Node package to mutate text into various other forms.
$ npm install textmutant
const mutant = require('textmutant');
let text = 'Hello, how are you.';
console.log('Upper:', mutant.upper(text)); // Upper: HELLO, HOW ARE YOU.
console.log('Flip:', mutant.flip(text)); // Flip: ˙noʎ ǝɹɐ ʍoɥ 'ollǝH
console.log('Reverse:', mutant.reverse(text)); // Reverse: .uoy era woh ,olleH
console.log('Random:', mutant.random(text)); // Random: ˙oaleol,yw hu ro .He
console.log('Teen:', mutant.teen(text)); // Teen: HELlo, hOw are yOU.
console.log('Color to hex:', mutant.colortohex('hotpink')); // Color to hex: #ff69b4
var bin = mutant.toBinary(text);
console.log('Text to binary:', bin); // Text to binary: [binary stuff]
console.log('Binary to text:', mutant.fromBinary(bin)); // Binary to text: Hello, how are you.
Mutate incoming text using short cuts (ie: /reverse text to reverse
const mutant = require('textmutant');
// input example: /reverse Hello, how are you
// output: .uoy era woh ,olleH
if (msg.charAt(0) == '/') {
let func = msg.match(/^\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+/);
if (func.length >= 1) {
func = func[1];
if (func.length && typeof mutant[func] === 'function') {
data.msg = mutant[func](msg.replace('/'+func+' ', ''));