Tool box to generate and manage dummy data in Tracker
Python 3.6+ is required.
Use the package manager pip to install required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create/modify auth.json file containing the credentials of the default server to use. Use a Superuser account and provide the full URL without the /api part. See example below:
"dhis": {
"baseurl": "",
"username": "admin",
"password": "district"
positional mandatory arguments:
dataset_param UIDs of dataSets to generate for separated by commas, or a prefix to filter the dataSets by name, e.g. HIV
optional arguments:
-h, --help show the help message and exit
-i instance to provide a URL that overrides the one provided in baseurl of auth.json. Credentials are still taken from auth file
-sd START_DATE data generated will start from start date
-ed END_DATE data will be generated until end date, being today the default date to use if not specified
-ptf PERIOD_TYPE_FILTER can be d, w, m, q, y this options allows processing only dataSets for a specific time frequency from all the dataSets which will match the prefix search
-ous TYPE VALUE this parameters is used to specify the OUs which data will be generated for. From all the options available:
type=uid value is a comma separated list of OU uids to use
type=uid_children uses the children OUs of OU specified by a list of parent UIDs separated by commas
type=name uses the OU given by a list of names separated by commas
type=ilike uses a keyword to search for OUs by name (not case sensitive)
type=code a list of one or more OU codes to use separated by commas
type=group uses all OU in an OU group identied by UID. If providing a list of OU group UIDs (separated by comma), then uses OUs within any of those groups.
-ours Specify the size of the random OUs to use, i.e. if the selection of OUs returned by -ous parameter is greater than the size value specified after -ours, a random subset is choseh of size specified
type=level all OUs in a specific OU level
-cf [FILE_NAME] create a flat file with DEs and COCs to allow specifying value ranges.The file name can be specified as parameter. This operation won't create any dummy data
-uf FILE_NAME uses a previously created (using cf) spreadsheet with value ranges to generate the dummy data
python Lt6P15ps7f6 -sd=2021-01-01 -ed=2021-04-30 -ous level 4 -ours 30
python HIV -sd=2021-01-01 -ous name "Health facility" -uf test.csv
python HIV -cf hiv_dataset_value_ranges.csv -i=