Web Access to the CMS environments via web browser is restricted to users with SOCKS Proxy or CAG access.
To access any CMS or VA environment, you must connect with one of the following:
- Citrix Access Gateway
- SOCKS proxy
- VFS Toolkit (also referred to as VTK or
If you're an engineer, you probably need the SOCKS proxy or VTK.
See here for instructions.
Add the following to ~/.ssh/config
Host socks
ProxyCommand ssh -l dsva -A -W %h:%p
User socks
Run the following command:
$ ssh socks -D 2001 -N &
[1] 53114
Or, as a shortcut, if you have the CMS codebase and composer
$ cd /path/to/va.gov-cms
$ composer va:proxy:socks
[1] 53114
To test or debug the connection run:
$ curl -v --proxy socks5h:// sentry.vetsgov-internal
- or -
$ composer va:proxy:socks:test
The three primary environments are hosted in the VAEC and managed by VFS's BRD System. Access is controlled and limited to DevOps personnel.
For more information on how to access these servers via SSH, see BRD Login docs.
Going forward the following will apply to anyone working on a VA.gov team (including anyone on the platform team):
To gain SOCKS access to our tooling (jenkins, grafana, sentry), SAC adjudication will need to be completed and returned as "favorable". This should take <=8 days from the time a person joins the team.
To gain access to our AWS environments (console and/or programmatic), eQIP adjudication will need to be initiated. this should take <=30 days from the time the person joins the team.