▸ testApiHandler({ handler
: (req
: NextApiRequest, res
: NextApiResponse) => Promise<void> ; params?
: Record<string, unknown> ; requestPatcher?
: (req
: IncomingMessage) => void ; responsePatcher?
: (res
: ServerResponse) => void ; test
: (obj
: { fetch
: (init?
: RequestInit) => ReturnType<typeof fetch> }) => Promise<void> }): Promise<void>
Uses Next's internal apiResolver
to execute api route handlers in a
Next-like testing environment.
are functions that receive an
IncomingMessage and ServerResponse object respectively. Use these functions
to edit the request and response before they're injected into the api
are passed directly to the api handler and represent processed
dynamic routes. This should not be confused with query string parsing, which
is handled automatically.
is the actual api handler under test. It should be an async
function that accepts NextApiRequest and NextApiResult objects (in that
order) as its two parameters.
should be a function that returns a promise (or async) where test
assertions can be run. This function receives one parameter: fetch, which is
unfetch's fetch(...)
function but with the first parameter omitted.
Name | Type |
(destructured) |
{ handler : (req : NextApiRequest, res : NextApiResponse) => Promise<void> ; params? : Record<string, unknown> ; requestPatcher? : (req : IncomingMessage) => void ; responsePatcher? : (res : ServerResponse) => void ; test : (obj : { fetch : (init? : RequestInit) => ReturnType<typeof fetch> }) => Promise<void> } |
Returns: Promise<void>
Defined in: index.ts:31