A CakePHP behavior to handle unique toggles.
An implementation of a unique field toggle per table or scope. This will ensure that on a set of records only one can be a "toggled" one, setting the others to false then. On delete it will give the toggle status to another record if applicable.
Include behavior in your Table class as
$this->addBehavior('Tools.Toggle', [
'field' => 'primary',
'scopeFields' => ['user_id'],
'scope' => [],
Set the field
to your table field. Optionally, you can also set scope fields and a manual scope.
Those will always be taken into consideration as scope conditions.
The 'findOrder'
can be used to further customize the find result when looking for a new toggle record.
By default it will try to use the modified
field as DESC
. But maybe you would want it to sort by another field.