Releases: dhis2/app-runtime
Releases · dhis2/app-runtime
3.0.0 (2021-09-07)
Bug Fixes
- dependencies: add optional cli-app-scripts peer dependency requirement (32733b5)
- logging: silence react-query logger by default (aa3dc1c)
- refetch: force refetch when variables resolve to identical query key (524eb3e)
- use-data-query: drop context sharing (f9af172)
- use-data-query: enable swr by default (76cb34a)
- use-data-query: only set variables if they've changed (e96d984)
- use-data-query: throw more specific error on serialization failure (35a6b28)
- use-data-query: use isFetching for loading state (728f346)
- use-data-query: use local stable value hashing function (147ba28)
- use-data-query: use ref to store variables hash (3025dc7)
- use-data-query: list breaking changes (89cb1e6)
- custom-data-provider: include react-query provider in custom-data-provider (99ff732)
- custom-data-provider: use query client defaults for custom data provider (a566c4d)
- data-provider: enable context sharing (2018513)
- use-data-query: set conservative defaults for caching (e5e4f69)
- use-data-query: use react-query to cache queries (87fdcd8)
- use-data-query: loading will only be set to true when fetching and if there is no data. If there
is data, loading will be false during fetching. This means that stale data will be shown during
fetches by default. If you'd like to opt out of showing stale data during loading you can use the
attribute that is now returned by the useDataQuery hook instead. - use-data-query: If you're using cli-app-scripts, these changes need @dhis2/cli-app-scripts version
7.1.1 or above. Since this is an optional peer-dependency you'll need to ensure you're using the
proper version. - use-data-query: The DataProvider is now a required parent for all components that use the
useDataQuery hook. For apps that use the dhis2 app-platform this will be done automatically, but
for libraries (and storybook testing) you'll have to do this manually. - use-data-query: The variables supplied to refetch are not allowed to contain circular references.
- use-data-query: The data and error values will not be cleared during a refetch (this allows for
the opt-in stale-while-revalidate). This means that logic that relies on data or error being
cleared during a refetch will now behave differently. For example, placing an if condition that
checks if there is an error before a condition that checks for loading will now keep showing the
error during a refetch, instead of showing the loading spinner. - use-data-query: There have been issues reported where yarn v1 had trouble installing the correct
babel dependencies. For the situations where that occured, deduplicating the yarn.lock resolved the
issue. - use-data-query: There is a rare but unresolved issue where it's possible for the timing in tests
to behave differently from the timing in apps. This happens for tests that expect loading to be set
to true immediately after calling refetch. Changing such an assertion to an assertion that waits
for loading to eventually be true, i.e. @testing-library/react's waitFor(), resolves this issue.
3.0.0-beta.2 (2021-09-07)
Bug Fixes
- use-data-query: enable swr by default (76cb34a)
- use-data-query: loading will only be set to true when fetching and if there is no data. If there
is data, loading will be false during fetching. This means that stale data will be shown during
fetches by default. If you'd like to opt out of showing stale data during loading you can use the
attribute that is now returned by the useDataQuery hook instead.
3.0.0-beta.1 (2021-09-02)
- use-data-query: list breaking changes (89cb1e6)
- use-data-query: If you're using cli-app-scripts, these changes need @dhis2/cli-app-scripts version
7.1.1 or above. Since this is an optional peer-dependency you'll need to ensure you're using the
proper version. - use-data-query: The DataProvider is now a required parent for all components that use the
useDataQuery hook. For apps that use the dhis2 app-platform this will be done automatically, but
for libraries (and storybook testing) you'll have to do this manually. - use-data-query: The variables supplied to refetch are not allowed to contain circular references.
- use-data-query: The data and error values will not be cleared during a refetch (this allows for
the opt-in stale-while-revalidate). This means that logic that relies on data or error being
cleared during a refetch will now behave differently. For example, placing an if condition that
checks if there is an error before a condition that checks for loading will now keep showing the
error during a refetch, instead of showing the loading spinner. - use-data-query: There have been issues reported where yarn v1 had trouble installing the correct
babel dependencies. For the situations where that occured, deduplicating the yarn.lock resolved the
issue. - use-data-query: There is a rare but unresolved issue where it's possible for the timing in tests
to behave differently from the timing in apps. This happens for tests that expect loading to be set
to true immediately after calling refetch. Changing such an assertion to an assertion that waits
for loading to eventually be true, i.e. @testing-library/react's waitFor(), resolves this issue.
2.9.0-beta.7 (2021-08-12)
Bug Fixes
- use-data-query: throw more specific error on serialization failure (35a6b28)