Our effort to obtain as many datasets as possible is directed towards every hospital and medical clinic we can contact.
A number of datasets are already available, but very few are related to COVID19. Moreover a lot of data is missing related to patients conditions and medical imaging. We aim to fill this gap and make dataset available to everyone.
We could collect a number of data from hospitals, here the list:
- RX: Radiographic images of lungs (healthy, pneumonia, and if available, COVID-19 patients)
- ECOH: Ultrasound images of hearth (healthy, pneumonia, and if available, COVID-19 patients)
- CT: Computed Tomography of lungs (healthy, pneumonia, and if available, COVID-19 patients)
- CD: Clinical Data (Clinical History, existing pathologies, Sympthoms)
Usually onboarding process follows these steps:
- First contact
- Brief introductory call about project objectives
- Project description and data request sent
- Waiting ethical committee approval (if required)
- Waiting for data
- Data received
- Dataset available
This is a live section with the updated state of onboarding
Institute | Location | Requested data | Status | Last update |
ASST FBF Sacco | Milano, Italy | RX, ECOH, CD | 4 | March, 25th 2020 |
IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico | Milano, Italy | RX, CD | 4 | March, 25th 2020 |
IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico | Milano, Italy | RX, CD | 4 | March, 17th 2020 |
Ospedale Auxologico San Luca | Milano, Italy | RX, CD | 4 | March, 17th 2020 |
Policlinico di Pavia | Pavia, Italy | RX, CD | 3 | March, 23rd 2020 |
IRCCS Maugeri | Pavia, Italy | RX, CD | 3 | March, 26th 2020 |
ASST degli spedali civili di Brescia | Brescia, Italy | RX, CD | 3 | March, 26th 2020 |
Ospedale Santo Spirito | Casale Monferrato (AL), Italy | RX, CD | 3 | March, 23rd 2020 |
Ospedale di Alessandria | Alessandria, Italy | RX, CD | 2 | March, 23rd 2020 |
Istituto Clinico Beato Matteo | Vigevano (PV), Italy | RX, CD | 3 | March, 23rd 2020 |
ASST Papa Giovanni XXII | Bergamo, Italy | RX, CD | 1 | March, 23rd 2020 |
IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele | Milano, Italy | RX, CD | 1 | March, 23rd 2020 |
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda | Milano, Italy | RX, CD | 1 | March, 19th 2020 |
Ospedale San Paolo | Milano, Italy | RX, CD | 1 | March, 23rd 2020 |
Policlinico di Modena | Modena, Italy | RX, ECOH, CD | 4 | March, 26th 2020 |
Anyone that can push to speed up things or contact new hospitals, is heavily encouraged to do so and reach out directly to the Support Team.
If a legal representative is required to sign request forms, we have a number of companies that are available to do this.
We have the following docs available that can be used as template for formal requests to your local hospitals.