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Purifier Card

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Air Purifier card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI

By default, the Home Assistant does not provide any card for controlling air purifiers. This card displays the state and allows to control your air purifier.

Preview of purifier-card


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This card is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

Just search for Purifier Card in the plugins tab.


  1. Download purifier-card.js file from the latest-release.

  2. Put purifier-card.js file into your config/www folder.

  3. Add a reference to purifier-card.js in Lovelace. There's two way to do that:

    1. Using UI: ConfigurationLovelace DashboardsResources → Click Plus button → Set Url as /local/purifier-card.js → Set Resource type as JavaScript Module.

    2. Using YAML: Add the following code to lovelace section.

        - url: /local/purifier-card.js
          type: module
  4. Add custom:purifier-card to Lovelace UI as any other card (using either editor or YAML configuration).

Using the card

This card can be configured using Lovelace UI editor.

  1. In Lovelace UI, click 3 dots in top left corner.
  2. Click Configure UI.
  3. Click Plus button to add a new card.
  4. Find Custom: Purifier Card in the list.
  5. Choose entity.
  6. Now you should see the preview of the card!

Sorry, no support for shortcuts and stats in visual config yet.

Typical example of using this card in YAML config would look like this:

type: 'custom:purifier-card'
entity: fan.purifier
  - attribute: filter_life_remaining
    unit: '%'
    subtitle: Filter Remaining
  - attribute: motor_speed
    unit: RPM
    subtitle: Motor Speed
  - entity_id: sensor.purifier_filter_life
    value_template: '{{ (value | float(0) / 3600) | round(1) }}'
    unit: hours
    subtitle: Filter Life
  - name: Silent
    icon: 'mdi:weather-night'
    preset_mode: Silent
  - name: 25%
    icon: 'mdi:circle-slice-2'
    percentage: 25
  - name: 50%
    icon: 'mdi:circle-slice-4'
    percentage: 50
  - name: 75%
    icon: 'mdi:circle-slice-6'
    percentage: 75
  - name: 100%
    icon: 'mdi:circle-slice-8'
    percentage: 100
  - name: Auto
    icon: 'mdi:brightness-auto'
    preset_mode: Auto
show_name: true
show_state: true
show_toolbar: true
compact_view: false

Here is what every option means:

Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:purifier-card
entity string Required An entity_id within the fan domain.
show_name boolean true Show friendly name of the purifier.
show_state boolean true Show state of the purifier.
show_preset_mode boolean true Show preset mode of the purifier in the header.
show_toolbar boolean true Show toolbar with shortcuts.
compact_view boolean false Compact view without image.
aqi object Optional Custom entity or attribute for AQI value.
stats array Optional Custom per state stats for your purifier cleaner
shortcuts object Optional Custom shortcuts for your purifier cleaner.

aqi object

Name Type Default Description
entity_id string Optional An entity_id with state, i.e. sensor.current_aqi.
attribute string Optional An attribute which should be used to get AQI value.
unit string Optional An unit of measurement to display.

You can also combine attribute with entity_id to extract an attribute value of specific entity.

stats object

You can use any attribute of purifier or even any entity by entity_id to display by stats section. Not only that, but you can also combine attribute with entity_id to extract an attribute value of specific entity:

Name Type Default Description
entity_id string Optional An entity_id with state, i.e. sensor.purifier_aqi.
attribute string Optional Attribute name of the stat, i.e. filter_left.
value_template string Optional Jinja2 template returning a value. value variable represents the entity_id or attribute state.
unit string Optional Unit of measure, i.e. hours.
subtitle string Optional Friendly name of the stat, i.e. Filter.

shortcuts object

You can define custom scripts for custom actions or add shortcuts for switching presets and percentages via shortcuts option.

Name Type Default Description
name string Optional Friendly name of the shortcut, i.e. Switch to Auto.
icon string Optional Any icon for shortcut button.
service string Optional A service to call, i.e. script.clean_air.
target object Optional A HassServiceTarget, to define a target for the current service call.
service_data object Optional service_data for service call
percentage object Optional A percentage to switch to, i.e. 27, etc. See entity's percentage_step for valid values.
preset_mode object Optional A speed to switch to, i.e. Auto, etc

The card will automatically try to figure out which one of shortcuts is currently active. The shortcut will be highlighted when:

  1. It's a service.
  2. entity's percentage attribute is equal to shortcut's percentage.
  3. entity's preset_mode attribute is equal to shortcut's preset_mode.


This card can be styled by changing the values of these CSS properties (globally or per-card via [card-mod][card-mod]):

Variable Default value Description
--pc-background var(--ha-card-background, var(--card-background-color, white)) Background of the card
--pc-primary-text-color var(--primary-text-color) Vacuum name, stats values, etc
--pc-secondary-text-color var(--secondary-text-color) Status, stats units and titles, etc
--pc-icon-color var(--secondary-text-color) Colors of icons
--pc-slider-path-color var(--round-slider-path-color) Color of the slider path
--pc-slider-bar-color var(--round-slider-bar-color) Color of the slider bar
--pc-toolbar-background var(--vc-background) Background of the toolbar
--pc-toolbar-text-color var(--secondary-text-color) Color of the toolbar texts
--pc-toolbar-icon-color var(--secondary-text-color) Color of the toolbar icons
--pc-divider-color var(--entities-divider-color, var(--divider-color)) Color of dividers
--pc-spacing 10px Paddings and margins inside the card

Styling via theme

Here is an example of customization via theme. Read more in the Frontend documentation.

  pc-background: '#17A8F4'
  pc-spacing: 5px

Styling via card-mod

You can use [card-mod][card-mod] to customize the card on per-card basis, like this:

type: 'custom:purifier-card'
style: |
  ha-card {
    --pc-background: #17A8F4;
    --pc-spacing: 5px;


I've added an animation for this card to make it alive:

How did I make this animation? It's a long story…

  1. I took original gif file from here.
  2. Then I tweaked image levels to make the background black and purifier white.
  3. Then I inverted colors on the gif.
  4. Then I've split the gif by frame.
  5. Then I removed the background of the image frame by frame using
  6. Then I upscaled each of those images using
  7. Then I put up all of those images back in a single gif.
  8. Profit!

Archive with images from all of these steps can be found here.

Supported languages

This card supports translations. Please, help to add more translations and improve existing ones. Here's a list of supported languages:

  • English
  • Українська (Ukrainian)
  • Türkçe (Turkish)
  • Français (French)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • Polski (Polish)
  • Български (Bulgarian)
  • 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
  • Deutsch (German)
  • Català (Catalan)
  • Русский (Russian)
  • Italiano (Italian)
  • 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
  • Čeština (Czech)
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • Español (Spanish)
  • Your language?

Supported models

This card relies on basic fan services, like toggle, turn_on, turn_off, etc. It should work with any air purifier, however I can physically test it only with my own purifier.

If this card works with your air purifier, please open a PR and your model to the list.


Want to contribute to the project?

First of all, thanks! Check contributing guideline for more information.


This project is heavily inspired by:

Huge thanks for their ideas and efforts 👍


MIT © Denys Dovhan