This chart will install the components required to run the Debezium Platform.
- Conductor: The back-end component which provides a set of APIs to orchestrate and control Debezium deployments.
- Stage: The front-end component which provides a user interface to interact with the Conductor.
- Debezium operator: operator that manages the creation of Debezium Server custom resource.
- [Optional] PostgreSQL database used by conductor to store its data.
- [Optional] Strimzi operator: operator for creating Kakfa cluster. In case you want to use a Kafka destination in you pipeline.
The chart use an ingress to expose debezium-stage (UI)
and debezium-conductor (backend)
this will require to have
an ingress controller installed in you
You need also to have domain that must point to the cluster IP and then configure the domain.url
property in
you values.yaml
with your domain.
Name | Description | Default |
domain.url | domain used as ingress host | "" |
stage.image | Image for the stage (UI) | |
conductor.image | Image for the conductor | |
conductor.offset.existingConfigMap | Name of the config map used to store conductor offsets. If empty it will be automatically created. | "" |
database.enabled | Enable the installation of PostgreSQL by the chart | false | | Database name | postgres | | Database host | postgres |
database.auth.existingSecret | Name of the secret to where username and password are stored. If empty a secret will be created using the username and password properties |
"" |
database.auth.username | Database username | user |
database.auth.password | Database password | password |
offset.reusePlatformDatabase | Pipelines will use database to store offsets. By default the database used by the conductor service is used. If you want to use a dedicated one set this property to false |
true | | Database name | postgres | | Database host | postgres |
offset.database.port | Database port | 5432 |
offset.database.auth.existingSecret | Name of the secret to where username and password are stored. If not set offset.database.auth.username and offset.database.auth.password will be used. |
"" |
offset.database.auth.username | Database username | user |
offset.database.auth.password | Database password | password |
schemaHistory.reusePlatformDatabase | Pipelines will use database to store schema history. By default the database used by the conductor service is used. If you want to use a dedicated one set this property to false |
true | | Database name | postgres | | Database host | postgres |
schemaHistory.database.port | Database port | 5432 |
schemaHistory.database.auth.existingSecret | Name of the secret to where username and password are stored. If not set schemaHistory.database.auth.username and schemaHistory.database.auth.password will be used. |
"" |
schemaHistory.database.auth.username | Database username | user |
schemaHistory.database.auth.password | Database password | password |
env | List of env variable to pass to the conductor | [] |
helm dependency build
Thi will download the required Debezium Operator chart.
helm install <release_name> .
Find the release name you want to uninstall
helm list --all
then uninstall it
helm uninstall <release_name>