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Content:Tile Definition File

dekarrin edited this page Feb 20, 2013 · 3 revisions

A Tile Definition File is a DEF file that defines tiles. Once defined, the tiles may be referred to from within a LND file, whose format is described in Content:Land File Format. Every content pack contains at most one Tile Definition File. If a content pack is to include a tile definition file, it must list the path to it under the key TILE_DEFS_FILE in its Content:Manifest File.

Each row defines one tile. The format of the fields in a row is described in the table below.

Row Format

Column Name Value Description
1 ID A unique character that identifies the tile. Used in maps to refer to this tile.
2 Name The name of the tile.
3 Walkable Whether the tile may be walked through. 1 indicates yes, 0 indicates no (for a wall).
4 Image The index of the image to use for displaying this tile in the overworld.

Example File

"#", "wall",  "0", "TILE_WALL"
".", "floor", "1", "TILE_FLOOR"

Provided Tiles

The following tiles are provided by the built-in content pack:

ID Name Walkable
(Space) Void No
# Wall No
. Floor Yes

Note: The void tile is a part of the engine itself. It is not added by the built-in content pack, and it can never be changed externally by any content pack.