\n");
outputText("You are finally able to tear yourself away from her slavering cunt with a gasp, sputtering and coughing before taking a deep, desperate gulp of fresh air. Your chest heaves as you fill your lungs with air, slick juices running down your chin and the smell of her feminine musk permeating your senses. The respite is brief, however, and your head is mashed back into the dirt by the kitsune's heavy bottom seconds later. This pattern repeats several more times, and by the end of it you are panting heavily, all thoughts of resistance purged from your mind.\n\n");
outputText("Satisfied with your submission, she slowly lowers her front to your groin again, wrapping her warm, soft breasts around your neglected member.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Mm, hey there lil' guy,</i>\" she says in a singsong voice, wrapping one arm around her breasts to squash them down and hold them in place while gently fiddling with the tip of your " + cockDescript(0) + " using her index finger.\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Oooh, right there, lick right there! If you're a good " + player.mf("boy","girl") + ", I might just let you cum on my tits.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You nod your agreement before you can stop yourself, realizing that you are not in control of your own body anymore. Her tails loosen their grip, permitting you to grab handfuls of her plush ass once again, and she begins to slowly slide her precum-lathered tits up and down your pole, giggling incessantly to herself as she watches it twitch within her cleavage. She rewards your obedience and submission, happily running her tongue across your " + cockHead(0) + " and matching her pace according to how well you please her.\n\n");
outputText("Desperate for release, you force your tongue deeper into her sweet, sodden gash than you thought yourself capable, urging her in the only way you can think of to give you the climax you desire. She bucks forward at the sudden deep intrusion, her lips wrapping around the tip of your cock as it is thrust up from between her pillowy jugs. The warmth of her mouth and the softness of her tongue caressing your shaft sends a shock of pleasure up your spine, and it is all you can do to keep yourself from bucking your hips upward again, knowing full well that nothing good can come of it.\n\n");
outputText("Her lips rise and fall around your spasming prick, low moans vibrating through it each time she pulls back. You can feel her cheeks pulling inward from the strength of her suction, loud smacks filling the air each time a gap forms in the almost airtight seal of her lips. She squashes her breasts down as much as she can, lowering her lips to kiss your " + ((player.hasSheath()) ? "sheath" : "base" ) + ((player.balls > 0) ? " and reaching down to gently stroke your " + ballsDescriptLight() : "" ) + ((player.gender == 3) ? ", one of her long, dextrous fingers sliding into your " + vaginaDescript() : "" ) + "\n\n");
outputText("Your moan is muffled by her gushing twat, fingers digging into the malleable flesh of her ass as you stuff your face into her cunt, your lustful wail reverberating through her caverns like a symphony through a concert hall. In unison, you bury your faces into each other's groins, sucking and licking with unabashed passion.\n\n");
outputText("Her pussy convulses around your tongue, practically sucking it out of your mouth, and you are abruptly met with the heavy taste of her orgasmic juices, a rush of femcum drenching your face and spurting onto your chest. Cool air washes over your cock as she pulls her mouth away to belt out a moan, and the pressure in your loins reaches its peak, bubbling over. ");
if(player.cumQ() <= 150)
outputText("Your cock twitches and spasms wildly, hot streams of cum spurting out to paint thin white streaks across the moaning fox-woman's breasts. Glistening droplets of seed slowly roll off the curves of her chest, pooling in a small pocket of cleavage as your flagging cock slowly recedes into the warmth of her bosom.");