Easily easily manage (store, retrieve, validate) tokens. They are useful in the registration process of users, or if you want to send some double-opt-in confirmation emails, for example.
The main methods of the model are
- newKey(string $type, ?string $key = null, $uid = null, $content = null)
- useKey(string $type, string $key, $uid = null)
- spendKey(int $id)
User and security relevant token usage should always be bound to the id of the user (user_id). Here you should also use one-time tokens only.
Other operations can also omit this field. Here you could also use unlimited tokens if needed.
bin/cake migrations migrate -p Tools
If you need a different table schema, e.g. for user_id to be UUID, you can copy over the migration file and customize. In that case execute it then without the plugin option.
$tokenKey = $this->Tokens->newKey('activate', null, $user->id);
As 4th parameter any string content can be stored.
$token = $this->Tokens->useKey('activate', $tokenKey);
if ($token && $token->used) {
$this->Flash->warning(__('Already activated'));
} elseif ($token) {
$uid = $token->user_id;
// Confirm activation and redirect to home
Here the 4th argument comes in handy. The new email address one will be stored in content until validation is complete and will then replace the old one.
Login or otherwise.
From Cronjob/CLI
There is also a method stats()
to retrieve statistics if required/useful to you.
By default, the tokens have a validity of one week. You can modify this value in your model.
Do not send plain passwords with your emails or print them out anywhere. That's why you should send the expiring tokens.
If you feel like you need more information on the implementation process, read this article at troyhunt.com. It describes in a very verbose way what to do and what better not to do.
If you come from 3.x:
- The field
is nowtoken_key
to avoid SQL reserved keyword issue. - Typehints are now in place.