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cray0000 edited this page Jan 31, 2013 · 19 revisions

##Plugins, Extensions ###derby-auth Provides authentication middleware (using Passport) for use in your Derby projects. ###i18n Simple filesystem-based i18n support for derby, a node.js MVC framework. It is planned to support interpolation and plurals in the near future. ###derby-autosuggest Multi auto suggest component & code example for Derb ###racer-server-request Request data from racer server. Lets you use Racer's connection to call server functions from the client. Useful, for example, if you want to make an API request from your app at run-time, but it needs to be called from the server to bypass x-domain restrictions. ###refList-wrapper Wrapper for DerbyJS refList

##Website Showcase ###HabitRPG A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game - source code: ###Phish Vids Interactive drill-down searching for Phish videos - source code: ###Type4Fame Multiplayer Typing Game - source code: ###Bible Reading Bible translation app.

##Other ###TodoMVC MVC framework making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsers. Derby implementation. ###Derby Goals An experiment writing an open goal tracker app with the derbyjs framework. ###Pavel's Documentation Pavel is adding extensive documentation to the Derby & Racer codebases, and has created a pull-request to merge at least the Derby documentation

##Official Projects ###Derby Examples Example applications for the Derby framework. ###Racer Racer is a realtime model synchronization engine for Node.js. It enables mutliple users to interact with the same data objects via sophisticated conflict detection and resolution algorithms. At the same time, it provides a simple object accessor and event interface for writing application logic. ###Racer DB Mongo MongoDB database plugin for Racer ###Derby UI Boot A Derby component library based on Twitter Bootstrap

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