diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b6482b4..7145c11 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This is an unofficial Homebrew repository for the Yandex's [ClickHouse](https://clickhouse.yandex/) DBMS.
-Stable version is v1.1.54284 and it is building fine on the Sierra.
+Stable version is and it is building fine on the Mojave. It is built Without MySQL support.
It is relatively new and isn't tested well.
Please consider appending the `--verbose` and `--debug` parameters to the `brew install` command to make it easier to debug the package installation.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Issues and pull requests are always welcome!
## Note on the test (development) build
-The dev version is v1.1.54288-testing and it is not building :-()
+The dev version is v19.19.1.1902-testing and it was not tested yet.
## Usage
diff --git a/clickhouse.rb b/clickhouse.rb
index 916e6c4..57edbbf 100644
--- a/clickhouse.rb
+++ b/clickhouse.rb
@@ -1,66 +1,78 @@
class Clickhouse < Formula
+ target_version = ""
desc "is an open-source column-oriented database management system."
homepage "https://clickhouse.yandex/"
- url "https://github.com/yandex/ClickHouse/archive/v1.1.54284-stable.zip"
- version "1.1.54284"
- sha256 "2985575609980d94bb75d67a20880e3a6c09490fe0f65b31ae130b9c451560da"
+ version "#{target_version}-stable"
+ url "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse.git", :using => :git, :tag => "v#{version}"
+ sha256 "0895c24e2d10b46f2c0eb391797aeac342b39a89fb4350efdaa1601d0b1e50a6"
devel do
- url "https://github.com/yandex/ClickHouse/archive/v1.1.54288-testing.zip"
- version "1.1.54214"
+ target_version = ""
+ version "#{target_version}-testing"
+ url "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse.git", :using => :git, :tag => "v#{version}"
sha256 "44c0aa152a9c0c4b99e17bba55a69d839d1a12c0346679eb681508eba9896ad2"
+ # --HEAD
+ head "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse.git", :using => :git, :tag => "v19.19.1.1902-testing"
bottle do
rebuild 1
- root_url 'https://github.com/deem0n/homebrew-clickhouse/releases/download/v1.1.54284'
- sha256 "4a35a4c2cb2c9e4066a30be79e250428ee98c1f0c5aacbae4a9470e9dc9f2fb9" => :sierra
+ root_url "https://github.com/deem0n/homebrew-clickhouse/releases/download/v#{target_version}/"
+ sha256 "f9f871f85761bfbe6ea9338746b11e73398a95256da4c59dc50b4a8170bf2c9d" => :mojave
- head "https://github.com/yandex/ClickHouse.git"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
- depends_on "gcc@6" => :build
- depends_on "boost" => :build
- depends_on "icu4c" => :build
- depends_on "mysql" => :build
- depends_on "openssl" => :build
- depends_on "unixodbc" => :build
- depends_on "libtool" => :build
- depends_on "gettext" => :build
- depends_on "zlib" => :build
- depends_on "readline" => :recommended
+ depends_on "ninja" => :build
+ #depends_on "mariadb" => :build
+# depends_on "boost" => :build
+# depends_on "icu4c" => :build
+# depends_on "mysql" => :build
+# depends_on "openssl" => :build
+# depends_on "unixodbc" => :build
+# depends_on "libtool" => :build
+# depends_on "gettext" => :build
+# depends_on "zlib" => :build
+# depends_on "readline" => :recommended
def install
+ #ENV["LDFLAGS"] = "-all_load"
- ENV["CC"] = "#{Formula["gcc@6"].bin}/gcc-6"
- ENV["CXX"] = "#{Formula["gcc@6"].bin}/g++-6"
- ENV["CFLAGS"] = "-I/usr/local/include"
- ENV["CXXFLAGS"] = "-I/usr/local/include"
- ENV["LDFLAGS"] = "-L/usr/local/lib"
+ #ENV["CC"] = "#{Formula["gcc"].bin}/gcc-9"
+ #ENV["CXX"] = "#{Formula["gcc"].bin}/g++-9"
+ #ENV["CFLAGS"] = "-I/usr/local/include"
+ #ENV["CXXFLAGS"] = "-I/usr/local/include"
+ #ENV["LDFLAGS"] = "-L/usr/local/lib"
cmake_args = %w[]
- cmake_args << "-DUSE_STATIC_LIBRARIES=0" if MacOS.version >= :sierra
- cmake_args << "-DENABLE_MYSQL=1"
+ cmake_args << "-DUSE_STATIC_LIBRARIES=1" if MacOS.version >= :sierra
+ cmake_args << "-DENABLE_MYSQL=0"
+ cmake_args << "-DENABLE_IPO=0" # WE have -- IPO/LTO not enabled.
+ # cmake_args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_LTO=Thin" # ????
mkdir "build"
+ # boost somehow is not populated with standard git commands, do manual forced fetch!
+ system "git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--force", "contrib/boost"
cd "build" do
system "cmake", "..", *cmake_args
- system "make"
+ system "ninja"
if MacOS.version >= :sierra
- lib.install Dir["#{buildpath}/build/dbms/*.dylib"]
- lib.install Dir["#{buildpath}/build/contrib/libzlib-ng/*.dylib"]
+ #lib.install Dir["#{buildpath}/build/dbms/*.dylib"]
+ #lib.install Dir["#{buildpath}/build/contrib/libzlib-ng/*.dylib"]
- bin.install "#{buildpath}/build/dbms/src/Server/clickhouse"
+ bin.install "#{buildpath}/build/dbms/programs/clickhouse"
bin.install_symlink "clickhouse" => "clickhouse-server"
bin.install_symlink "clickhouse" => "clickhouse-client"
mkdir "#{var}/clickhouse"
- inreplace "#{buildpath}/dbms/src/Server/config.xml" do |s|
+ inreplace "#{buildpath}/dbms/programs/server/config.xml" do |s|
s.gsub! "/var/lib/clickhouse/", "#{var}/clickhouse/"
s.gsub! "/var/log/clickhouse-server/", "#{var}/log/clickhouse/"
s.gsub! "", "262144"
@@ -74,11 +86,11 @@ def install
#there is no client config as of Sept 2017
#(etc/"clickhouse-client").install "#{buildpath}/dbms/src/Client/config.xml"
- (etc/"clickhouse-server").install "#{buildpath}/dbms/src/Server/config.xml"
- (etc/"clickhouse-server").install "#{buildpath}/dbms/src/Server/users.xml"
+ (etc/"clickhouse-server").install "#{buildpath}/dbms/programs/server/config.xml"
+ (etc/"clickhouse-server").install "#{buildpath}/dbms/programs/server/users.xml"
- def plist; <<-EOS.undent
+ def plist; <<-EOS
@@ -102,7 +114,7 @@ def plist; <<-EOS.undent
- def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
+ def caveats; <<-EOS
The configuration files are available at:
@@ -115,6 +127,7 @@ def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
test do
- system "#{bin}/clickhouse-client", "--version"
+ assert_equal "ClickHouse client version #{target_version}.", shell_output("#{bin}/clickhouse-client --version").strip
+ assert_equal "ClickHouse server version #{target_version}.", shell_output("#{bin}/clickhouse-server --version").strip