This file documents all notable changes to devon4j.
Securityfix release with the following stories:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2023.01.001. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2023.01.001.
Feature and bugfix release with the following stories:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2022.12.001. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2022.12.001.
Feature and bugfix release with the following stories:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2022.04.001. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2022.04.001.
Bugfix release with the following stories:
#336: archetype contains batch artefacts even when no batch was generated
#385: Access-control should honor roles by default
#397: security-jwt should support the claim "groups" from the microprofile jwt
#284: Support for synchronous rest client using HTTP client
#393: devon4j JpaInitializer documentation not matching releases
#216: ability to generate OpenApi files automatically from JAX-RS services
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2021.04.003. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2021.04.003.
Bugfix release with the following stories:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2021.04.002. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2021.04.002.
New release of devon4j
with fixes, updates and improvements:
#370: Minor updates (spring-boot 2.4.4, jackson 2.12.2, CXF 3.4.3, etc.)
#366: BaseTest.isInitialSetup() broken
#85: ci-friendly-maven also for archetype
#373: CORS starter not part of devon4j release
#164: Flattened pom for core project invalid
#323: Add spring integration test to archetype
#351: improved error handling of service client
#71: improve documentation for strong password encryption
#354: JMS senders should not be part of data access layer, but logical layer
#377: updated T-Architecture
#294: integrate sonarcloud analysis into devon4j CI pipeline
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2021.04.001. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2021.04.001.
New release of devon4j
with various updates and new CORS starter:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2020.12.002. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2020.12.002.
New release of devon4j
with pluggable web security (CSRF starter) and CompletableFuture
support for async REST service client as well as other improvements:
#283: Support for CompletableFuture in async service client
#307: Fix CSRF protection support
#287: spring-boot update to 2.3.3
#288: Update jackson to 2.11.2
#293: Update owasp-dependency-check plugin version to 5.3.2
#302: added guide for project/app structure
#315: devon4j documentation correction
#306: improve documentation to launch app
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2020.12.001. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2020.12.001.
New release of devon4j
with async REST service client support and other improvements:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2020.08.001. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2020.08.001.
Minor update of devon4j
with the following bugfixes and small improvements:
#261: JUnit4 backward compatibility
#267: Fix JWT permission expansion
#254: JWT Authentication support for devon4j-kafka
#258: archetype is still lacking a .gitignore
#273: Update libs
#271: Do not enable resource filtering by default
#255: Kafka: Support different retry configuration for different topics
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2020.04.002. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2020.04.002.
Starting with this release we have changed the versioning schema in devonfw
is the date of the planned milestone release and NNN
is a running number increased with every bug- or security-fix update.
The following changes have been incorporated in devon4j:
#233: Various version updates
#241: Add module to support JWT and parts of OAuth
#147: Switch from dozer to orika
#180: Cleanup archtype
#240: Add unreferenced guides
#202: Architecture documentation needs update for components
#145: Add a microservices article in the documentation
#198: Deploy SNAPSHOTs to OSSRH in travis CI
#90: Authorization of batches
#221: Wrote monitoring guide
#213: Document logging of custom field in json
#138: Remove deprecated RevisionMetadata[Type]
#211: Archetype: security config broken
#109: LoginController not following devon4j to use JAX-RS but uses spring-webmvc instead
#52: Improve configuration
#39: Ability to log custom fields via SLF4J
#204: Slf4j version
#190: Rework of spring-batch integration
#210: Rework documentation for blob support
#191: Rework of devon4j-batch module
#209: Include performance info in separate fields
#207: Use more specific exception for not found entity
#208: Remove unnecesary clone
#116: Bug in JSON Mapping for ZonedDateTime
#184: Fixed BOMs so devon4j and archetype can be used again
#183: Error in executing the project created with devon4j
#177: Switch to new maven-parent
169: Provide a reason, why unchecked exceptions are used in devon4j
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 2020.04.001. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 2020.04.001.
Bugfix release:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 3.2.1. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 3.2.1.
The following changes have been incorporated in devon4j:
#140: Completed full support from Java8 to Java11
#96: Several security fixes
#163: Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.9
#163: Upgrade to Spring 5.1.8
#130: Upgrade to JUnit 5 (requires migration via devonfw-ide)
#150: Improved JPA support for IdRef
#47: Improved auditing metadata support
#140: Many improvements to documentation (added JDK guide, architecture-mapping, JMS, etc.)
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 3.2.0. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 3.2.0.
Bugfix release for security fixes:
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 3.1.1. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 3.1.1.
The following changes have been incorporated in devon4j:
#16: Added Support for Java8 up to Java11
#111: Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.6.
#111: Upgrade to Spring 5.1.8
#12: Upgrade to JPA 2.2
#12: Upgrade to Hibernate 5.3
#72: Upgrade to Dozer 6.4.1 (ATTENTION: Requires Migration, use devon-ide for automatic upgrade)
#101: Many improvements to documentation (added JDK guide, architecture-mapping, JMS, etc.)
#106: Completed support (JSON, Beanmapping) for pagination, IdRef, and java.time
#32: Added MasterCto
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 3.1.1. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 3.1.0.
Bugfix release :
#93: Update to latest spring-boot 2.0.x for bugfix release devon4j 3.0.x
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 3.0.2.
Bugfix release :
#48: Fixed NPE for uuid instance
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 3.0.1.
The following changes have been incorporated in devon4j:
If you want to upgrade from oasp4j to devon4j, please consider the migration guide.
Documentation is available at devon4j guide 3.0.0. The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone devon4j 3.0.0. and milestone oasp4j 3.0.0
Note : If you want to upgrade devon4j version in your project, please see