plexus-agent commands can be run by an ordinary user with exception of run command (agent daemon) which is intended to be run by plexus user
plexus agent to setup and manage plexus wireguard
networks. Communicates with plexus server for network updates.
CLI to join/leave networks.
plexus-agent [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
drop unregister from server
help Help about any command
join join network
leave leave network
loglevel set log level of daemon (error, warn, info, debug)
register register with a plexus server
reload reload network configuration(s)
reset reset interface peers for specified network
run plexus-agent deamon
status display status
version display version information
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-h, --help help for plexus-agent
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
Use "plexus-agent [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The register command registers a peer with the plexus server. To use, copy a registration key token from the plexus server and run command
plexus-agent register <token>
register with a plexus server using token
plexus-agent register token [flags]
-h, --help help for register
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
The drop command will delete all networks and drop registration with server
unregister from server. Also deletes networks controlled by server
plexus-agent drop [flags]
-h, --help help for drop
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
Join command joins an existing network
join network
plexus-agent join network [flags]
-h, --help help for join
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
Leave network command deletes network on peer
plexus-agent leave network [flags]
-h, --help help for leave
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
Leave command deletes current network on peer
Status command displays infomation about server and networks/wireguard interfaces. The server information includes server endpoint and connectivity status. The network/wireguard interface information is displayed in a format similar to wg show
but with additional information about networks/interfaces and peers.
Networks additional information
- network name
- network address
- public listen port
Peers additional information
- peer name
- peer address
~> plexus-agent status
nats:// : true
interface: plexus0
network name: plexus
public key: p1AvfOzFgL2nEJrr8pvBeqEt+DPWGrcBfdHfKivjqVk=
listen port: 51820
public listen port: 51820
peer: WhpdSseydj0jpJcNqsnzt8PZ93FUlpKFbR4ZyoUpVDo= winterfell
endpoint: 30403
allowed ips:
last handshake: 117.5493160.0 seconds ago
transfer: 9980 sent 10328 received
keepalive: 20s
peer: pG8tT7Yj0e50JAk9MQw3vZuuN256ispkOfXDzzHC+kI= firefly
endpoint: 51820
allowed ips:
last handshake: 104.2563300.0 seconds ago
transfer: 3216 sent 12336 received
keepalive: 20s
peer: vrn9w9h8CwmZ++M7BS6EBDSpUUdu+gOXPmp7lZX37m0= oracle
endpoint: 51820
allowed ips:
last handshake: 37.8089930.0 seconds ago
transfer: 12364 sent 3272 received
keepalive: 20s
Reload commands fetches fresh data from plexus server and reinitializes wireguard interfaces.
reload network configurations(s)
plexus-agent reload [flags]
-h, --help help for reload
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
Reset command resets the wireguard interface for a given network
resets wg interface peers for given network
plexus-agent reset network [flags]
-h, --help help for reset
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
Version command displays version information:
- semantic version number
- git commit hash
- local modifications to commit
-l --long flags displays version infomation for
- current binary
- agent daemon
- server
plexus-agent version
v0.1.0: git 2dee6a3b1e8551dc637bcbecd62d1a298b9c3f1f 2024-03-25T11:38:43Z true
plexus-agent version -l
Server: v0.1.0: git 873255e5f846292c787fe4e332818592d6991baa 2024-03-31T13:51:06Z false
Agent: v0.1.0: git 2dee6a3b1e8551dc637bcbecd62d1a298b9c3f1f 2024-03-25T11:38:43Z true
Binary: v0.1.0: git 2dee6a3b1e8551dc637bcbecd62d1a298b9c3f1f 2024-03-25T11:38:43Z true
LogLevel command sets the logging level of agent daemon
plexus-agent loglevel -h
set log level of daemon
debug, info, warn, or error
plexus-agent loglevel level [flags]
-h, --help help for loglevel
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /etc/plexus/plexus-agent.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string logging verbosity (default "INFO")
Run command stars the plexus-agent daemon. It is intended to be called as systemd service. If it is run as an ordinary user it will fail with permission errors.